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Text Chapter 25 Earl Battle (4)

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    A black spot appeared on the horizon, and the spot changed into blocks!  Block into human form!

    Ibrahimovic grinned, tilted his head slightly, leaned against Linda's golden hair, and fell into a deep sleep with a faint fragrance.

    As soon as Adolf saw the silver sports car Ling mentioned, he finally let go of his hanging heart, and when he saw two armed helicopters chasing after him, violent anger filled his whole body.

    His figure suddenly disappeared, and when he appeared, he had already hovered in front of the front of the silver sports car.

    At this time, the modified R10 weighed 3 tons!  Speed ??close to 400 yards!

    I saw his body sinking, his hands touched the front of the car first, the body sank suddenly, the roaring engine turned off instantly, his feet landed on the ground, and after plowing hundreds of meters on the ground, the speed of the car finally dropped to within 100 yards, and then the R10  The airbag was slowly deployed, and when it was fully deployed, the car had come to a complete stop.

    He breathed a sigh of relief, smiled slightly, then looked up at the two armed helicopters coming towards him, and clenched his fists violently.

    He roared, bursting out with pent-up anger.

    The next moment, the front of the armed helicopter with the missile was pierced, and the fuselage shrank suddenly, less than half of its original length.

    The bright sparks burst suddenly!

    Everything happened too fast, and before the two crew members of the other helicopter realized what was going on, the surrounding scene changed drastically.

    They appeared in mid-air, and the helicopter they were driving, like a popsicle, rolled and plunged into the wasteland. Not long after, a black and red flower appeared there!

    The two crew members looked at the huge black spark with lingering fear, and the huge fear made them tremble crazily.

    After Adolf landed, he looked down at the two of them, then raised and flicked his hands, and knocked the two of them unconscious in mid-air with two volleys of hand knives.

    He carried the silver sports car to the side of the road, then flipped his watch and glanced at the time. He estimated in his heart that Gerrard would take twenty-five minutes to arrive.

    Ten minutes later, a helicopter flying from Tim's direction landed on the scene first.

    The logo of the Celinegrad Private Hospital was printed on the helicopter, and the first person to disembark from the rescue helicopter was an old acquaintance, Dr. Celinegrad.

    Selingrad is already in her fifties, but she looks like a woman in her thirties. She nodded to Adolf first, then came to the silver sports car, and with the help of several assistants, drove Ibrahimovic  and Linda from the car onto the stretcher.

    "Don't touch him." Adolf stopped them from taking Ibrahimovic away.

    Selingrad pouted, and let the two assistants put down Ibrahimovic unhappily, and then the group walked quickly to the helicopter.

    The helicopter's propellers turned slowly, and the airflow became more and more urgent. Just as the helicopter was about to leave the ground, Celine Grad suddenly opened the porthole and shouted: "Damn! That fat man is not omnipotent! You will regret it!"

    Adolf shrugged, ignored the crazy woman, and turned to look at a small black spot in the sky.

    Eight or nine minutes later, Gerrard got out of the helicopter out of breath. After a simple inspection, he preliminarily judged that Ibrahimovic was not in danger. Then he waved his hand and asked the doctors who came with him to carry Ibrahimovic to the helicopter.  , for a detailed inspection.

    He wiped the sweat off his face, and asked suspiciously, "Didn't you say there's another one? Where's the person?"

    "Taken away by Celinegrad."

    "Okay!" Gerald glanced at his car again, and said with lingering fear: "This bastard is really crazy. He drove the speeding state that would only be activated when the speed exceeded 320 yards per hour. This  But the highway! There are so many cars, how can he drive so far!"

    "Dynamic vision." Adolf said lightly.

    "That's impossible! You thought you were playing tennis!"

    "I asked you to tell him that." Adolf patted the ashes on his shoulders, and put the police cap on his head again.

    "Could it bewrong! There is no sign on him at all!"

    "Why do you know so much!" Adolf said impatiently.

    "Hey! It's not your wife who is angry, of course you don't care! If I don't find a reasonable explanation, I can't even go home recently!"

    "It's just that what he ate before has worked. Kahn has brought back some weird things over the years. We have all eaten a lot. Ibrahimovic has eaten so much, and it is normal for him to experience some changes."

    "That's right! I've eaten dragon meat, and it's normal to have some superhuman changes." Gerald repeated it again, and ran into the helicopter with a smile.

    Watching the helicopter fly towards Kavalon, he turned around slowly, ?Smoker, who stood behind him without speaking, said: "It seems that even we will get involved this time. I guess Ibrahimovic will clamor for revenge as soon as he wakes up. It's a headache"

    "Like you." Smoker suddenly grinned.

    Adolf's face instantly collapsed, and he laughed at himself.  "He hasn't learned anything about the good side of me, but he has learned a lot about being careful."

    After Ibrahimovic was nine years old, his parents were often away from home. As a last resort, Ibrahimovic could only go to his house to live temporarily. He said it was a temporary residence, but in fact he lived at least half of the year at his house.  He is a carefree person without so many rules, so Ibrahimovic likes to play with him, and Ibrahimovic often helps him investigate cases. Over time, his petty and impulsive bad habits have deeply affected Ibrahimovic.  Impact.

    Um?  !  There is also a good side, dedicated to me!

    The day after Craig was released from prison, the stock market in Empire was in turmoil.  Massive funds from overseas crazily shorted seven long-established imperial companies. The brutal and violent operations not only caused the FTSE 100 index to plummet, but also caused the Nasdaq index, which had been rising rapidly, to drop slightly.

    Although these seven imperial enterprises with a long history have been hit hard, the host of Imperial Finance and Economics News does not believe that they will collapse, because although they are private enterprises, they are all the industries of the Bauhinia family, which means that the relevant government departments will definitely try to  Intervene in this malicious short.

    Unexpectedly, when the market opened on the second day, there were countless funds that seemed to have no source, like a tornado that destroyed the FTSE 100 and the Dow Jones, and then these funds turned around, biting and devouring all of the Bauhinia family like hungry wolves.  industry.

    The Imperial Financial Conduct Authority immediately intervened in the investigation, but the investigation ended in less than half an hour.

    The main person in charge of the family business of the Bauhinia family is Matthew's brother-in-law, who is also the brother-in-law of Earl Atam.  He stated that this was just a normal acquisition without any illegal operations, and in front of the director of the Supervision Bureau, he opened all the eight boxes of documents he brought, and eight large accounting firms and two large law firms jointly conducted the audit.

    This is a premeditated acquisition!  The director of the Supervision Bureau is keenly aware of it, and has planned it for at least two years.

    What foreign short-selling institutions are simply a cover, in fact it is very simple, it is to lower the stock price and let those bloodthirsty lions who have endured for a long time enjoy it.

    Since the property of the Bauhinia family still belongs to the imperial aristocratic circle, there is no need for him to get involved.

    He is a little curious now, how did Matthew fight with Earl Atam.

    Economic issues, as long as the Earl of Atam is still the Earl, the Queen cannot sit idly by.  Economically, it is impossible to defeat an earl.
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