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Volume 34 Chapter 34: The girl is full of doubts

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    It was not easy for Xia Youyou to put the ingredients sent by her aunt into the refrigerator.

    Usually, she fumbles in the bag with her left hand to determine what ingredients she is getting, and then touches the grid of the refrigerator with her right hand. Vegetables that don¡¯t roll around are placed in the upper interlayer, and vegetables that will roll around are placed in the left drawer below.  Inside, as for the cut meat, put it in the right drawer.

    It often happens that she has already started to put the things below, and suddenly remembered that one or two things in the front seem to have been misplaced. If there are few things, it will be confirmed after a while. If there are too many things, it is a bad news.  .

    At this time, either spend a lot of time to confirm whether it has been misplaced, or be ruthless and let this doubt stay in your heart awkwardly, usually for a few hours, and even relapse the next day.

    Today's luck was good, there were no annoying accidents, and finally put the instant food to be frozen in the freezer, and she closed the refrigerator.

    She walked to the table, the hard tabletop felt cold to the touch, very comfortable in this season.

    There was a rustling sound, and she touched the plastic bag.  After distinguishing the handle of the plastic bag, she carried the bag and came to the sofa.

    This is a snack bag, which contains potato chips, biscuits, chocolate and other things, all of which my aunt watched and bought.

    Taking a deep breath, she reached into the bag and touched a pack of snacks by feeling. The snack bag was as big as her palm, and she didn't know what it was.

    Yes, she didn't know what snack she got.  The dishes can be distinguished by touching with hands, but the packaging bags of snacks are bulging, and there is no sense of touch at all. Every time she eats snacks, it is a test of her heart.

    She thought, this is probably what buying a lottery ticket feels like.

    Opening the bag, she cautiously stretched her hand in. She touched a right-angled edge. She pinched it carefully to distinguish it. It was concave inward, about a square object about the size of a knuckle. Pressing the edge with her index finger and thumb, she squeezed it hard, and it was crisp.  The sound came.

    It's shrimp crackers.

    She breathed a sigh of relief, sometimes my aunt would put in some weird snacks, and she couldn't even tell what they were.

    These days when my aunt went to the countryside, she had already eaten up the snacks. She quickly finished a bag and stretched out her hand into the bag.

    She inserted her hand into many snacks, thinking of the lottery box in the supermarket when she was a child, she reached out and stirred it, looking for the one that best suited her hand.

    She frowned.

    She touched a square cardboard box, took out the cardboard box, she touched it carefully, the five sides of the box were flat, and the sixth side was raised.

    According to the feeling just now, there is more than one thing.

    Soon, she dug out five more from the bag, and the six cartons were lined up in a row.

    She tried her best to find something with the same touch from her memory. She felt familiar, but couldn't remember it for a while, just like when peeling jelly, she had already pinched the plastic paper cover, but she didn't have enough strength to tear it off.

    She went to touch the carton again. There was a ribbon wrapped around the carton. She untied the ribbon and opened the carton. Inside were more than a dozen small packaging bags. When she squeezed the bags with her hands, she felt like glass beads.

    She remembered, my aunt said that she attended a wedding in the countryside, this is wedding candy, right?

    Put the sugar in your mouth, and a sweet milky smell spreads out. This is milk sugar.

    Are you married?

    Lying on the couch, she thought.

    The power supply was cut off suddenly, the speaker that played the happy music in her head stopped working, and she fell silent.  There was also silence outside the window, no birdsong, no human voice, and no sound of cars.

    Click on the phone screen, and the time chime sounds: "Seven eleven in the afternoon."

    She remembered something, something she had forgotten for three days.

    Walking into the bedroom, she touched the bedside table, picked up the pen on the cabinet, and the calendar on the cabinet.

    Holding the pen in her hand, she touched the surface of the calendar.

    Twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine.

    According to the touch, the three days were crossed out. In case she forgot the day before, she also crossed out on the 26th.

    Fifteen days left.

    Putting down the calendar and pen, she lay down on the bed.

    Is it because of the kitten?  You forgot such an important thing.  she thinks.

    Kitten is the name of the raccoon cat she feeds every night.  She discovered the cat three years ago with her parents as a kitten, and she took pictures of the cat with her phone.

    The kitten was not afraid of life at all, and meowed at her.  Mom said she could take it home, but she refused. Mom is afraid of cats and dogs.

    She and mom and dad go out to feed every dayA kitten, when she was completely blind, she was afraid of the sound, and was unwilling to go out during the noisy day, and the time to feed the cat was changed to late at night.

    After Mom and Dad left, it was Grandma who went out with her every night.

    The kitten has probably developed a habit, and basically appears every morning.  In the past two years, it may be that something happened outside. The kitten just eats cat food from a distance, and will stay away when people get too close.

    She feels the presence of the kitten through the reduction of cat food, and occasionally hears the kitten's sound.

    A few days ago, there was no shortage of cat food. She thought the cat had left or died. Unexpectedly, the kitten appeared again these days and became clingy, always rubbing against her legs.

    The bangs were scattered on her forehead, and it was a little hot. She trimmed her hair and turned on the electric fan.

    She fell asleep.

    At midnight, the alarm clock woke her up, she got up in a hurry, the phone was not with her, and the ringtone came from the living room.

    Where is the direction of the door?

    In a hurry, she hit the wall.  Not this side.

    Walking out of the room, she picked up the mobile phone on the sofa and turned it off. She took the cat food she had prepared, put on a raincoat, sunglasses and a mask, grabbed her blind cane, and hurried downstairs.

    She has walked this road many times, because the time dragged on for a long time, she quickened her pace.

    In the past, she often encountered things that blocked the road, and she had to carefully confirm and avoid them every time. Recently, perhaps a new cleaning lady was added, and the road was much cleaner.  Otherwise, she would never dare to use such a speed.

    After successfully reaching the river, she groped to the tree and scattered the cat food under the tree.

    Sitting on the stone bench, after a short while, the furry things rubbed against the feet, and the cat came.

    Picking up the cat, she gently stroked its back, took out a small handful of cat food from the raincoat pocket, and spread it in the palm of her hand.

    The furry feeling came from her hand, and the rough, wet, soft object slid across her hand.

    After eating the cat food, the kitten lay on her lap to make it easier for her to smooth its fur.

    The cat's fur was soft and fluffy, so comfortable to touch, she even wanted to bury her face in it.

    But no, Dad said, the body of the wild cat is not very clean, you can only touch it with your hands.

    Her palm stopped suddenly.

    Will the fur of wild cats be so fluffy and soft?

    This doubt opened a hole, and more doubts spewed out.
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