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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in> Prose ->Lovesickness deep in the evening clouds

Lovesickness deep in the evening clouds Latest chapter update list


Chapter 1: Lord TaishiChapter 2: Her Royal Highness is sickChapter 3: Don't you eat?Chapter Four: Falling into the Lotus Pond
Chapter 5: Doesn't it hurt?Chapter 6: Is there no one in there?Chapter Seven: Why did you lie to me?Chapter 8: Stop!
Chapter Nine: Don't Reject Me AgainChapter Ten: Get out! go out!Chapter Eleven: I won't pester him anymore!Chapter Twelve: Does it still hurt?
Chapter Thirteen: Shut Up!Chapter Fourteen: Yunlang, eat moreChapter Fifteen: The Prime MinisterChapter Sixteen: Your Highness's reputation has always been a false name
Chapter Seventeen: How long is he going?Chapter Eighteen: Go and get my court clothes!Chapter Nineteen: I'm Not Going BackChapter Twenty: The Family House
Chapter 21: Is this duck mature?Chapter 22: What does this mean, my lord?Chapter 23: I want to see Yun LangChapter Twenty-Four: Please come with me, my lord
Chapter 25: You got the wrong personChapter 26: Run Your Highness!Chapter 27: My name is not importantChapter Twenty-Eight: Finally Got It
Extra Story: Pingyang ChapterExtra Story: Evening Clouds  
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