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Chapter 986 The Gap of the Abyss (Second update please subscribe)

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    This white armored warrior with a cross pattern on his chest is no stranger to Su Li. This is the auxiliary god of the all-powerful Senluo in the sky. They are all perfect existences of Senluo. They are only a hair away from the true god.

    However, how could these auxiliary gods appear in the Saha God's Heaven, and a white altar also appeared.

    There was a person sitting cross-legged on the altar. Su Li recognized him from a distance. This person was the King of Light.

    Being able to sit on the altar, the King of Light now possesses the divinity of the Heavenly Department, and he has become the true God of the Heavenly Department.

    "The King of Light has become a true godand the altar is still here. Could it be that the Ministry of Heaven sent him here to monitor all the movements of Saha God?"

    Su Li pondered slightly, which made him more cautious.

    Although it was easy to hide it from the eyes and ears of the King of Light, what he was afraid of was that the other party had a more terrifying back-up plan. If there was a main god or even a totem hidden here, then he might be discovered if he was careless. Although this kind of  The possibility was less than one in ten thousand, but Su Li was still extra cautious.

    Quietly avoiding the altar where the King of Light is, Su Li quietly passed through the black light curtain and entered the Saha Heaven.

    When he arrived at Saha God's Heaven, feeling the passage of time in Saha God's Heaven, he understood immediately.

    At this moment, one hundred and sixty-two years have passed since the last time he left the Saha God.

    He has been trapped in Moxi for so long?

    If calculated based on the time of this universe, he is now two hundred and seven years old.

    For an ordinary human being, he would have died of old age long ago. Even a first-level boundary breaker has a maximum lifespan of only two hundred years. Unless he reaches a fifth-level boundary breaker, his lifespan can be increased to 300 years.

    Of course, for Su Li, who has now been promoted to the fourth level of true god, his ultimate life span has reached 191,000 years. These two hundred and seven years are not much different from his infancy.

    Su Li prevented the Heavenly Ministry from tampering with the Saha God. He did not directly release the Wu Nian Thought Realm to gain insight into the entire Saha God, but quietly entered the human world.  &#29306&#22914&#32&#98&#97&#111&#108&#97&#105&#120&#115&#119&#46&#99&#111&#109&#32&#29306&#22914

    More than a hundred years have passed, and he misses those relatives and friends very much. He doesn¡¯t know what happened to Shui Jue and Gong Xiao.

    Arriving quietly at the Holy Court, Su Li immediately felt that those who had received his help, such as Ding Longyun, Ding siblings, Fulong, Ge An, Xu Haihaii, Zhang Haohao, Gao Shengyi, Mo Liudao, etc., were all promoted.  For the thirty-level ultimate god.

    Everyone is stuck at the level of the Ultimate God and cannot cut the path.

    Su Limingbai, with their qualifications, it is difficult to kill Tao on their own, unless they get his help, or enter the Wanxiang Senluo of the ancestral tribe, become an auxiliary god, and get the divine power of the true god to feed back, so that there is hope for promotion.

    But now he is not going to show up in front of everyone, and it is not easy to help them for the time being.

    He did not sense the auras of Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao and Shui Qilin.

    With his heart moving slightly, he quietly appeared in front of Ding Longyun.

    Ding Longyun is now a big shot in the Holy Court. He has his own independent palace and a group of subordinate gods. Li Xiaoya has also been taken into the palace to live by him.

    Ding Longyun is more than ten years older than Su Li, and is now over two hundred years old.

    He was promoted to the Ultimate God very early, but after that he was unable to break through or cut the path.

    Later, he gradually stopped thinking about Zhan Dao. He understood that he could reach such a state of cultivation today only because of Su Li's ability. Now more than a hundred years have passed, and Su Li has not appeared, and none of them have  Not knowing the situation in Su Li, many people even doubted whether something happened to Su Li. Otherwise, even if they didn't come to see them, they wouldn't have stopped visiting Jiang Shuijue for more than a hundred years.

    At this moment, the atmosphere in the palace was a bit solemn. Ding Longyun was sitting at the top with a somewhat ugly look on his face.

    Over the years, although a large number of level 30 ultimate gods have appeared in the human world, it should be said that their strength has reached the top of all worlds, but this is not the case. ãá reduce .co m ãá

    Among the various realms, several realms have suddenly emerged, and characters of Zhan Dao have been born. Even if a group of extreme gods appear in the human world, they cannot defeat a Zhan Dao. The battles between the various realms have become more and more intense in recent years.

    It is said that behind these battles, there is the shadow of the King of Light.

    At this moment, Ding Longyun was very depressed. He suddenly felt energy fluctuations in the surrounding space. He became alert and stood up immediately. Suddenly, an invisible force appeared and forced him to sit down again.

    Facing this force, he had no ability to resist at all. He was shocked and was about to askAppearing deep under the water in Nanjiang City, a vague aura was caught.

