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Chapter 292: The Ash God King Su Yun

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    As soon as Jing Zhao left the village, he heard the rumbling of hooves, and saw more than a dozen argali chariots driving into the village.

    After the Argali Rebellion, the status of Argali was not as good as before, so it was reduced to a means of transportation for people, but after all, the Argali chariot was something that only wealthy families could have.

    ?This kind of treasure chariot can build three pavilions, one pavilion at each corner, and the pavilion on the back for riding and realm. The three pavilions can accommodate a hundred or so spirits, like a moving fortress, integrating offense and defense.

    Feeding argali on weekdays is a huge expense, like the barren land near Boshan City, it is impossible to raise argali, and the whole town may not have an argali chariot.

    But now, there are more than a dozen argali chariots entering the town at night, which is really strange!

    However, the residents of this small town have seen the beautiful young man with strange eyes killing gods before, and also saw the strange man covered in fire blasting and killing the gods in the neighboring village. They saw too many strange things this night, so they are not surprised  Strange.

    Those argali chariots drove to the center of the town, stopped in front of the temple of the town, and stood there one by one, motionless.

    The back of one of the argali sheep was covered with a heavy curtain, and the curtain slid down slowly, and it was not a pavilion on the back of the argali sheep, but an altar with a three-story platform.

    A woman danced on the altar, with her upper body bare, and her dancing posture was strange, violent and distorted. The joints of the woman's limbs seemed to have no pain, and the joints were reversed, making movements that ordinary people could not make.

    And around the argali, a group of argali have their buttocks inward and their heads outward, forming a big circle around the central argali.

    There was a faint sound of drums in the air, very slight, as if it came from outside the sky, and the drums became more and more dense.

    Suddenly, the woman in the center of the altar knelt down on the ground, her upper body undulating and shaking like waves, and she muttered something.

    That was not Yuanshuo language, but another ancient language. Accompanied by the singing of this language, the devilish energy in the sky above her surged and swirled, and a phantom of a god and demon slowly emerged in the vortex.

    The chains on the backs of the argali suddenly came loose, and the pavilions on their backs crashed and fell.

    The nostrils of the argali opened and closed violently, and the ash and fire filled the air poured in one after another, entering the body of the argali from the nostrils of the argali.

    I saw the muscles of the argali bulging rapidly, and each argali stood up slowly, standing on two hind legs, standing in the darkness of the town.


    Their eye pupils suddenly ignited fire, and the rectangular eye pupils were like fire troughs.

    The residents of the small town watched this scene stupidly, a little at a loss.

    The argali in the center did not change, but the woman lying on the altar stood up, covered her chest in the night, and said with a chuckle, "Aren't you running away? Are you waiting for someone to take the last piece of clothing with you?"  Take it off for you to see?"

    Only then did the townspeople come to their senses, screaming and running for their lives.

    It was good that they didn't run away, this escape aroused the viciousness of those demonized argali, one by one argali stepped forward, pushing the town residents more than twenty steps with one step, stretched out their claws one after another, and charged at those argali.  The panic-stricken townspeople caught him.

    The screams were endless, and residents of the small town were caught one by one and thrown into the big mouth of the argali sheep full of sharp teeth.

    In the mouth of the demonized argali is a raging fire!

    But the woman took a piece of clothes from nowhere, put it on lazily, and said with a low smile: "The god of lust will not show up until someone takes off his clothes and makes a sacrifice The god spreads fear."  Give it to the world, and the world will have a devout belief in the gods."

    The argali chariot carried the altar and the woman on the altar out of the town and headed towards Boshan City. The town behind was ablaze, and in the fire, demonized argali came out one by one, with muscles like rocks and blood on their bodies.

    Boshan City.

    When Su Yun came outside the city, he saw that the ashes of this ashes city had basically been exhausted, and the fires were gradually extinguished, with only a few places still burning.

    "Fruit?" Tianfeng tilted his head, a little afraid of the city.

    "Boshan City was destroyed two hundred years ago."

    Yingying slid down Su Yun's Huang Zhong supernatural power, sat on Su Yun's shoulder, flipped through the materials by the firelight, and said: "After the Argali Rebellion broke out, this place was ignited by the robbery fire. I heard that someone was  In the light of the fire, we saw the Huihui monsters, and many Huihui monsters enshrine the Huihui God King and live in the flames."

    She raised her head and asked puzzledly: "But now that most of the robbery fire has been extinguished, where are these robbery gray monsters and robbery gray god king?"

    Su Yun walked into Boshan Jiehui City, said: "Go in and have a look."

    & np; But Yingying heard that what Su Yun said was actually the language of the Huihui monster race, and it was what the Huihui God King Su Yun met in the Huihui City in the underground of Shuofang said before his death!

    Su Yun just imitated the words of the Gray God King, saying the second half of the sentence.

    The meaning of that sentence is why God does not allow their race to survive, what mistakes did his people make, and why must they be exterminated?

    On the street, the Ash God King who was burning with the fire heard Su Yun's words, the fierce light in his eyes gradually faded away, and he waved his hand weakly to signal them to leave.

    Su Yun's vitality surged, and he imagined the scene of argali eating people in the gray fog. The gray god king of the calamity fell on the pictures he had imagined, and he couldn't help but startled.

    Su Yun was worried. The only language he could speak was this one sentence.

    The second half of this sentence is the God King Jiehui from the underground of Shuofang City lamenting the fate of the race, while the first half of the sentence is saying that he was unlucky and died in the hands of this little boy Su Yun!

    In Shuofang's underground battle against Huicheng, the God King Jiehui died at the hands of Su Yun!

    And killing the Gray God King Jie is the test of becoming the master of the Tongtian Pavilion!

    Su Yun's divine king's scepter is also derived from this, but he has never used it!

    On the opposite side of the fire, the gray god king of the robbery nodded slightly, his pelvis swayed like a wheel behind him, turned around, and led many gray monsters to the paradise deep in the fire.

    Su Yun gritted his teeth, raised the scepter in his hand, and swiped lightly, the fire in front of him split open.

    Su Yun hesitated for a moment, stepped in, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go!" (Remember the website website:
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