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Text Volume Chapter 42, The Girl's Room

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    The bedside table has two layers, the lower layer is made of wood, which is also the upper partition of the drawer, and the upper layer is made of glass.

    The pen fell from the glass and got caught between the floor below and the wall.

    The girl stretched out her hand to touch the lower layer, and her fingers passed over the pen.  When she was looking around on the ground, Qiu Sheng took out the pen, and he put the pen in front of the girl's hand.

    Picking up the pen, the girl pinched both ends of the pen with both hands, and the cap on the right hand side.  Turning the pen upside down, the girl uncapped the pen and touched the desk calendar with her left hand.

    She drew a lot of strokes on the grid of July 3rd.

    Putting down her pen, she crawled across the bed and went to the bay window to eat instant noodles.  The countertop of the bay window is made of slate of unknown material, the girl might feel a little cold, so she finished eating quickly, returned to the bed, and covered herself with a quilt.

    Her expression was natural, without revealing the slightest abnormality, but her actions had already revealed the truth.

    Qiu Sheng thought, the girl probably couldn't find the pen before he came, or last night.  Otherwise, why did she just touch the bedside table and start talking to herself?

    She was talking to herself, and she wanted to help herself, so she handed her the pen.  She must have touched the surrounding ground a long time ago. A pen suddenly appeared on the ground, but she pretended not to know it.

    Maybe it's not pretending, but everything is in her expectation, so don't be surprised.

    Qiu Sheng thought of the girl looking for slippers perfunctorily yesterday morning, it was the same behavior as today.  The girl didn't look for it carefully because she knew that the slippers would appear soon.

    All the previous doubts can be answered today.

    When did it start?

    Qiu Sheng sat on the floor and began to think back.

    He thought of the timing when the girl turned on the air conditioner yesterday, the girl sitting at the door the day before yesterday, and the girl's a little abnormality the day before yesterday.

    Was it exposed on the 30th?

    Qiu Sheng took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

    Being discovered was something he had prepared for a long time, but the girl's lack of reaction was something he hadn't expected.

    The girl tacitly allowed him to stay here.

    The abnormality of the day before yesterday is not clear, but what happened the day before yesterday and yesterday was a hint from the girl.

    The girl is hinting at him, she already knows.

    The things that had been worrying all along disappeared, Qiu Sheng only felt a touch of peace of mind, and the ecstasy that should have been in the story did not appear.  This emotional fluctuation was not even as strong as when he accidentally made a sound.  Maybe it was because the girl was too calm, which infected him.

    He looked at the girl, who put on her earphones.  She sat on the head of the bed, her slender legs stretched along the edge of the bed, her right leg folded on top of her left.

    The back of her head was leaning against the bed board, her face facing forward.  In front is the TV wall, and below the TV are family photos.  The girl couldn't see the scenery in front of her, her gaze fell on an unknown place through the TV wall, through what Qiu Sheng could see.

    Qiu Sheng suddenly felt a sense of melancholy. At first he thought it was a feeling of boredom, but then he found that it was different. It was a feeling that was powerless and unnerving. It was sadness.

    Sadness came from the girl.

    Qiu Sheng realized that the girl was actually the same person as him.  A normal person would never do nothing after discovering an intruder.

    The air conditioner made a low hum, and Qiu Sheng touched his exposed arm, feeling a little cold.

    The girl opened the two layers of curtains, the sunlight illuminated the bay window, and he and the girl sat outside the bay window.

    Neither of them had any intention of talking.

    Qiu Sheng thought of the seesaw he played with when he was a child. Occasionally, the two sides would form a balance, and the seesaw would hang quietly in the air, shaking slightly, but not falling to the ground.

    Isn't the hanging seesaw the relationship between him and the girl now?  As long as either side makes an overreaching move, the balance will be disrupted, and one side of the seesaw will fall to the ground.

    The girl took off the earphones, and the sound of music came from the phone.  It was a crisp, music box sound.

    Qiu Sheng leaned against the wall, listening to the music with the girl.

    At noon, the girl turned off the music, and she was going to prepare lunch.  When her feet were hanging to the edge of the bed, Qiu Sheng put the slippers under her feet.

    This is his response to the girl's hint.

    The girl's body stopped, she put on her shoes, opened the door and went out.  She didn't close the door, Qiu Sheng followed behind her and closed the door.

    Qiu Sheng originally thought that he knew the girl well enough, but now he realizes that what he understands is only superficial.  After understanding each other and forming a tacit understanding, the girl seems to be close, but also seems to be far away.

    In the evening, Qiu Sheng returned home.

      Fragments of the mug were scattered on the ground, and Lihuamao smashed his water glass.

    He cleaned up the debris, and the raccoon cat jumped on his lap.  Touching the cat, Qiu Sheng thought, as long as this is the case.

    He didn't understand the girl, and the girl didn't understand him either. They just happened to meet each other at the playground, sitting on the seesaw, obsessed with the feeling of being suspended in the air.  He wondered what would happen if one end of the seesaw fell.

    It was getting dark.

    The girl walked downstairs and looked back.

    Qiu Sheng shook the cat bag, and the cihuamao let out a soft cry to indicate his presence.

    The girl continued to move forward.

    When she reached the riverside, she didn't go under the tree, but sat on the stone bench directly.

    Qiu Sheng lured the raccoon cat to her feet, she picked up the cat, put it on her lap, and took out the cat food from the raincoat pocket.

    The cihuamao lowered its head and ate in her hand.

    The girl sat on the right edge of the stone bench, Qiu Sheng approached slowly and sat on the left edge of the stone bench.

    There is only the moon in the sky, and the river is pitch black, only the sound of the wind and the sound of the raccoon cat eating.

    At one o'clock, Qiu Sheng put away the cat, and the two walked back.

    Everything remains the same as before.

    The next morning, when Qiu Sheng came in, the girl was sitting at the door.

    She was wearing earphones, the scene was exactly the same as a few days ago, the difference was that this time Qiu Sheng was sure that there was no music in the girl's earphones.

    The girl waited for two minutes before entering the bedroom.  She opened the drawer under the bedside table and groped inside.

    Qiu Sheng thought that the girl wanted him to help find something, but the girl touched all the drawers in the room without saying the name of the object she was looking for.

    She rummaged through the drawers in the living room again, and Qiu Sheng followed behind her.

    The girl who finished looking for the two drawers stopped for a while, and walked to the door of the second bedroom opposite the door of the master bedroom.

    The door of the second bedroom was always closed, and Qiu Sheng had never seen what it looked like inside.

    The girl put her hand on the doorknob, barked, and the door opened.

    Qiu Sheng entered behind the girl.

    The second bedroom is a circle smaller than the master bedroom, and the walls are painted with blue paint.  A white bed is placed in the middle, and a light blue desk and cabinet are placed inside.

    The bed is covered with a blue quilt, and there are two big dolls on each side of the pillow, one in the shape of a princess and the other in the shape of a common bear.  There is a computer on the desk and a mirror on the wall.

    This is the girl's room
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