    This aura is that of Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao and Shui Qilin.

    "Huh? They are"

    Su Li sensed this aura, and Wu Nian Xiangyu immediately focused on it, and saw a huge dark abyss under the water. They should have entered the dark abyss under the water.

    "Is the Qilin Tomb in the dark abyss under the water? I heard from Brother Ding that they have been away for many years. Is it possible that they haven't found it in all these years?"

    Su Li pondered, and slowly observed that the dark abyss under the water was shrinking and undulating slightly, like the cavity wall of a living creature.

    He suddenly remembered that before he left Nanjiang City, he once went deep into the water and discovered an unknown meat mountain at the bottom of the water.

    This mountain of meat later turned into a giant face, it was Yu Tu.

    It was this underwater gap that was blocked by the meat mountain back then. This gap was regarded as the entrance to the abyss, and a large number of abyssal insect eggs spewed out from it.

    Now that Su Li felt familiar, he finally remembered that the dark abyss where the auras of Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao and Shui Qilin remained was exactly the gap that Yu Tu had blocked by manifesting his body into a mountain of flesh.

    "Yu Tu's body was divided into several pieces, and his head turned into a mountain of flesh to block the gap. As Yu Tu's identity, the gap in the abyss is related to it. I'm afraid it's not simple. Qilin Tomb"

    After thinking for a moment, Su Li appeared at the bottom of Nanjiang City in the next second, observing the abyss gap at the bottom of the water.

    Around the gap in the abyss, there were some intestinal-like substances floating. Suli recognized them. These were the intestines of the abyss. It was said to be a product of the abyss and could change the surrounding environment to adapt to the survival of abyssal creatures.

    Su Li did not look at the intestines of the abyss. His eyes shot out divine light and looked inside along the gap in the abyss.

    At this moment, the auras of the two women and Shui Qilin he sensed were stronger than before. He was certain that they and Shui Qilin were deep in the gap of the abyss.

    Thinking that he could not contact them with the purple crystal, Su Li was a little worried. He no longer hesitated and entered the abyss gap with a thought.

    Entering it, you can see that the surrounding cave walls are squirming slightly, which looks like the body of some kind of creature.

    The surrounding cave walls are slightly pink.

    He is no stranger to this kind of pink.

    Back then, he and a group of newcomers, led by the leader Mo Liudao, followed the guts of the abyss covering the water into Nanjiang City. When the guts of the abyss were exploded, a large amount of pink with a strange fragrance would spew out from inside.  color matter.

    He didn¡¯t think much about it before and just thought it was a product from the abyss, but now he looked at the pink color of the cave walls around him and thought of the pink substance in the intestines of the abyss, and something suddenly occurred to him.

    The mysterious energy controlled by the Xu family is also pink in color. Is there any connection between the two?  Or is it just pure coincidence?

    "It is indeed strange to say Yu Tu is a subordinate of the Youxu family. It was divided into several pieces for unknown reasons. The piece belonging to its head blocked the gap in the abyss. However, the inner wall of the gap in the abyss,  This kind of pink color is the same as the pink energy color controlled by the Youxu clanThe intestines of the abyss can also emit pink energy"

    Continuously sinking, Su Li looked at the slightly squirming pink cavity walls all around, feeling the auras of Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao and Shui Qilin gradually getting stronger, and understood that they should be not far below.

    The space below gradually became larger, and Su Li saw that the bottom was shrouded in a layer of faint pink light mist. This layer of pink light mist made Su Li feel a little uneasy.

    Before, whether it was the intestines of the abyss or the pink color of the surrounding cavity walls, they were only the same color as the energy controlled by Youxu, but now in the layer of pink light mist below, Su Li felt a trace of it for the first time.  Familiar energy fluctuations.

    The energy fluctuations of the pink light mist below are almost from the same source as the pink energy controlled by Youxu.

    "How is this going?"

    Mi He Mi.  Su Li became a little confused and became more and more cautious.

    Use the Wu Nian Thought Domain to converge your aura, hide your figure, and then carefully pass through the pink light mist below.

    Entering the pink light mist, this feeling is even stronger. Su Li can already confirm that the energy contained in this pink light mist is indeed the same as the energy controlled by Youxu.

    Su Li is full of respect for the Youxu family. He also believes that the Youxu family will not have any ill intentions towards him, but why does this pink mist have the same origin as the energy she controls?

    Through this layer of pink light mist, going down, Suli sensed that the space below was getting bigger and bigger. Two divine lights shot out from his eyes, and some vague black shadows could be vaguely seen, which seemed to be some buildings

    (Remember the website address: light mist continued downwards, and Su Li sensed that the space below was getting larger and larger. Two divine lights shot out from his eyes, and some vague black shadows could be vaguely seen, which seemed to be some buildings

    (Remember the website address:
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