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Crysis 179 Heavy Rain

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    The moment he saw clearly what was falling on the roof, Zhang Lang let out a cry of panic and instinctively wanted to retreat.  But in his hurry, he forgot that he was on the stairs. As a result, his center of gravity became unstable and he fell backwards, rolling down the stairs like a gourd.

    While the grenade with the safety pin removed was still rolling downwards, Hong Ting, who had quick hands, had already taken a step forward to grab it in his hand, and was about to throw it back.  However, as soon as the grenade left Hong Ting's hand, it exploded after flying less than two meters!

    The fragments of the high-explosive grenade scattered in all directions, most of which were blocked by Hong Ting and the others in front.  Only a small piece bounced off the wall twice, leaving a deep wound on Shangguanhai's arm that was not protected by a body armor.

    Hong Ting, who was closest to the center of the grenade explosion, was knocked over by the blast and fell to the ground. Seven or eight grenade fragments were inserted into his nanosuit, but looking at him shaking his head and trying to stand up, he probably didn't suffer.  What an injury.


    He An cursed and quickly ran upstairs past the crowd.  When he just realized that someone on the top of the building wanted to start the helicopter, he understood one thing, one thing that they all ignored!

    Those soldiers parasitized by the brain-eating insects had indeed lost contact with the military headquarters, so He An and the others subconsciously believed that it was impossible for these insects to receive the news that Linhai City was about to be destroyed.  But they forgot that this loss of contact may be unilateral. The communicators on their bodies were not unable to receive messages from the army, but they were just unwilling to respond.

    If this is the case, then these soldiers parasitized by brain-eating worms must have also learned the news that Linhai City was about to be destroyed. Previously, they were unable to leave alone due to the control of the God Lord.  Now that the Lord God is dead, although they are insects, they are also intelligent insects.  Judging from the behavior of the brain-eating worm that parasitized Xiaoling's body in the supermarket, this kind of worm is far more afraid of death than humans, so they will never sit still and wait for death!

    Now, the only means of transportation that can leave Linhai City in a short time are the three helicopters parked on the roof!

    Judging from what He An has seen and heard, these bugs will only take over and control the host's body after devouring human brains, but will not inherit the host's memory.  Even if there is, it is only a very small part.  So just now He An and Hong Zhi noticed that the helicopter engine was running very slowly. Maybe these bugs didn't know how to fly a helicopter and were slowly trying.

    So, He An and the others still have time.  As long as you get to the top of the building before these bugs are trying to get the helicopter to fly, you can take the helicopter back!

    If these bugs drive away in a helicopter, then people like myself will be really doomed!

    Hong Zhi could naturally think of He An's thoughts. Her face wrapped in the nanosuit helmet instantly became ugly, and she gave orders to Hong Xing, who wanted to follow He An and run upstairs.  After Hongxing split the tempered glass on the window next to them into pieces with a sickle, Hongzhi followed the window to the outside of the building, and climbed upstairs along the outside of the wall with all four limbs like a real spider.

    Hong Zhi¡¯s progress on the wall was not much slower than on the ground. It seemed that she was a hundred meters above the ground and the outside of the building without any insurance measures had no impact on her.  Hong Zhi moved forward quickly one level at a time, and she could reach the top of the building immediately. She could even hear the rotation of the propeller of a helicopter that had started on the top of the building.

    Just when Hong Zhi crawled to the forty-fifth floor, he suddenly stagnated and immediately moved his body to the side.  At the same time, a burst of violent gunfire suddenly rang out from the corridor window, and a large number of bullets shattered the glass and flew towards Hongzhi in dense numbers!

    The glass on the outside of the municipal building is one-way viewing glass. People inside can see outside, but people outside cannot see inside.  It was naturally impossible for Hong Zhi to see several soldiers parasitized by brain-eating insects in the corridor through the glass just now, but her keen sense of sound wave vibrations still allowed her to very clearly sense the other side of the glass when her nerves were highly tense.  There was a slight clicking sound at the position.

    This sound is very familiar to Hong Zhi. It is the slight sound made when the firing pin of the rifle starts to move.  In other words, in the short time it took for the firing pin to move and hit the bullet primer, Hong Zhi dodged to the side dangerously and avoided most of the rifle bullets.

    Although the remaining bullets hit Hong Zhi, they were not scary at all to her wearing a nanosuit, and they only caused a slight pain.  Just when Hong Zhi had a murderous intention in his eyes and was about to jump into the corridor through the window broken by bullets and kill the brain-eating insect soldiers who were still shooting, he heard someone inside shouting: "Bullets have no effect on her, use cryo  bomb!"

    When Hongzhi heard the shouting, his eyes twitched and he tried to avoid his current position.  If she is hit by a cryo bomb, although she will not be immediately frozen into a popsicle thanks to the protection of the nanosuit, she will definitely?There will be a loss of mobility.  At an altitude of 100 meters above the ground, the only outcome of losing the ability to move is to fall to the ground and turn into a puddle of meat!

    But just when Hong Zhi was about to move, he heard the voice that had just shouted scream, followed by He An laughing arrogantly.  It turned out that He An went up the stairs and first chased and killed the brain-eating worm soldier who had just thrown a grenade against them. However, he found that there was a group of brain-eating worm soldiers here who wanted to use cryo bombs to deal with Hong Zhi, and immediately took action to kill the brain-eating worm soldier.  Kill the brainworm.

