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Crysis 162 God Lord¡¯s Trap and Purpose

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    When he saw Hong Zhi pointing her finger towards the city center, He An had already vaguely guessed what she was going to say.  Sure enough, Hongzhi also knew that now was not the time to sell out, and said very simply: "Last night, the army sent a Jinpeng helicopter to the municipal building to pick up the trapped government officials, but the helicopter was intercepted by the giant we saw.  The monster was destroyed. I originally thought that those officials had died in the line of duty after such a long time, but in the morning the satellite detected a distress signal from humans on the roof of the building. So the army once again sent three helicopters to the municipal building, but unfortunately, although they were not destroyed  But when they landed on the roof of the building, the soldiers on the plane who went to rescue them lost contact with the headquarters."

    "I'm afraid those soldiers have died, but the three helicopters standing on the roof are still there. We only need to get there within half an hour before the government launches the purge, and we can leave safely."

    Then Hong Zhi looked at the time: "It is now 12:45 noon. There are still five hours and fifteen minutes before the government launches the purge. In general, the time is sufficient. Everyone will rest here for ten minutes.  , replenish your strength and water, there won¡¯t be any delay for the rest of the journey.¡±

    After finishing speaking, Hong Zhi sat down on a relatively clean ground nearby, took a box of canned beef from Red Bull, turned a blind eye to the dead zombies on the ground, used a dagger to cut a cross-shaped opening on the mouth of the can, and ate it in big mouthfuls.  got up.

    The three people who had just gone through a brutal fight seemed fine, but the high-intensity exercise for ten consecutive minutes still consumed a lot of their physical strength.  Although the zombies cannot break through the protection of the nanosuit and cause harm to them, chopping down hundreds of grassroots in a row can tire people to death, let alone chopping down zombies?

    When He An went to the zoo to collect blood samples from mutated animals in the morning, he saw several helicopters flying over, targeting the city center.  Now it seems that the soldiers on the helicopter must be in danger, and the living people detected by the satellite that Hongzhi said may have become zombie food or the host of brain-eating insects.

    Thinking of this, He An suddenly felt something was wrong. He always felt that he had vaguely overlooked something very important.  But this kind of thought just flashed through my mind. When I wanted to reach out and grab it, I couldn't find the feeling just now.

    After his eyes glanced at Xiaoling's body lying on the ground not far away, He An's head banged and he finally understood what he had just ignored!

    The distress signal on the roof, the brain-eating worms, the zombies heading to the seaside in an organized way, and the god!

    Connecting these four conditions, He An suddenly felt that his throat that had just drank water began to dry up again, so that he had to swallow hard before he made a slightly dry voice: "Captain Hongzhi"  ¡­¡±

    Hong Zhi, who was eating to regain his strength, raised his head, looked at He An and said, "What's wrong?"

    He An collected his thoughts for a moment, moved the zombies at his feet aside, cleared a clearing, dipped his hand in the blood of a zombie who had been shot in the chest, and wrote the word "official" on the ground.  Then under the confused eyes of Hongzhi and others, He An wrote the words "brain-eating worm", "zombie", "god master" and "helicopter" next to the official.  Then He An said to Hong Zhi: "I think your army has overlooked one thing, and that is the brain-eating worms that can occupy the human body, and the god who can control the brain-eating worms and zombies."

    As he spoke, He An pointed an arrow at the 'zombie' and pointed at the 'official': "Think about it, how did these government officials persist in surviving when the entire city was infected by zombies? I think they have  There can't be too many guards, and this is at a time when such mutated zombies are emerging in endlessly."

    Then He An pointed the 'brain-eating worm' at the 'officials' and said: "The reason why those zombies did not attack these officials is obvious. These officials have already turned into their own kind, and their bodies have been taken over by brain-eating worms!  "

    He An waved his hand to stop Hong Zhi who wanted to speak, and drew an arrow between the words 'brain-eating worm' and 'zombie' to point to the 'God Lord': "I think you already know the existence of this God Lord. What is it?  I don¡¯t know what it is, but it can control brain-eating insects and zombies, and everyone knows that it obeys its orders. In addition, Captain Red Weaver, as you just said, the army found that some zombies are organized  Heading to the seaside, how can these zombies who only know how to act on instinct have an 'organization'? The only explanation is the result of the manipulation of this god."

