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Volume 2 Chapter 22: The Transparent Man Rides

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    At 7:30 in the morning, the voices of aunts came from downstairs. Qiu Sheng turned off the air conditioner, opened the windows to ventilate, quickly dressed and washed, and ate a piece of bread.

    Taking the satchel he prepared last night, he walked upstairs.

    Entering the girl's house, he put the slippers into the satchel, and took a look at the changes in the room as usual. The execution ground on the balcony disappeared, the stool was put back by the sink, and the clothes hanger was put away.

    There was unfinished water on the coffee table, and the drawer that was closed yesterday was opened again today.  Qiu Sheng walked to the TV cabinet and looked in the drawer. This was the drawer where the girl used the Band-Aid.  The injury on her foot has completely healed, why open this drawer?

    Qiu Sheng didn't think much, he entered the master bedroom, the girl was lying on the bed, the fan was whistling, she still didn't turn on the air conditioner.

    Is the air conditioner broken?  Qiu Sheng stared at the air conditioner in the corner, but he couldn't see it.

    The girl moved her feet, and moved away the hand that was originally on her stomach. It seems that she is not afraid of heat.

    Qiu Sheng took a close-up of the girl's sleeping posture in large characters.

    He sat next to the bedside table, looking at the sleeping girl. No memories came to mind today, so he just watched.

    At half past eight, the girl bent her feet, kicked hard, and turned her body around forty degrees.

    Qiu Sheng thought about it for a while, and then he understood.  This is the hot part of the mat that has been lying on for a long time, and change to a cooler part.

    With this turn, she almost returned to her normal position. Qiu Sheng wondered if the girl's abnormal sleeping position was caused by changing positions like this frequently.

    After another ten minutes, the girl was probably fully awake. She lay on the bed, kicked her feet, and moved herself to the end of the bed, the position closest to the fan.

    Qiu Sheng glanced at the air conditioner again.

    At 9:10, the girl took off her earmuffs and got up. With the positioning of the fan, she did not miss the direction, found the bedroom door accurately, and walked out.

    The fans are not turned off.  Qiu Sheng walked to the bed and put his hand on the mat.

    Cool, but not completely cool.

    He pressed the place where the girl had just slept.

    It's very hot.

    From the perspective of not turning off the fan, the possibility of the girl not turning on the air conditioner in order to save money can be ruled out. Maybe the air conditioner is really broken?  No, maybe the fan was just left off.  Qiu Sheng has nothing to do, and he acts as a guest detective to explore the reason why the girl doesn't turn on the air conditioner.

    He thought, when the girl is listening to music on the sofa, he can try it with the remote control.  The remote control is placed on the TV cabinet, next to the TV.

    Not long after, the girl came out of the bathroom, she seemed to have just remembered about the fan, and walked to the fan.  Qiu Sheng stood in the corner in front of her right.

    The girl is wearing a white dress today, she always wears a dress.

    Qiu Sheng thought, probably because the dress was stable.  When changing to top and bottom clothing, girls can't see the color and style of the clothes, and can't grasp the matching, but the dress doesn't have to worry about matching at all.

    The girl didn't turn off the fan, she reached out to touch the window sill, stepped on the bed, and turned the fan head upwards.

    Under Qiu Sheng's astonished gaze, she lifted the hem of her skirt towards the fan.

    The wind blew up the dress, the girl narrowed her eyes, and Qiu Sheng could feel her comfort.  Although this action is really indecent.

    Want to take a photo?  During Qiu Sheng's hesitation, the timing was missed, the girl put down her skirt and turned off the fan.

    She squatted down first, sat on the edge of the bed, then straightened her feet, stepped on slippers around her, and walked to the kitchen with a patter to prepare breakfast.

    Qiu Sheng followed behind her. Today's breakfast is still bread, eggs and ham, but today's eggs are made a little differently.  After heating up the pot, the girl turned off the fire, dripped in oil, and reached for the seasoning bottle.

    The seasoning bottle is a cube made of glass. The glass is heavy and the square shape is not easy to fall, which is very suitable for girls.

    The glass bottle has three colors, namely red, green and yellow. Qiu Sheng deduced the type by watching the girl cooking. From left to right are salt, sugar, and monosodium glutamate.

    The girl distinguishes the seasoning by its position. When she is not sure, she will touch from the left.  Today, when she was growing up, she reached out to a bottle and took a spoonful. It was sugar.

    Qiu Sheng thought, no matter how you eat it, putting sugar in the oil is too much, the girl probably wants to add salt to make a candy-filled fried egg.

    Seeing that she was about to sprinkle sugar into the pot, Qiu Sheng stretched out his hand from behind her, caught the spoonful of sugar, and quickly added half a spoonful of salt for the girl.

    The girl turned her head in doubt, and listened to the sound of the pot with her ears. She felt that after the salt was sprinkled, the sound sounded a little slowly.

    Qiu Sheng's heart ached, he had just subconsciously helped the girl make up for it, without thinking carefully.

     Fortunately, girls don't often do this, so she didn't care and broke in the eggs.

    Qiu Sheng heaved a sigh of relief, exited the kitchen, and sat at the dining table.

    Today's temperature has climbed to a new height. Even if he is sitting still, Qiu Sheng feels hot. He wants to fan himself, but he is afraid of making too much movement and making noise.

    After the meal, the girl lay down on the sofa, which was also covered with a mat.

    The sofa is made up of two parts, one part is in the shape of a bench and placed directly opposite the TV, where the girl usually huddles, and the other part is in the shape of a bed, placed on the side near the balcony, where the girl is lying today.

    She lay on the small pillow on the sofa and reached for the remote control.

    The remote control is on her right side, sandwiched between her waist and the armrest of the sofa. She didn't expect the remote control to be by her side. After touching it for a while, she couldn't find it. She turned over and knelt on the sofa, and touched another part of the sofa.

    Feeling from one side of the sofa to the other, the girl found nothing. She touched the coffee table again, but still found nothing.  She sat on the edge of the sofa, resting her chin with her small fist, lost in thought.

    Little idiot.

    Qiu Sheng couldn't stand it anymore, and when the girl was testing with her feet on the ground, he put the remote control in front of her feet.

    The girl clamped the remote control with her feet, handed it to her hand, and smiled.

    Qiu Sheng thought that the girl might have thought she was playing hide-and-seek with the remote control, and now that she had won, she was actually helping her cheat.

    Remote control, miserable.

    Lying back on the sofa by the balcony, the girl turned on the TV, and she tuned to a pet show.

    The sun shines in from the window, across the balcony, and shines on the edge of the sofa.

    Interesting clips of pets were playing on the TV, and the sound of cats and dogs sounded from time to time. The girl liked this very much, her feet were shaking.

    The sun was shining on her feet, and her white toes went back and forth between the light and the dark.

    For a moment, his feet stopped in the sun.  The bright light illuminated the girl's feet transparently, her five toes were crystal clear and bright red, and the pure white insteps showed clearly visible blue blood vessels.

    Several blood vessels became mischievous, and a few segments swelled up on the feet. Qiu Sheng wanted to point them with his fingers and press them down.

    The sun was hot, and the girl quickly retracted her feet and closed the curtains.  This still couldn't stop the heat, so she went to the bedroom, touched the wall behind the TV, and unplugged the fan.

    Qiu Sheng understood what the girl was going to do, and he suddenly became nervous.
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