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Battle for Earl Chapter 3 The Encounter That Day

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    After Ibrahimovic sat down, he said to the two sad-faced classmates in a happy mood: "It's a pity, I will treat you to a drink after class."

    "I doubt whether I will have the strength to drink water after class!" One person said.

    "Yeah! It's so tossing." Another person murmured in a low voice, "Damn! We were asked to run 30 laps of the playground last time! Don't treat us like human beings at all! A lap of 600 meters is a full 18,000 meters  Ah! I ran for over an hour to finish it!"

    "Go, the future of the empire needs your strong bodies!" Ibrahimovic said irrelevantly.

    "We need a ghost! It is true that we need a father who has saved her! If your father hadn't saved her, you would have been tortured to the point of being out of shape with your body!"

    "Yeah! Different people have different fates! It's useless to have money A rich second generation in the class next door gave her a red envelope to ask for sick leave. She dragged her out of the bar and dragged her to the playground to run! If she couldn't run, she  Just take the black ball and smash it in the back, until his whole family comes to beg for mercy, that scene, tsk tsk is really embarrassing."

    After the two finished speaking, they sighed at the same time, then curled their lips and quickly ran back to the queue, waiting for the final destruction.

    Ibrahimovic looked at the neat queue with his chin propped up, and couldn't help showing a wry smile.

    If he could, he didn't want to be so lazy, but his physique was too poor, and he couldn't adapt to the nearly tortured training of a middle-aged strong woman.

    Take the last time I ran 30 laps as an example, within two hours, the whole class, regardless of gender, could do it, but he couldn't.  At that time, he felt the need to prove his masculinity, so he was not lazy, and he also participated in the long-distance running, but when he ran to the fifth lap, he suddenly fell to the ground with a black eye, and was sent directly to the hospital.

    The past is unbearable!  Thinking of how embarrassing he was last time, Ibrahimovic felt that there was no need to make things difficult for him today.

    "The most outrageous thing is that I fell down so embarrassingly, but the doctor said I was in normal health!" Ibrahimovic took out a bottle of Coke from under the table and drank it.  "Why can't I run, jump high, and have so little strength?"

    "Ibrahimovic, you have given up on yourself again!" A strange voice sounded in his ear.

    "I shouldn't have listened to you last time and showed some masculinity, which made me lie in the hospital for three days." Ibrahimovic said dissatisfied.

    "Why are you blaming me! It's not always like that in TV dramas. The male protagonist is handsome and strong, running wildly on the playground, and the female protagonist passes by shyly peeping, secretly wishing her heart. I have seen this kind of plot many times.  " said a white mouse wearing a black cowboy hat at Ibrahimovic's feet.

    "I must have been tired and confused to listen to a mouse." Ibrahimovic said in his heart without moving his mouth.

    "Okay, don't blame me. We are friends, just forget about this unpleasant thing!" The cowboy mouse's flattering voice sounded in Ibrahimovic's ear.

    Seeing that Cowboy Mouse unconditionally helped him cheat and became a top student, Ibrahimovic forgave Cowboy Mouse after complaining a few more words.

    The Cowboy Mouse is a good friend of Ibrahimovic and the boss of the Tim City Mouse.

    If he wants to, his coat color will change like a chameleon according to the environment.  Usually he likes to be a white mouse the most, because it looks cute in the eyes of girls.

    Ibrahimovic enjoyed a sip of Coke very much, and the best thing about being exposed to the hot sun was having a sip of iced Coke.

    Especially when the students cast envious and jealous eyes one after another, the taste is even better.

    The middle-aged strong woman glanced back at Ibrahimovic who was yelling, didn't say anything, but wondered in her heart, where did Ibrahimovic hide the drink this time, she just observed for a long time, but she didn't find that there was a Coke hidden on him!

    When the middle-aged strong woman picked up a football from the goal, the eyes of all the students were not calm, and the bad memories about playing football in this playground came out instantly.

    The middle-aged strong woman held the football with one hand and explained the rules to the students. She said the rules were actually what she thought of, and it was full of loopholes.

    There are 21 boys and 15 girls.  Divided into red and blue teams against each other with 18 people.