    "So -" He An pointed an arrow at the 'God Lord' and pointed it at the 'Helicopter': "This God Lord is actually not satisfied with occupying just one city in Linhai City. It is very ambitious and wants to spread the virus to the surrounding areas and even to the surrounding areas.  Further away. And from what I know about it, although I don¡¯t know its specific details, I know that it has the intellectual level of an ordinary person.?.  It's easy to use some simple tricks and put some bait to lure people who don't know the details to come to your door.  "

    "Actually, those government officials were dead long ago. The distress signal discovered by the army was sent by officials who had been parasitized by brain-eating worms. I am afraid that the god master also knew that the government would not abandon these officials easily, and if they came to rescue, this  In this case, the people from the army can only come by helicopter. As long as the ambition of this god-lord is connected with the helicopter"

    When He An said this, everyone around him was not an idiot and understood what he meant.  According to He An, the god actually used government officials as bait and asked the army to 'send' several helicopters.  As for the reason why it wants the helicopter, it is probably to allow it or the zombies it controls to leave Linhai City without water and spread the virus to other places.

    It seems that this god has little patience and cannot wait until the zombies he controls adapt to the salt of the sea.  I'm afraid it can also vaguely realize that the human government cannot sit idly by and ignore the city like this. It will definitely take some action. The acquisition of helicopters may be to leave a way out for itself.

    But this statement is just He An's guess. No one knows the details, and there is also a loophole in it: since the god wants to leave, why not take a boat?  If there were originally warships around, but now they have all been withdrawn, how can it be easier to drive a boat than a helicopter, right?

    So even though He An was right, everyone still didn't want to believe it.  If He An's guess is true, then the helicopter at the municipal building will definitely be guarded by the god's "heavy troops", and it is almost impossible for them to leave smoothly.

    Anyone who knows that their only escape route may be gone will not accept it so easily.

    Seeing the changes in the faces of the people around him, He Fang shrugged his shoulders in a relaxed manner: "These are just my personal guesses after all. Maybe I'm overthinking. After all, if the God Lord really wants to leave, taking a boat is definitely better than waiting for a helicopter.  Is it convenient to come?"

    "No, you are right."

    The voice coming from the corner made everyone turn to look, but it was Hongyue with an expressionless face. She glanced at He An and then said slowly: "I can sense that that guy is under the building we are going to.  It is very angry now, maybe because of the killing of one of its men just now, or maybe because of other things"

    Hongyue frowned and slowly closed her eyes. Everyone else in the supermarket immediately became quiet when they saw her like this. They all held their breath and looked at her. Even Hongxing, who had been eating chocolate beans, became quiet.

    Not long after, Hongyue, with her eyes closed, slowly said: "It longs for something. Without that thing, it can't leave, and it can't even move It's afraid, and it has discovered  It is worried about the evacuation of warships"

    "It obtained three helicopters through decoys, but now it is impossible for it to leave by helicopter because it lacks a very key thing, a living thing, a carrier that can allow it to leave What exactly is this thing?  , I can feel that it wants this thing very much, but I can¡¯t penetrate too deep into its thinkingit found me!¡±

    Hongxing¡¯s eyelashes suddenly trembled violently, and there was a hint of pain between his brows.  A moment later, under the worried gazes of everyone, Hongyue suddenly opened her eyes. During the period when she closed her eyes just now, the color of her pupils turned into a strange silvery white again.

    Hong Yue waved her hand to Hong Zhi, who showed concern, and said she was fine. After taking a few deep breaths, Hong Yue's pupil color finally returned to normal.  Under He An's surprised gaze, Hongyue slowly pointed her finger at him and said, "That guy you call the God Lord wants you. You are the key to leaving this city!"

    (Ready to start filling in the holes)
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