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Chapter 977 The United Nations fully supports it!

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    Chapter 977 The United Nations fully supports it!

    After the speech by the South African representative, several representatives of African countries spoke one after another. They hope that the United Nations Food Program will allocate funds to Changtian Technology and fully support Changtian Technology in building energy block factories and food factories. No one wants to miss it.  This chance to stop starving.

    Seeing that this group of niggers and poor ghosts actually wanted to leave the country and play by themselves, the United States directly arranged to enter the voting session.

    Immediately after that, it entered the voting session. This is a prescribed process. After all, the United Nations has to agree with everyone to pay for it.

    The United States has made detailed calculations. If it votes, the little brothers in its own camp will definitely not let the vote pass.

    "The United States votes against!" The representative of the United States pressed the "No" button while scanning his little brother, and the warning was self-evident.

    Those more developed countries naturally followed suit, and some regime countries that relied on the support of the United States to obtain legal seats in the United Nations also voted against it.

    However, the poor in the world account for the vast majority, and most poor countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America voted for it without hesitation.

    What surprised the United States most is that some backward countries in Europe and even big dogs in West Asia, their own back garden, South America, also voted in favor.

    As soon as the voting results came out, the yes votes had an absolute advantage.

    This proposal was passed.

    The representatives of some countries headed by the United States were very upset and withdrew from the meeting immediately. Seeing that they could not make trouble, they went back to find a way to make trouble.

    The meeting was free of these annoying flies, and the next topic went very smoothly.

    That is how to make good use of the billion-dollar fund.

    The result of the preliminary discussion is to build more energy block factories and food factories for Changtian Technology in South Africa, first of all to alleviate the food crisis in South Africa.

    ? While taking South Africa as a pilot, it will continue to radiate to the surrounding area, and then build related factories in more countries to radiate the entire Africa as quickly as possible.

    It is worth noting that the one-billion-meter knife is only for the Changtian Technology Construction Factory, and does not include the cost of purchasing food products.

    The United Nations is a little embarrassed to see that Changtian Technology¡¯s food is too cheap. It also hopes to cooperate with Changtian Technology to allow Changtian Technology to have a certain profit margin. I am afraid that Changtian Technology will be unsustainable, which is not good for the overall situation of hunger  .

    The news of the United Nations spread quickly, and those poor countries immediately brought this good news back home.

    The people don't care about the content of the cooperation. What they care about most is whether they can have enough food.

    Being able to eat is the best cooperation!

    This time it was all right, and seeing that they had enough to eat, people from some Latin American and African countries spontaneously ran to the streets to sing and dance, rejoicing.

    In the news, especially in the pictures of many self-media news, there are not only scenes of people cheering, but also some scenes of on-site interviews.

    Some self-media who have been in Africa for a long time conducted random interviews with ordinary people in South Africa.

    This area has just sold Changtian Technology's energy blocks and synthetic meat, so everyone is still very rare about it, and they eat it on the roadside as soon as they buy it.

    These people gobbled it up, but when they saw Xia Guo reporters coming to interview, they stood up to welcome them. After asking a few words, the people began to dance around Xia Guo's self-media bloggers, shouting in unison, "Xia Guo! Xia Guo  !"

    Originally, such a picture was an interview accident, because the interview process was not completed.

    This is almost the case for interviews in many regions. The interviews have not been completed at all, but they seem to have been completed.

    The self-media blogger faced the camera with a trembling voice. He finally calmed down, and then said in slightly excited words:

    "We all understand that technology is the primary production, and we have always put our hope of solving the problem of hunger on technological progress.

    For this goal, countless scientific researchers in Xiaguo and even the world have forgotten to eat and sleep.

    Our planting technology has been continuously improved, and various types of food have been continuously developed, but we are still helpless to solve global human hunger. More than one billion people are still suffering from severe hunger. The improvement of technology cannot keep up with the death rate of hungry people.  This is a tragedy for all mankind.  "

    "However, this problem is expected to be completely solved. It is Changtian Technology that solves it. Changtian Technology has taken a big step forward in food technology!"

