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    Little Warlord "Little Warlord" finale

    Eighteen atomic bombs are enough to destroy everything!

    What matters is not how many people died, but the psychologically devastating destruction it brought to a country!  The United States, the once behemoth, has completely collapsed!

    Tens of millions of people are dead and missing, and countless families have been destroyed. Americans now have no fear, all they have is numbness and despair.

    They believe the end has come, and of course, this is just for the United States.

    Now they finally understand why the Chinese are so desperate to seize air supremacy, and finally understand why the Chinese have not carried out landing operations for so long.

    But, it¡¯s already too late

    June 1 is the deadline for the United States after the atomic bombing. Once the Chinese goals are once again unable to be met, everyone knows what the United States will face.

    The U.S. government decided not to be political anymore, and Americans decided not to struggle anymore. They decided to make the wisest decision:


    Although this sounds embarrassing, does the United States have any other choice other than this?

    No, no more

    On June 9, 1944, the United States of America announced its surrender to the Axis Powers.

    The war is finally over

    On September 1, 1939, Germany used the Blitzkrieg to invade Poland. Two days later, Britain and France declared war on Germany.  This marked the official start of World War II.

    Countless countries were involved in this war.  Countless soldiers and civilians died.  War brings huge destruction to the whole world, but it is something that can never be avoided.

    In June 1944, after China dropped eighteen atomic bombs on the United States, the United States, the last remaining Allied country to resist, announced its surrender, marking the beginning of World War II.

    You can blame Germany for starting the war.  You can also blame China for using such a terrible weapon as the atomic bomb, but you can't blame the winner.

    history.  It is always written by the victors.

    Mexico has successfully obtained New Mexico and other lands that originally belonged to them. Of course, this cannot be achieved until the terrible nuclear contamination has passed.

    The place that was bombed by the atomic bomb.  I'm afraid no one would dare to go in.

    China is already preparing to establish its own permanent military bases in American cities that have not been exposed to nuclear contamination.  After all, although the war is over, the order in the United States still needs China to maintain.

    The issue of war reparations needs to be negotiated jointly by the victorious countries and the defeated countries such as the United States, Britain and France. This is a matter for the Chinese Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, and does not need to be worried by the president.

    Soon after the war ended, Hawaii was announced to be annexed to China and became the Chinese City of Hawaii.

    Yes, it is indeed a tourist resort.  However, the atomic bombing not only destroyed the United States, but also had a certain negative impact on the Chinese.

    Those rumors of "nuclear pollution" and "nuclear radiation" have reached the ears of the Chinese people.  This caused a lot of panic among the Chinese people.  Hawaii is so close to the United States. God knows whether the nuclear contamination and radiation will float to Hawaii.

    ¡° If the Chinese people can put aside their worries and fully develop Hawaii¡¯s tourism resources, the Chinese tourism department will have to think hard.

    On June 11, 1944, Wang Hengyue, President of the Republic of China, and Adolf Hitler, Head of the German Empire, jointly issued the "Nanjing-Berlin Victory Declaration":

    "Victory belongs to the Republic of China, victory belongs to the German EmpireVictory belongs to all members of the Axis PowersThis is the greatest victory in human history, and also the most incredible victory in human history,  A brand new order will be realized under the joint leadership of China and Germany!

    We will do our best.  In order to maintain world peace and rebuild a new world order, we will do our best to bring the world back on track and let people all over the world feel the light of peace.  This process will be very long and arduous, but we are confident that we can do it, and we are equally confident that people around the world can lead China and Germany to achieve this goal. This will inevitably become a great moment  ¡±

    This is a declaration of victory and can also be seen as the beginning of a new world order.

    Wang Hengyue went from one peak to another. When this day came, he finally stood at an unprecedented height.

    His name is bound to be remembered by history and from generation to generation.

    &nIt will surely flourish with an unstoppable momentum.

    By then they will talk about themselves, maybe with praise or abuse, but what does it matter?  I have been here, walked through, cried, laughed, fought, worked hard

    ¡°I am not ashamed of this country, and everything is worth it to me.

    This is the end of one legend and the beginning of another.  Yes, everything has just begun.

    Wang Hengyue turned his head, with a proud smile on his face: "Our story will never be forgotten by anyone!"

    (The book "Little Warlord" is complete, please continue to support Spider's new book "Qiang Ming"! Thank you all brothers for accompanying you in "Little Warlord" these days!) (To be continued)


    {Piaotia Literature thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}
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