    The allocation of personnel is decided by the students. Even if there is an extreme lineup of fifteen girls and three boys in a team, the middle-aged and strong women will not object.

    The rules of the game are also simple. There is no time limit and no limit on hands. The team that advances by 50 goals is considered the winner.  The team will have a penalty shootout with a middle-aged strong woman.

    The middle-aged strong woman didn't explain the penalty shootout, but she knew everything, and that was definitely not a good thing.

    After listening to the middle-aged strong woman's explanation, a group of top students all looked very bad.  Unlimited time football games, they ?, his whole body became excited.

    He found a cosplay-themed photo studio, spent more than two hours dressing himself up as a clown, and finally bought a hat that could conjure roses from the shop owner.

    Everything was ready, he sat at the parting intersection, waiting for Linda to appear.

    Seeing that school was almost over, the sky suddenly became gloomy, and it started to rain lightly.  The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and when she and Griffin appeared at the intersection, he was already drenched. Fortunately, the makeup on his face was still there, and the writing was still there. He looked at himself reflected on the phone screen, and took a deep breath  tone.

    He jumped out of the shadows, and before he could speak, Griffin kicked him down.

    Fortunately, the eye-catching red letter on his face made Griffin instantly realize that the clown was him, otherwise Griffin kicked him with all his strength and broke a few ribs, which would be no problem at all.

    He clutched his chest, and got up from the ground in embarrassment. His face was so bright and colorful that he could no longer be seen, but the eye-catching red letter on his forehead told the girl opposite who he was.

    "Linda, I like you."

    She was dumbfounded at first, and then he heard the long-lost laughter, the coldness in his eyes melted, turned into crystal clear tears, welling up in his eyes.

    "My world can not live without you¡­¡­"

    She rushed out of the umbrella, hugged him tightly, and said with a choked voice, "I don't want to lose you either."

    ? That night, both of them caught a cold and were placed next to each other for drips.

    He looked at her with pale face and pale lips and said, "I'm sorry."

    "So." She clenched her little hand into a fist, put it to her mouth and coughed lightly, turned to look at him, and winked playfully.

    "So I will take good care of you in the future, and I won't let you catch a cold again."

    After a long time, she whispered: "Fool."

    At the entrance of the hospital, under the watchful eyes of their respective families, the two said goodbye to each other, and made an appointment to go to school together tomorrow, but she did not show up the next morning, only Griffin showed up full of anger.

    Griffin pushed him to the ground and warned him not to pester Linda any more, or he would hit him every time he saw him.

    She didn't go to school that day, and he didn't go to school. Griffin inferred a rib and spent two days in the hospital.

    After he was discharged from the hospital, he couldn't wait to rush to school. He couldn't wait to find out what happened, why he was reconciled, but suddenly changed again.

    He pushed away the people in the classroom, and the students and teachers inside were startled. She was not there, and neither was Griffin. Their seats were empty, and they were empty for forty-five days.

    When the two reappeared in the classroom, he looked at her and felt unprecedented determination from those talking eyes.

    The inexplicable decision made him feel angry, he glared at her, then lay down on the table and fell asleep, no matter who called him, he would not get up.

    Since then, he seems to be escaping from reality, falling asleep as soon as he enters the classroom, and the teachers turn a blind eye.

    After sleeping for more than half a year, his grades plummeted, and he became the bottom of the class.  His parents felt that he could no longer let his temper mess around, so they changed him to another class in the second year of junior high school.

    ? After changing classes, he seemed to be taking revenge for something. He stopped sleeping in class, and suddenly became eager to learn because he was lazy. His grade ranking jumped from the bottom few thousand to the top 100 in the grade.

    In the final exam of the third grade of junior high school, he broke into the top ten of the grade, and was qualified to enter the high school class of Tim No. 1 Middle School.

    At the high school entrance ceremony, as a student who recited on stage, in front of the teachers and students of the school, after reciting poems, he did not step off the stage, but raised his head, looked at her position, and said word by word: "My life is my decision!  That clown is back!"

    He is no longer who he was back then, and this time he will not give up again.

    Her heart is still resisting, but her eyes are full of him.
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