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Text 568 Murder and Punishment and the First Three-Gold Actor

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    For the role of Huang Silang in "Let the Bullets Fly", Cao Xuan just set the makeup for a whole day and a half.

    Anyway, it's Mr. Huang, he has a lot of costumes, and he will change clothes almost whenever he transitions, and he has several costumes.

    Cao Xuan did a rough calculation. In one and a half days, he changed more than 30 sets of costumes and six or seven looks, and this is not the whole movie, and changes may be added at any time during the shooting process.

    However, Cao Xuan is also used to it. This is not the first time he has acted in rich and noble dramas, and there are also more costumes.

    For example, Jin Yanxi in "The Family of Gold Fans", in dozens of episodes of TV series, he changed at least hundreds of sets of clothes, and "Three Kingdoms?

    After setting the makeup for a day and a half, and going through the script with the director again, Cao Xuan didn't start shooting until the third day.

    Goose City, Huangfu Inner Room Filming Site

    Cao Xuan was wearing a silk mandarin jacket and a down jacket outside, sitting on a luxurious sofa, constantly adjusting his sitting posture facing the camera.

    Hu Ge, who played Hu Wan, combed his middle part, his ears were covered with blood, his expression was a little nervous, and he kept muttering his lines.

    "Steady, don't be nervous."

    Seeing this, Cao Xuan comforted him, Hu Ge nodded, and took a deep breath, but there was no great relief.

    No wonder he was nervous, this was the first time he played directly against Cao Xuan since he entered the industry for many years.

    Don't look at Hu Ge who signed Fanxing very early, but he and Cao Xuan are completely two ways to develop.

    Hu Ge has been filming TV dramas with Liu Tianxian and Da Mimi, and only moved to movies in the past two years.

    And Cao Xuan has never starred in a TV series since "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" in 2003, and the few appearances he made were all guest appearances, with very few roles.

    Therefore, although the two have had the experience of participating in the same crew, most of them are group plays, and they have never directly played against each other.

    Hu Ge is very popular, and his status in the crew is not low. Even Lao Jiang has to give two smiles when he directs the play, but he can't be tough when facing his own boss.

    ?Not only because of the halo of the boss, but also because Cao Xuan was born as a half ancient puppet in his early years, and now he is almost a grand slam actor,

    It can be said that there is a ceiling, and it has its own suppression buff for these ancient puppets or actors from TV.

    Therefore, Hu Ge respected and feared Cao Xuan, worried that he would not perform well, and faced double pressure from the boss and the benchmark of his predecessors.

    Cao Xuan could more or less feel Hu Ge's thoughts.

    In the early years, when he acted in front of his master Li Xuejian for the first time, he was also afraid that he would be ashamed if he could not perform well and let the master down, so he was under a lot of psychological pressure.

    There is nothing to adjust this thing, as long as you act more, it will heal if you don't cure it.

    "How are you getting ready?"

    Lao Jiang in front of the monitor in the distance shouted, Cao Xuan took off his down jacket, patted Hu Ge, each went to the designated position, and replied.


    "Okay, pay attention to all units, start shooting!"

    Cao Xuan leaned back on the sofa, frowning slightly, as if displeased, Hu Ge sitting in front of him.

    "The knife is in the stomach, is the jelly or jelly?"

    Hu Ge was a little confused, but he still replied "Yes", and seeing Cao Xuan's brow wrinkled even more, he immediately shook his head: "No."

    Cao Xuan left the sofa, bent forward, and with a strong sense of oppression, he asked loudly: "I just want to know, is jelly or jelly?"

    Hu Ge: "It's jelly."

    "No the mood is wrong."

    Without Lao Jiang's words, Cao Xuan raised his hand to signal a timeout, and gestured to Hu Ge: "Your mood is wrong, Taiping, you need to be more panicked."

    Hu Ge nodded, and Old Jiang signaled to come again. As a result, this section passed, and the next section was stopped by Cao Xuan. Old Jiang ran over specifically. He didn't get angry, but asked Cao Xuan in a deep voice.

    "What do you think about this scene?"

    Cao Xuan didn't answer, but instead asked Hu Ge: "How do you think Hu Wan should act?"

    Hu Ge was interrupted twice, and replied a little unconfidently: "Huang Silang is angry, is he afraid? At the same time, he is a little proud, the task he gave has been completed."

    "It's done, what is Hu Wan's mission?"

    "Get off your horse?"

    "Yes, Huang Silang wanted to show off Zhang Mazi, but he killed his son. Hu Wan also reported Huang Silang's name. It was originally a test, but it turned out to be a big feud. Huang Silang may not care about Zhang Mazi, but he  Displeased that Hu Wan made his own claim and sold himself"

    Old Jiang nodded beside him, and then added: "So anyOf course, regardless of those behind-the-scenes awards, the most important one is given to "Save Mr. Me".

    Five actor awards were given to Yu Shaoqun of "Anita Mui", who was also awarded for "Anita Mui", and an acquaintance of Cao Xuan, Wang Xueqi who played the runner king in "Sword Rain".

    ?There was only one side fall, and Xiangjiang Hui Yinghong won it.

    Actors and queens are not only surrounded by mainland artists, but more precisely, they are surrounded by stars.

    Not surprisingly, Cao Xuan got his wish and won the Golden Horse Best Actor. Fan Xiaopang was upset and defeated the most popular Mr. Zhou.

    Cao Xuan was quite happy when the three gold medals were finally collected, but the overall situation was stable. Fan Xiaopang was a little excited when he came to the stage to give a speech. He even cried on the spot when he gave his acceptance speech.

    It's not to blame for her gaffe, she has been in the industry for more than ten years, and this is the first time she has won an authoritative actress.

    Moreover, it is currently the golden horse with the most gold content. Not only can it take off the hat of the vase from now on, but it also surpasses two old enemies in a real sense, Li Bingbing, one of the two soldiers, uu read books &lt;a href=&quot;<a href=  ";" target="_blank">;</a> target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;<a href="http://www;/a&gt;" target="_blank">;/a&gt;</a> The other is her Pearl Returning Nightmare Zhao.

    The former has only one Hundred Flowers, while the latter has not yet won any actress laurels.

    As for Fan Xiaopang's real "master" Ruby Lin, the two are no longer on the same level, and there is no point in comparing them

    The next day, the photos of Fan Xiaopang tearing up on the awards stage were spread across the Taiwan Strait and the three places. The top streamer and the newly-elected Golden Horse actress gave her commercial value and popularity a certain boost.

    However, if Fan Xiaopang became popular again, the headline on the front page would still belong to Cao Xuan.

    ? Many media almost had a tacit understanding, and put together photos of Cao Xuan holding the Golden Rooster, Hundred Flowers, Golden Statue, Huabiao, and Golden Horse trophies at several awards ceremonies, and the titles were also surprisingly consistent.

    "The Three Golds Gathered, The First Chinese-language Film Grand Slam Actor in History"

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