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Text Chapter 16 Betrayal (six chapters deleted, eight added)

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    Today is sunny and sunny.

    Today is the trading day set by the Shivar brothers.

    After Adolf made a phone call to the mayor, he came out of the office and came to the gate of the police station. At this moment, there were more than 300 police officers in full armor standing at the gate. They looked at the high-spirited chief, expecting what happened next  big battle.

    The large-scale operation of dozens of police cars cannot be concealed from the eyes and ears of those who are interested.

    Less than half an hour after the convoy left, almost all gangsters in the city received the news.

    In the cellar of a dark bar.

    A mighty-looking middle-aged man was listening to his subordinates' reports.

    "Boss, the latest news, Adolf has already boarded the expressway, heading towards the suburbs. He has already left, should we act now." The men with evil faces said respectfully.

    "It's not right. At this time, he should use all his energy and police force on Brother Shivar. If Griffin dies, he can't explain to the city leaders." The boss was walking back and forth anxiously in the cellar, and suddenly he  He stopped and said with a serious expression: "Old Five, you should fly to Cavalon to find Matisse right now. He is taking care of all the money we have made over the yearsI won't call you, please  Don't come back!"

    "What's wrong with the boss, why do you want me to go and go to the fourth brother? Obviously everything is going well, we will be fine. Griffin is in our hands, and the police dare not mess around."

    "That's right! And now that the elite troops are leaving the city, isn't it just giving us a chance to kill that bitch Judy." The third child said emotionally.  "I did it when I was planning to trade at night, but I didn't expect Adolf to go to the suburbs suddenly. The opportunity was better than what we had planned."

    "It's too weird, it's too weird." The boss was walking around in the cellar, and the three brothers stood aside, all a little impatient.

    The second brother, who had been silent all this time, said, "This operation is not carried out by our people, but by a group of professional killers. Originally, we chose to do it at night. One is because the Shivar Brothers' transaction will attract most of the police's energy and firepower.  It is impossible to free up manpower to stop the actions of the killers. The second is because the killers are used to working at night. I have just contacted the killers. To them, there is no difference between day and night. They only worry about Adolf. Now  This opportunity, they think it can¡¯t be better.¡±

    The boss nodded as he walked, as if he was making the final decision.  Suddenly, he wiped his mouth vigorously, and said in a low tone, "How is Griffin?"

    "I have been tied up all the time, and I have not been given food or drink. He looks a little weak, but in fact, this kid is in good health. If he starves for another three or four days, he will have no problem," said the second brother.

    "Hmm how did those killers plan?" the boss reconfirmed.

    "They are all professionals. As long as we give an order, they can reach the Spider Woman Bar within an hour. At this point, she should still be patrolling the bar, and those killers can just set up an ambush there."

    "I always think this thing is a bit weird, but like I said, either he dies or we die." The boss sighed and murmured, "Why did you come back, why did you force me"

    The boss is not an unknown person, but the leader of Tim's well-known big gang, the Black Luo Gang.

    He grew up in Tim. He was rebellious since he was a child, and he became famous when he was a teenager. He became a high-level leader of the Black Luo Gang when he was less than 20 years old.

    Ten years ago, when Judy was imprisoned, the Black Luo Gang almost collapsed. He stood up when the gang was most in danger. Not only did he gather the hearts of the scattered people, but he also nearly doubled the size of the original territory.

    However, just because the territory has grown, it doesn't mean that the income has also increased.  In fact, the money he earned in these years was less than what Judy earned in half a year.

    The gap was so big that he didn't expect it, and he really couldn't figure out why he was doing the same thing as Judy, but why he made less and less money.

    Could it be because there are too many younger brothers?  But how can you expand your territory without a younger brother, how can you scare others!  He ate black rice, so of course the more the better, little brother!

    Now the main income of the Black Luo Gang is no longer the fairy dance, but the protection fees from five nightclubs, three dark bars, and seven streets.

    On the surface, it is beautiful, but in fact there are hardships. In order to reduce expenses, the gang members are getting younger and younger.

    There are more and more young people who don't care about the consequences and pay. These people can do things at critical moments, but they are very troublesome at ordinary times, making their sites a mess, and there are very few repeat customers.

    Fortunately, their place is not making money through normal routines, otherwise it would have closed down a long time ago.

    In addition to Adolf theseNian's approach to gang organizations is much softer, and they no longer blindly suppress them. Their life as a gang is okay, and they occasionally need to do things.

    As he grows older, he has gradually lost his previous ambitions. He just wants to keep his own territory and doesn't want to do some dangerous things anymore.  But a past that he didn't want to recall suddenly appeared in his dreams, and more and more frequently, every time he was scared to death.

    The reason why the Black Luo Gang did not disband was not because of how powerful his methods were, but because he stole the money that Judy hid in the secret vault.