    With a click, he broke the neck of the brain-eating insect soldier who was loading the frozen grenade. He An shouted out the window: "Quickly stop those insects flying the helicopter. Leave this to me!"

    Hong Zhi knew that now was not the time to be polite, so she shouted "Be careful" and immediately continued to move towards the roof of the building without hesitation.

    The brain-eating insect soldiers who were attacked from behind also reacted at this time, and at the same time they shouted and shot at He An.  He An grinned ferociously and held the brain-eating worm soldier whose neck he had broken in front of him to act as a shield. He ignored the fact that the poor corpse was riddled with holes and picked up the brain-eating worm soldier's neck with one hand.  The rifle fired wildly at the other side!

    As the fire flashed, all the bullets in the rifle magazine were poured into the crowd on the opposite side by He Security Department.  Those brain-eating worm soldiers were wearing the same special combat uniforms as He An. If ordinary people wearing this kind of combat uniforms were hit by rifle bullets, they might be unable to continue fighting due to pain, but those brain-eating worms had no such concerns.  .  Therefore, He An, whose accuracy was extremely poor, fired all the magazines, but not a single bullet hit the opponent's head. The brain-eating worm soldiers still shot at He An with vigor and vigor.

    However, these brain-eating insects that suppressed He An with bullets and were unable to move forward were not real soldiers after all. They only wanted to pull the trigger and kill the enemy, but they ignored the most basic common sense for soldiers-split in groups.  Change the magazine!

    If a group of human soldiers were here, they would definitely leave a few soldiers behind, and then shoot to suppress the enemy when their comrades are out of bullets.  But these brain-eating bugs obviously don't have this concept, so after the first brain-eating bug's bullets were empty, the bullets of other brain-eating bugs were all empty one after another.  At this time, the first brain-eating insect that had emptied its bullet was still clumsily placing the magazine!

    When the last gunshot stopped, He An, whose face was stained by the blood splattered by the 'shield' in front of him, chuckled, took off the sunglasses on his face and threw them on the ground, his blood-red eyes slowly narrowed: "You guys  No fight, right? It's my turn!"

    Before He An could finish his words, he had already thrown out the corpse in his hand that had no apparent appearance.  He An's accuracy in throwing things was much better than when he fired. The tattered cotton-like corpse hit a brain-eating worm standing next to the broken window with incomparable accuracy, causing the brain-eating worm to  Unable to stand still, he screamed in fear and fell out!

    He An laughed loudly and shouted "One"!  In a flash, the figure had moved to the side of the brain-eating insect closest to him. When the brain-eating insect fled in panic, the bone blades growing on its wrists had already penetrated the opponent's temples on both sides.  Then he ignored the brain-eating worms lying limply on the ground and threw the bone blade that separated from his lower wrist like a dart, hitting the foreheads of the other two brain-eating worms that had just changed their magazines!




    Every time He An shouts, it means that a brain-eating insect has completely disappeared from the world. Without the advantage of numbers and firearms suppression, these brain-eating insect soldiers are just ordinary people with less pain.  They have absolutely no ability to fight back against He An now.  Even the brain-eating insect who went to the back to change the magazine forgot to shoot out of fear, and wanted to escape from here in a panic.  But as expected, He An chased and killed them all one by one.

    When He An crushed the head of the last brain-eating insect that was lying on the ground and begging for mercy, Zhang Hao and the others caught up with him panting.  Seeing the corpses with broken heads all over the ground, and the insects exposed from the corpses' broken skulls, Zhang Hao and the others couldn't help but feel nauseated.  Unfortunately, He An was still standing among these corpses, looking quite enjoying himself.

    Seeing Zhang Hao and others coming in, He An immediately lowered his head and covered his blood-red eyes.  After learning that Shangguan Hai, whose arm had been bandaged by Ekaterina, was fine, He An glanced at Zhang Lang, who was covering the back of his head: "Are you okay?"

    Zhang Lang made a sound and hurriedly said: "It's okay, it's just a little knock. It's not a problem. My favorite "One Piece" is not finished yet, and the "Zero" I admire the most is still being serialized. I won't die so easily.  It fell."

    He An didn¡¯t listen to the rest of Zhang Lang¡¯s words at all. He just asked casually.  Before Zhang Lang could finish speaking, He An interrupted him and said: "Captain Hongzhi has already gone up first, let's go quickly."

    As soon as He An finished speaking, he heard the sound of helicopter propellers coming from far away through the window with his back to him. He An immediately turned his head and looked at something bad.  An armed helicopter was floating crookedly outside the broken window, and the slowly rotating six-sensor machine gun above had pointed its dark muzzle at everyone!

    When He An's pupils shrank and shouted "Get out of the way", a burst of gunfire like a rainstorm suddenly sounded from the helicopter!??

    As soon as He An finished speaking, he heard the sound of helicopter propellers coming from far away through the window with his back to him. He An immediately turned his head and looked at something bad.  An armed helicopter was floating crookedly outside the broken window, and the slowly rotating six-sensor machine gun above had pointed its dark muzzle at everyone!

    When He An's pupils shrank and shouted "Get out of the way", a burst of gunfire like a rainstorm suddenly sounded from the helicopter!
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