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Main text Chapter 216 Sadness and constant thinking and tricks to pick skins Section 6

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    "Let's leave the people you rescued to Uncle Moya. You can save as many as you can. When he comes over to take care of these things, we will leave."  pointed a way.

    Nishang and Zheng obediently agreed, and Beiwang let them go to rest.

    "Did you really part with Jian Chuan like this?" Zheng asked her seriously while holding Nishang.

    "Fortunately, he went to track down those leaders, and it's fine if he's not around." Nishang looked at Zheng blankly.

    Zheng hugged Nishang in his arms, and said softly: "After everything is over, I will take you to find Jianchuan."

    The two stood in the yard for a long time, until Nishang stopped crying, and then they went to sleep separately.

    On the second day, Nishang was responsible for packing up the things for the winter and waiting for childbirth, and asked Jin Qing, who had not yet left, to send a letter to the cliff of Shouqiu before going to Xizhao.

    Beiwang mentioned Nishang again. They collected these refugees, and they went to Xizhao's county magistrates to go through the formalities and become slaves of Nishang, and asked them to help develop the wasteland in Xizhao.

    Don't blindly keep them. Whether it is the Luyi clan that is already under great pressure or the local civil affairs pressure, it will be fine if we are here all the time, and their living environment will be more difficult if we leave for a while.

    As well as Jin Qing and Jue Yin, it is best to put them on errands in the palace, and don't be so aggressive. If King Liren can succeed, they will naturally have no worries about food and clothing in the future.

    Even if it doesn't work, if a new celestial being takes over the palace, they won't embarrass them. If they hang it under the name of Nishang, Nishang will let it go. No matter whether it succeeds or not, the future of both of them is unpredictable.

    Nishang also had to agree one by one again, and he really sighed secretly in his heart, Dad is not as merciless to these human beings as he thought before.

    On the other hand, these things were handled by my mother in the past. I thought my father would not be so careful. It turns out that my father is very concerned about the housekeeping, but after thinking about it, my father is also the one who leads the soldiers.

    Thinking about it this way, it is indeed difficult for the simple-minded Sister Chang Si to take on such a heavy responsibility. My actions these past few days are indeed a bit inappropriate as my father said.

    On the third day, everyone was going to visit the previous village. Bei Wang wanted to get some small items related to the moon halo. Chang Si, who had been running around, wanted to go with him, but when he got up early, he felt very dizzy.

    Zheng and Nishang persuaded her several times before she stayed. Beiwang thought for a while and asked Teng to stay with her, and then brought Zheng and Nishang back to the valley. After entering the valley, they each sighed.

    Bei Wang sat at the door without saying a word. After a while, he found some tools and erected the yard they had knocked down before.

    Nishang and Zheng looked at each other, and had to let Nishang randomly find some eating plants in the field that had been deserted for a year, and Zheng went to the mountains to hunt some prey.

    Bei Wang built the fence and gate outside the house, and Nishang also diligently swept the dust in the house, cleaned up the usual things, and lit the kang with the help of Bei Wang.

    After a busy day for several people, except that there is no moon halo and vines, it feels like this home is back.

    Everyone had a heavy dinner, but Beiwang had eaten on the threshold, and was still staring at the outside of the house, Nishang and Zheng obediently went to lay the kang.

    Zheng and Nishang were also tired all day, and it got dark early here in Xidi, and the hourglass at home had broken down long ago. I don't know the exact time, but they just helped Dad with their busy work for a long time.

    Finally, I fell asleep on the kang that I slept in since I was a child.

    Listening to them falling asleep, Beiwang sat on the threshold again, waited for a long time, and softly called the moon halo to the room, but under the moonlight, the girl he liked would never smile under the moonlight again  Come in money.

    Bei Wang didn't look back, just kept driving, stroking her spar in his hand, and murmured: "I'm not capable, so I'm going to avenge you now.

    But I listen to you, save these children, but what happens, I will not let this family lose one more person, you wait for me, don't go too fast.

    As long as the world is peaceful, I will come to you, and they will grow up by then, as long as they are no longer related to the clan and heaven and man, and they are fine, I will come to you.

    I never thought that you would walk in front of me, let alone that you would die in front of me. I know you have charmed me, but I am willing.

    I really miss you, I want to spend this life and the next life with you peacefully, and I just want to be with you in every life from now on" Bei Wang has always been bad at words, but this three  The love story until four is the moon haloHe didn't say anything when he wrote it.

    When two people are together, the moon has always said that he listens, and listening to it for a lifetime, even ten lifetimes is not enough.  He couldn't let go of the West, King Liren, or the people of the West.

    However, the pain of Yue Hao dying in front of him made him really scared, and Yue Hao begged him to take the child over and over again in the phantom, so he could only let go of everything and take the child  Run away again.

    Beiwang has been sitting at the door, waiting silently for the dawn. When it is dawn, he will repair the fence and look at this house again.  Then let Nishang seal it with an illusion.

    Wait until the day I can complete my wish list, I will come back here, and go to find the moon halo, and I don¡¯t know how long it took Bei Wang to turn into a vision and completely fall asleep.

    I don't know how long it took before Zheng got up, looked at the still dark sky outside, rubbed his somewhat sore arms, and saw that Zheng Xiang, who was sleeping beside her in neon clothes, didn't want to get up for a while.