    Fifty million huge sums of money, he has never seen so much money in his life.

    At that time, he wanted to take the money and fly far away, free and easy.  But he didn't want the four brothers to ask him for a drink, and unintentionally found out the huge sum of money he had secretly hidden.

    Facing the puzzled eyes of the four brothers, he was shocked at the time, and told the four brothers the origin of the money, and then said a purpose that the four brothers could accept.

    He wants to use the money to revitalize the Black Luo Gang, he doesn't want the Black Luo Gang to disband, and he doesn't want the brothers to live today without tomorrow like before.

    The four brothers recognized his words and were willing to follow him.

    With money, the Black Luo Gang recovered from the brink of disintegration and gradually grew stronger, but his and the four brothers' ideas gradually deviated from their original intentions and began to develop towards making a fortune.

    In this way, the Black Luo Gang is no longer the original Hei Luo Gang with laughter and laughter, but a gang that is no different from other gang organizations.

    "Do it! Do it! She must die!" The boss made up his mind.  "Call me the number of Shivar Brothers, trade in advance, trade immediately, and attract the attention of the police as much as possible, so that the gang of killers have enough time to kill Judy, Judy is not so easy to kill,  It's not that easy, I want to buy as much time as possible for them!"

    The second brother nodded, called Stinger and told him to act immediately.  Then, he dialed the number of Brother Shivar and handed the phone to the eldest.

    "Hey! There is a change in the plan, the transaction should be made in advance, and the cowardly earl should be notified immediately, and the transaction will be made at ten o'clock in the morning."


    "What why! I am your employer, and I paid for it! I tell you to do what you want! You have to do what you want!"

    After a while of silence on the other end of the phone, "You are our customer, and I will follow your instructions. Is there anything else you need?"

    "Also, be careful, don't let Griffin die, he is a real nobleman! After the transaction is completed, remember to scatter all the money on the street, and don't take it away foolishly. The money must have been stamped with a special mark  , I can¡¯t even wash it, it¡¯s just a pile of waste paper.¡±

    "What about our final payment?"

    "I owe you the five million! I'll give you the balance, what will you do if you run away!"

    "We are Shivar brothers"

    "Okay, don't talk about it, let's work first! They say how professional and awesome you are, I think you are not as good as those killers from the Holy City! They all work first and then ask for money."

    There was another silence on the other end of the phone, "Okay! As you wish! Let's work first!"

    After hanging up the phone, the boss gasped weakly.  He sat down on the sofa, took out a small iron box, pressed the button on the top, and a slit at the bottom spilled white powder.

    He caught it with his right hand, felt that it was almost done, and took a few deep breaths with his probe.  "Ahhh! Tsk My plan is perfect, even the heavens are helping me! That bitch is dead! Fake! Fake! Fake!"

    The second brother and the other two brothers nodded with a smile, and they all felt that the plan was very sure.

    Their confidence comes from that awesome killer stinger.

    One person killed more than 20 of their younger brothers, the speed was terrifying, almost as soon as an order was given to test, the more than 20 younger brothers seemed to have encountered a ghost, their bodies suddenly twisted strangely, without a sound  Some of them fell to the ground, and the most serious one, the younger brother, had his head tilted back and lost his breath.

    The first time they saw such a terrifying person, their three views were shattered to pieces.  If the introducer was not an old acquaintance, they would not dare to hire such a terrible person.

    ? A deposit of 2.5 million, and a final payment of 2.5 million after the event is completed.  The total is five million They don't know much about the killer's market. At that time, they thought it was more expensive, so they bargained for a long time, but the introducer insisted on the price and refused to let go.

    In the end, they compromised. After all, their purpose was to kill people, and the killer's ability to kill the target was the most important thing.  The Stinger undoubtedly has this ability.

    In line with the idea that good products are expensive and cheap products are not good, the boss paid a deposit and signed a contract.

    "It's really a bunch of stupid pigs. They were sold and helped to count the money." The second brother was drinking and celebrating with the three brothers with a smile on his face, but he thought so in his heart.

    "The Stinger's job has never been less than 50 million. Hehe, Brother Shivar is someone you bastards can afford to hire and control? You really don't know yourself Laugh to your heart's content! Drink! Suck!  Come on! You won¡¯t live long. Who will kill them first? How curious! Ask when they are about to be killed! Hehe!¡±?Pay the deposit and sign the contract.

    "It's really a bunch of stupid pigs. They were sold and helped to count the money." The second brother was drinking and celebrating with the three brothers with a smile on his face, but he thought so in his heart.

    "The Stinger's job has never been less than 50 million. Hehe, Brother Shivar is someone you bastards can afford to hire and control? You really don't know yourself Laugh to your heart's content! Drink! Suck!  Right! You won¡¯t live long. Who will kill them first? I¡¯m so curious! Ask when they are about to be killed! Hehe!?
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