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Volume 6 Chapter 6: The Transparent Man Doesn't Move

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    Qiu Sheng opened the window and saw the aunt downstairs chatting loudly, so he felt relieved.

    Although he had no resentment before, he inevitably had some opinions on the noisy aunts, and hoped that they would leave here as soon as possible, or move the chatting time to a later date.

    But now, Qiu Sheng hopes that the aunts will do this every day, if possible, develop a few more aunts.  In case something happened to the original three aunts, it would not affect the noise every morning.

    The girl on the sixth floor must be sleeping with earmuffs on.

    He closed the window and walked outside. A roommate happened to open the door. He nodded at the other person, and the other person nodded at him as a greeting.

    Although they have met many times, although they are only one wall away, they have never communicated and do not want to communicate.  At first, the two of them greeted each other early, not knowing who nodded first, so they saved words.

    Walking into the corridor, Qiu Sheng pretended to forget something, and hurried back.  When the roommate disappeared downstairs, he listened in the corridor for a while, then walked upstairs quickly.

    He was just listening to see if there was any movement upstairs.

    He is on the third floor, the girl is on the sixth floor, and there are two families on the first floor. Except for the one opposite the girl's house, which is empty, the other houses are occupied. There are four families in total.

    If the four families found him going upstairs, although they would not think that he broke into the girl's house, they would leave seeds of suspicion after all. If the girl found him one day and called the police, the police would lock him in.

    Stepping on the ground of the sixth floor, Qiu Sheng heaved a sigh of relief. He knocked lightly on the door, waited ten seconds and knocked again, and waited another half minute to make sure it was safe.

    Just as Qiu Sheng imagined, the girl slept on the bed wearing earmuffs.

    Today her posture is neither lying down nor prone, but curled up hugging the quilt.

    The thickness of the sound-proof earmuffs is not small, and the head will be pressed when sleeping on the side. The girl does not have a pillow, but rests on a soft quilt, which alleviates this feeling.

    Sitting in his usual seat, Qiu Sheng observed the girl. The girl was wearing a set of navy blue short-sleeved shorts today. The clothes were loose and should be pajamas.

    She is facing the balcony, her arched back shows her curves.

    Qiu Sheng suddenly wanted to step forward and slide his fingers along the curve.  It's not out of lust, it's just a simple, sudden idea, like seeing a sculpture with a perfect curvature and can't help reaching out to touch it.

    He looked away to look at other things in the room.  There was no pillow on the bed, and the pillow was lying on the ground. I don't know if the girl's sleeping position was too frenzied and she kicked the pillow to the ground, or if something went wrong with her last night, she vented her anger on the pillow.

    In addition to the pillow, there is another difference.  On the bedside table next to Qiu Sheng, there was an extra desk calendar.

    One page of the desk calendar has the dates of the entire month, and each date occupies a small grid. There is also a lunar calendar in the small grid, and the table can show the day of the week.

    A cross was drawn in the small grid before the eighth date, and Qiu Sheng guessed based on experience that the culprit was the black pen next to the desk calendar.

    Was it drawn by a girl?  How did she draw so accurately?  You can't hear the position of the small grid.

    Qiu Sheng looked carefully, and it turns out that the date in each small grid is protruding, and the number can be felt by fingers.

    Is June 8 today's date?  So a cross is drawn in front of it.

    From June 1st, Qiu Sheng's attention was almost all on observing the blind woman.  He stared at the small grid of number eight.

    8, the sixth day, Saturday.

    Saturday is a holiday, and he can observe the girl here for a whole morning.

    The girl lay still, and from experience, she would wake up between nine and ten o'clock, and now it is seven fifty-five, and there is still more than an hour.

    During this period of time, Qiu Sheng usually recalls some things from his childhood.

    Outside the girl's room, Qiu Sheng never thought about recalling the past. If he was bored, he would do some boring things, such as watching short videos or reading novels.

    Short videos and novels are things that can attract attention. They are not suitable for watching while committing crimes, so I can only think about things now.

    This is the conclusion that Qiu Sheng came to after thinking about it. In fact, it may just be because the atmosphere here for the girl is suitable for recalling the past, just like the chair is suitable for putting clothes.  They piled up on their own.

    The vibration of the mobile phone interrupted Qiu Sheng's thinking. He turned off the sound and the vibration of the software outside of WeChat. This is because someone was chatting with him privately on WeChat.

    "The teacher is about to roll the roll. I hid the roster, and it may take a few minutes. Come here quickly!"

    It was Qiu Sheng's "friend" who was urging him to go to class.?

    Staring at this news, Qiu Sheng was puzzled, there was obviously no class on Friday morning.

    He scrolled down the screen, Tuesday, June 8th.

    Why is Saturday on the desk calendar?

    "Where are people? What's going on with you recently?"

    ?My friend was in a hurry, so he made a video call, Qiu Sheng turned off the phone, and typed back: "Let him order."

    It's too late to go to school now, he made excuses like this.  In fact, he hadn't thought of going to school at all.

    "Awesome!" A friend sent an emoji of a cow holding a beer.

    Putting away the phone, Qiu Sheng picked up the desk calendar.

    Why is Saturday written on this desk calendar?

    The answer to the mystery was soon revealed, and Qiu Sheng turned to the beginning page of the desk calendar, which was from two years ago.

    Why is something from two years ago put up now?

    Maybe I found it when I was packing up old things, so I took it out and played with it.

    He glanced at the girl, saw that the girl hadn't moved, and looked through the desk calendar.  On the July page, he found a small hole.

    The hole was poked in the 15th grid, about the thickness of an ordinary pencil.

    It's a special day?  is it birthday?

    We will know when that day comes.  Qiu Sheng put down the desk calendar, propped his chin, and stared at the girl.

    At 8:45, the girl changed from lying on her side to lying upright, and she opened her eyes.

    This time is a little early, probably because of discomfort lying on the side.

    The girl sat up and fumbled around. She found the phone and tapped the screen.

    "Eight forty-six." The synthetic voice announced the time.

    A week ago, Qiu Sheng couldn't hear the sound when the girl was operating the phone, it was the time chime.  The speed of the voice is very fast, Qiu Sheng would have adjusted it so fast.  Even with such a fast voice, the girl's operation of the mobile phone is still slower than ordinary people.  Ordinary text that can be scanned at a glance, it takes a long time to read it in voice.

    After getting out of bed, the girl touched the wall and walked towards the door.

    Not far in front of her is the pillow she dropped. Qiu Cheng stared at the pillow and thought, maybe the girl would step on it.

    Even if a discerning person steps on something rashly, there is a high possibility of falling, let alone a blind person.

    He didn't move, and a fall was nothing. He came to commit crimes, not to be a volunteer.

    The girl stepped on the corner of the pillow and stepped out safely, with Qiu Sheng following behind her.
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