    After watching it for a long time, I fell asleep again, and slept like this until I was a little hungry, hungry outside, and it was bright outside before getting up.

    Bei Wang had already warmed up pancakes for them, and went out to hunt again.

    They also tidied up the house and continued to repair the courtyard wall. After Beiwang came back, they cooked again, and everyone continued to work together. Only then did they have some vitality.

    While working, Bei Wang couldn't help asking: "Was this yard demolished by Leopard Shadow at that time? And there was a big hole in the roof?"

    Zheng and Nishang looked at each other, and Nishang smiled and conjured an illusion for Bei Wang to see that the door was knocked by Chang Si, and then came to repair in early spring and demolished the entire yard.

    Bei Wang smiled and shook his head while watching, Zheng and Nishang also laughed out loud thinking about the scene at that time.

    After the three of them erected the fence at night, Zheng silently went to get the ladder, so let's fix the roof too. Looking north was a bit uncomfortable, so he nodded.

    Nishang suggested at this time: "We still have a small car, let's make one together, thinking that if Uncle Mo Ya is fast, he will not be able to come until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

    Beiwang looked at the two children who kept raising ideas, and he understood in his heart that they knew that Beiwang was reluctant to leave, so they wanted him to restore the house to the way it was before, and he fulfilled his wish.

    So the three of them worked in the village for another two days, and everything was repaired as it was when the moon halo was there. Looking north, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the house, and the smoke rose from the chimney.

    At this moment, Nishang also restores the village to the time when the illusion has not disappeared according to the appearance of the village in memory. For a while, cocks crow and dogs bark, children run around and play, and the whole village comes alive.

    Bei Wang covered his face with trembling hands, and after a while, he turned into a warg with neon clothes on his back and Zheng ran around the village, howling constantly.

    In the end, he jumped into his own room and howled to the setting sun, and took the two children away from the last peaceful place in his heart.

    But when they arrived at the mining area, they found that the entire mining area was in chaos, not only the cliff, but also King Liren.

    Looking north at the few of them, they suddenly had a bad feeling, and rushed directly to the steward's mansion, and King Li Ren summoned them.

    "They, they said that Chang Si colluded with the national teacher and destroyed the dragon's lair. Some of the red dragons have already escaped." King Liren trembled a little, not daring to look directly to the north.

    "Well, Chang Si is Weichen's daughter-in-law, if she behaves like this." Bei Wang looked blankly, and there were also Nishang and Zheng with terrified faces.

    He gritted his teeth and continued: "If it is, if there is something wrong, I am willing to bear it on my behalf."

    "They, they said that the stolen goods were captured together, and they have already executed Chang Si." Sweat broke out on King Liren's head, and the west was already extremely cold at this time, so it can be seen that this matter was no less shocking to King Liren.  Looking north.

    "Chang Si" Upon hearing the news, Nishang fainted without finishing her sentence.

    Zheng immediately supported Nishang, looked at the crumbling father, and hurriedly knelt down: "My lord, where is my sister-in-law's body now?"

    "On the gate tower of Wufu, they peeled off Chang Si's skin." King Liren was also shaking like chaff at this moment.

    "Eh." Zheng's eyes darkened, and he vomited a mouthful of blood, which sprinkled on Nishang.

    North Wang was also stunned as if struck by lightning, treason, ah, skinning for publicity.

    "What kind of evidence is there? It's too late to wait for my minister to testify for two days." At this moment, Bei Wang spoke so rudely to King Liren for the first time.

    He raised his head, the vision body was faintly visible, and he took a step forward.

    King Liren sat down tiredly, wiped the sweat from his brow, and said with a tired expression, "Where did you guys go? I haven't seen you for ten days. The red dragon has already rushed to Zhongzhou. I will kill you."  The red dragon came over there.

    Even if this king trusts Chang Si, those who were killed by Chilong along the way did not give me time to wait for you.  "

    "What, we've only been away for three or four days." Zheng looked at Bei Wang with some doubts.

    Bei Wang stabilized his figure, and said tremblingly: "Wei Chen wants to see the evidence, and even more wants to see who is presenting the evidence."

    King Liren waved his hand and asked the guards around him to present a group of witnesses.

    Zheng didn't feel at ease and handed over the neon clothes to the servants who were waiting at the side. Looking at the evidence in his hands, he looked north and took a closer look at the prisoners who were being suppressed. They were indeed Niu Dali's cronies., said with a weary look, "Where did you guys go? I haven't seen you for ten days, and the red dragon has already rushed to Zhongzhou, and I came here after killing the red dragon there.

    Even if this king trusts Chang Si, those who were killed by Chilong along the way did not give me time to wait for you.  "

    "What, we've only been away for three or four days." Zheng looked at Bei Wang with some doubts.

    Bei Wang stabilized his figure, and said tremblingly: "Wei Chen wants to see the evidence, and even more wants to see who is presenting the evidence."

    King Liren waved his hand and asked the guards around him to present a group of witnesses.

    Zheng didn't feel at ease and handed the neon clothes to the servants who were waiting at the side. Looking at the evidence in his hand, he looked north and took a closer look at the prisoners who were being suppressed. They were indeed Niu Dali's cronies.
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