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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in> Prose ->wandering heart

wandering heart Latest chapter update list


Primer1.1 Introduction1.3 Encounter1.4 Family
1.5 beloved wife1.6 Return to work1.7 Youju1.8 Melancholy
1.9 Complaints1.10 Luggage1.11 travel1.12 Telephone
1.13 Homecoming1.14 go home1.15 encounter1.16 Accompanied shopping
1.17 deep trap1.18 Chinese New Year1.19 look forward to1.20 Beauty
1.21 helpless1.22 Bump1.23 withstand1.24 in the morning
1.25 surprise1.26 Narration: Confrontation1.27 Narration: Decision1.28 Narration: Beg Forgiveness
1.29 Narration: Admonishment1.30 Narration: Panic1.31 Narration: Efforts1.32 Narration: Protocol
1.33 Narration: Western food1.34 Narration: Fun1.35 Narrative: End1.36 Statement
2.1 young women2.2 Interrupt2.3 Explanation2.4 call
2.5 meals2.6 Calm2.7 deep sleep2.8 Warm
2.9 sick2.10 care2.11 Injustice2.12 Invitation
2.13 Rebuke2.14 Mistakes2.15 Lying2.16 panic
2.17 stunning2.18 restaurant2.19 Happy2.20 Heartbeat
2.21 buy tickets2.22 stations2.23 accident2.24 Consolation
Check in at 2.252.26 spent2.27 Difficult to understand 12.28 Difficult to understand 2
2.29 Reason 12.30 Reason 22.31 don't mess with2.32 send away
2.33 Chaos3.1 Flower language3.2 Warning3.3 Contact
3.4 Burden3.5 Loose3.6 Joke3.7 Travel: Reservation
3.8 Traveling: Integration3.9 Traveling: First Steps3.10 Outing: Poker3.12 Excursion: Reef
3.13 Traveling: Unbearable3.14 Outing: Lies3.15 Outing: Sunrise3.16 Tour: Xiongguan
3.19 Outing: Attack3.20 outing: end3.21 Emphasis3.22 Dreamland
4.20 Lao Jia: Fainted4.1 Classmates4.2 and away4.3 Detour
4.4 Cooking4.5 Catch adultery4.6 Green book4.7 Awakening
4.8 Don't Say Goodbye4.9 Lao Jia: snooping4.10 Lao Jia: Promotion4.11 Lao Jia: Sudden news
4.12 Lao Jia: Illness4.13 Lao Jia: Want to escape4.14 Lao Jia: Nanny4.15 Lao Jia: Weekend
4.16 Lao Jia: Forget4.17 Lao Jia: Maternal Love4.18 Lao Jia: Interpretation4.19 Lao Jia: Implementation
4.21 Lao Jia: Summary4.22 guilt4.23 Farewell4.24 No trace
conclusionFollow up  
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