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Text Chapter 374: Nanhou Fenghua (1)

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    Xiaochenzhuang is a Huangzhuang near Gyeonggi. On this day, the neighbor of Xiaochenzhuang's uncle's house, the son of the godson under the eunuch's steward, Zhou Fu, the little steward, took a group of Zhuang Ding to pull out the grain in the cellar.  Load the car and send it to Beijing.

    Zhou Fu is not young anymore, his godson is only sixteen this year, but he is already forty-three, so this is also the reason why the eunuch in charge can be his godson.

    How hard would the eunuch in charge recognize Zhou Fu, an old gangster, as his godson?

    However, Zhou Fu is actually one of the talkers in Xiaochenzhuang, a small local yamenletting Xiaochenzhuang be regarded as a yamen, there must be a group of people at the top who are making connections and occupying the latrines.  Shit, they are indispensable, but they are also indispensable to actually do things.

    For those who don't really do things, they can't pay the jobs at the top, let alone their own oil and water.

    In fact, starting seven or eight years ago, Zhou Fu had already held this position in Xiaochenzhuang. However, the Huangzhuangzi near Gyeonggi was nominally managed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the early years, but in fact it was managed by the second prince.  The head of the family village is also a member of the second prince.

    Then, three years ago, Zhou Fu competed with another steward for the position of "confidant". The superior, of course, was the eunuch in charge who obeyed the second prince, and what they were fighting for was the position of "godson".

    Zhou Fu and his competitor Ma Quan'er used money to make money together, and wanted to get close to the eunuch. As a result, something happened to Ma Quan'er's house, and his wife was caught stealing a man.  Everyone in Dezhuangzi knows it.

    The eunuch in charge has nothing to do with his crotch. Although he also has an outside room, he can only use Mr. Jiao to live his addiction. In that respect, he has always had a low self-esteem.  Promote him to the real manager of Xiaochenzhuang.

    Zhou Fu always believed that Ma Quan'er should have done it on purpose.

    Because Ma Quan's daughter-in-law, with a big waist, a round face, a black buck teeth, is nicknamed Sai Wild Boar, just like this, can she still steal someone?

    But no matter what,

    Ma Quaner won.

    For the first time, Zhou Fu, who has spent his whole life in Zhuangzi, deeply touched the depth of "struggle for power";

    Later, Ma Quan'er began to suppress Zhou Fu's side, deliberately bullying the people around Zhou Fu, as if he wanted to vent all the losses suffered by "Sai Wild Boar".

    It's just that not long after, the first emperor passed away, and the chaos among the princes began, and the second prince began to privately stockpile weapons in the Huangzhuang.

    But before the incident started, the forbidden army rushed in, and the eunuch in charge was arrested, as was Ma Quan'er, and Sai Yezhu and Ma Quan'er's son and daughter were also arrested as prisoners.

    ? If you are involved in a major treason case, the starting price is to implicate the whole family.

    Zhou Fu remembered the day Ma Quaner was arrested,

    He saw himself kneeling behind a crowd of imperial guards,

    Ma Quan'er shouted:

    "Zhou Fuer, Zhou Fuer, I died for you, for you!"


    Just to die for myself.

    Because Zhou Fu knew that even if he had competed with Ma Quan'er and became the chief steward under the eunuch in charge, when the superior asked you to store weapons privately in the village, would you object?  Do you dare to object?

    Ma Quan'er's family was interrogated and beheaded.

    those days,

    Following the failure of the princes' uprisings one by one,

    The number of congren who were killed can be described as vast.

    However, Zhou Fu heard that none of the princes died, and now they are imprisoned in the palace, and they can only have children, and keep giving birth.

    For Zhou Fu, no, to be precise, for every ordinary person, it can be said to be the life of a god!

    The common people don't know what it means to be depressed and unwilling, and they don't know what it means to be unable to display their ambitions;

    It is not easy for them to face the loess and their backs to the sky every day, or push the cart to do work to earn the ration money of the whole family. It is really hard to understand that those princes and princes are imprisoned in the exquisite palace.  How difficult is it to live with the same food and many women waiting for you!