    Xia Guo's self-media blogger said: "Changtian Technology perfectly combines the nutrition and energy of food with an incredible high-tech, and what's even more incredible is that it does it at the same time.The representative said that even the Asian-African Joint Conference was not attended so well.

    Although that is the case, everyone¡¯s joy is visible to the naked eye. The situation in South Africa is getting better every day, and they are also full of optimism about the domestic hunger problem.

    Changtian Technology was very busy here, and Changtian Technology sent Qu Ping (the head of the life science and medical laboratory) as the person in charge to decide on specific matters.

    ? Qu Ping quickly mobilized the internal talents of Changtian Technology to form a relevant team, and at the same time negotiated with representatives in multiple lines.

    Among them are representatives from Venezuela who have been in Changzezhou for a week.

    The representative of Venezuela is quite nervous now. He came to Changtian Technology with the hope of the people of the whole country. If the negotiation fails, he will be a historical sinner.

    Speaking of Venezuela, it is really a successful example of failure.

    Originally, Venezuela relied on exporting oil to survive. When it was next to the United States, oil was sold and the country's welfare was very good.

    However, in order to suppress the oil price in Venezuela, the United States deliberately supported some guerrillas, careerists, and opposition parties to oppose the government, and the whole country fell into chaos.

    The United States sells weapons at high prices and supplies food to those opposition forces, and at the same time buys the oil they control at low prices, making a lot of money.

    On the other hand, through the hegemony of rice knife, raising interest rates and lowering interest rates to harvest the wealth of Venezuela, the specific means are similar to the financial crisis in Southeast Asia. After several sets of combined punches, Venezuela has successfully changed from a relatively developed country to a poor country, and its people are starving.  , The people are in dire straits.

    Those hungry people turned to the opposition for food, and the country became more chaotic and divided, and then the United States could better control the country.

    This phenomenon occurs in many countries. The United States committed crimes all over the world, and now the Xia Kingdom is sowing seeds of goodwill all over the world.

    "We want Changtian Technology to build more factories in Venezuela, because our country has a relatively large population." The Venezuelan representative wiped the sweat from his brow. Although the Changtian Technology employee who was talking to him was very kind, he knew his request  It's too much. With so many countries, why should they focus on taking care of themselves?

    Sure enough, the employees of Changtian showed embarrassment: "This is not good, the United Nations has only so much money, at least let everyone take turns. If you still have funds to build a factory, we can speed up the speed."

    This is to take care of the face of the United Nations. After all, Changtian Technology is not in the mood to do business in Venezuela.

    The Venezuelan representative was even more embarrassing: "If we have money, we don't need to ask the United States to release food However, we do have natural gas, iron ore, coal, forests, gold mines, bauxite and other precious resources, development rights  Can it be discounted with the real thing?"

    Changtian's employee was stunned for a moment. It was a barter. He scratched his head and hurriedly reported it.

    Qu Ping quickly gathered the situation to Chen Xiao, and proposed that there are many countries that barter, and this question must be answered.

    Even if it is barter, it is absolutely not allowed to use rice knives for settlement.

    ? If you use a rice knife, you will be harvested by Wall Street.

    At this time, Chen Xiao smiled, and he just waited for these representatives to take the initiative to say this!

    Many resources are non-renewable. I don't want to overuse domestic resources, and the cost is still high. Now it's all right, the pillow delivery is here, and I can lie down.

    After getting Chen Xiao's approval, the negotiation went very smoothly.

    After the representative of Venezuela signed the agreement, he quickly held a press conference. At the press conference, he said emotionally:

    "We are still a developing country. The common people are starving and their survival is not guaranteed. All of this is actually caused by Western countries! Western capitals wantonly price all the resources that the world depends on for survival. This is inhumane! Now, long-term  Skytech is sincerely willing to help us.¡±

    "As long as we have Changtian technology, we can break the blockade! I am here to appeal to the nationals of Venezuela to return to their homes. We will have enough food for everyone to survive, so everyone stop fighting, unite and live together.  Safe day!"

    After finishing speaking, the Venezuelan representative stepped off the stage and left with his assistants. They bought a plane ticket and then held a press conference. This operation took off at six. He couldn¡¯t wait to return to China and told the people of the country that solving the hunger in the country would be helpful.  way
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