    After Zhou Fu drank a little drunk,

    Slapped the mother-in-law who blocked her,

    Not festival or year,

    I took out some yellow paper from the cabinet, set up a brazier, and started burning the paper.

    Burned for Ma Quan'er,

    Burned for the wild boar,

    Burn it to Ma Quan'er's children who would run to his father to beg for mercy when they were being bullied by him.

    The rebellious princes are not dead, the books in the city?It is a dry country.

    The country of Yan is because it has been fighting with the barbarians for too long, and was even once herded by the barbarians under the city of Yanjing;

    Ganren In order to prevent the Yan people from going south, Ganren forcibly diverted the Qianjiang River, and forcibly dug a Bianhe River north of Shangjing.

    Compared with the capital city of Jin State and Ying Capital of Chu State, they do not place so much emphasis on pure military defense.

    In the romance of the Chu people, there is actually a strong self-confidence.

    They built a number of places of interest outside Yingdu, but they didn't bother to build its city walls, because the Chu people felt that there was no need for the brilliant Chu.


    this time,

    Yan Jun is here.

    It came very quickly and very suddenly, skipping the defense lines set up by the Chu people in the north, and marched so abruptly that they almost ignored the slightest retreat, and arrived outside Yingdu.

    When the black armor that Dayan's iron cavalry was accustomed to appeared outside the city of Yingdu, and when the people of Yingdu saw the black dragon flags waving in stretches, no matter whether they were the common people or the dignitaries, they all had the feeling that they were dreaming.


    Wake up soon,

    Waking up is not alone,

    No matter how romantic Chu people are, they can no longer create a lonely atmosphere at this time.

    is panic,

    All the beauty was torn apart, and Bing Feng flicked away the panic of the thick rouge on his face.

    King Jingnan rode a Pixiu,

    Come to the front of the army.

    Many people think that pre-military training is a form of formalism. This is because the speaker is not worthy of virtue.

    The speeches of the Savage King, the speeches of Uncle Zheng,

    Often it can make the soldiers scream and forget the fear of life and death.

    And King Jingnan,

    In the hearts of Jingnan soldiers,

    He is God!

    At that time,

    Dayan only has the Zhenbei Army!

    It's him,

    ?With the rise of the Jingnan Army,


    The towns of the Zhenbei Army can only cooperate with the Jingnan Army.

    Tian Wujing doesn't like to talk too much, so many times, he silently draws out his knives and is the first to charge.

    This time, his eyes swept across the Jingnan Army boys in front of him,

    asked calmly:

    "Are you tired or not?"

    Speaking is very calm.

    But under the blessing of the Qi and blood of Tian Wujing's third-rank peak martial artist, it sounded like thunder.

    All the soldiers drew out their sabers and lashed at their armor,

    Call in unison:




    It is inevitable for a long-distance march to be exhausted.

    But they used this momentum at this time to tell their prince,

    They can still fight,

    Dare to fight!

    Tian Wujing said:

    "My lord, I'm tired."

    In an instant, all horses fell silent.

    The soldiers couldn't believe that their king would be tired.

    But these words were said by Wang himself.

    An invincible king, a totem in the army, unexpectedly said in front of thousands of troops that he was tired.

    Pixiu turns around,

    Facing south,


    The Chu army is forming an array,

    Farther away,

    You can already vaguely see the towering city walls of Yingdu, which are layer upon layer, but basically do not have much defensive value.

    Tian Wujing turned his back to his subordinate Erlang, and turned his back to the cavalry of the Jingnan Army created by himself.

    He lightly patted the head of Pixiu under his crotch,

    Pixiu opened his mouth,

    Kun spitting out,

    Circling in the air, finally fell into the hands of Tian Wujing.

    Tian Wujing tilted his Kun,


    "Crush into Chudu, grab the dragon chair, and let the king rest."


    Thanks to Shangxian Qitian for becoming the 149th leader of "Magic Landing"!

    Don't wait tonight, I have to think about the following plot, I don't know if there will be more, so say good night first.
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