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Text Chapter 699: Kurmis, Universal Manufacturing Machine and Time Control Machine

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    The country of Topaz.

    There are more than ten storeys towering buildings, dome-style buildings, a square paved with red bricks, rail vehicles on the road, and people passing through and avoiding.

    There are lights of various colors on the edges of the iron signboards. Although the weather is not too hot, the noisy voices and dense crowds make people feel extremely hot.

    This is one of the few countries in the world that retains primitive beliefs. Their national temple is the Temple of Ten Thousand Snakes, and they believe in the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes.

    There are huge crowds of people in front of the palace at the moment.

    Among the crowd were not only snake people, but also demon spirits and winged people.

    The well-dressed city residents watched the somewhat decadent and powerless king, pointing at the king, obviously there was not much respect in people's eyes.

    At the front of the crowd, there are still a few people carrying a few machines, which are magic photo machines and people from various newspaper offices. Inside the magic photo machines, you can see a few neatly arranged beads rotating inside, recording pictures one by one.  .

    The king shouted into a metal horn, and the sound was transmitted through the horn to the surrounding area and the entire city.


    "I declare that the Supreme Council Act of Topa Priesthood has been passed."

    And the content of this bill announced by the king himself is that the king has no right to abolish the law from now on, shall not infringe on the taxation power of the parliament, shall not form a standing army without the consent of the parliament, and shall not interfere with the freedom of speech of the parliament and other regulations that restrict the king.  It is equivalent to saying that he is no longer the controller of Topa Kingdom.

    With the crowd cheering violently, the last king of Ruhe Giant Island lost his real power and handed it over to the parliament and the consul.

    The consul stepped forward, followed by the justice, and standing around were not only other officials of the kingdom, but also a large number of members of the parliament.

    These council members include the president of the Topa Kingdom Mercenary Guild, the president of the Warcraft Breeding Guild, the chief of the Academy Alliance, and representatives of different organizations such as the Transportation Guild, Craftsman Guild, and Business Alliance.

    Although the major temples still control the power, they represent the will of the gods.

    However, these guilds have also gradually stepped onto the stage, and such changes are also acquiesced by the gods.

    Because of the advent of the new era, there are still too few things that a single professional can do, and the original organizational structure of the temple can no longer meet the needs of civilization on Ruhe Giant Island.

    For example.

    The mercenary guild gathers the powerful people of various professions, exerts the powerful combat power of different professions and other directions, and can accept and complete various tasks, whether it is war, hunting monsters, finding objects or exploring dangerous places and rescuing hostages.  It is not wrong to find a mercenary guild. Some fledgling professionals will temporarily take jobs in the mercenary guild to earn the first pot of gold in life and become a laborer.

    In the transport guild, there is a family of demon spirits, as well as professions such as alchemist and magic knight.

    The business alliance is even more of a hodgepodge. There are not only various professionals in it, but also a large number of ordinary people or old nobles who control magic crystal props and alchemy workshops.

    Only when various occupations are combined can they exert greater power, so various guilds have been derived.

    In the beginning, these guilds were supported by various temples. Of course, each temple is constantly trying to control these guilds. When these guilds rise up, they will try to get rid of the control of the temples and engage in rounds of power games and competitions.  Disputes, which have also become a major focus on Ruhe Island.

    Behind the current changes in the Topa Kingdom, there is a game between the two.

    "Now, please ask the justice to amend the code."

    The consul led the judge forward.

    The justice opened the kingdom's legal code, and after praying to the god of contracts and legal codes, a ray of light descended from the sky.

    The words on the codex surged, scattered into the sky, and then reassembled.

    The extraordinary power possessed by the supreme code immediately rushed to the entire kingdom.

    It is not omnipotent, it cannot replace the law, and it has no wisdom to discover those illegal and criminal behaviors.

    But when you are judged and marked as a criminal, the code will lock you; when you are on the kingdom's wanted list, judges from all over the country can directly use the power of the code to arrest you when you find you;  At that time, the code will make you pay the price according to the imprint of the original contract signed in your body.

    In a sense, it is just a tool used by people, but it does let the power of the code shroud the entire country, allowing the power of order to be manifested.

    "Ruhe?And some background reasons, but I think you can give it a try.  "

    Michelle immediately became interested: "The secret of the eternal kingdom?"

    Michel left with Kurmis.

    He is very curious.

    What kind of thing can inspire a god, and it may even help in the manufacture of his time control machine¡ª¡ª

    In broad daylight.

    An existence that shouldn't exist in this world is now walking on the street majestically.

    When Michel saw that existence, her eyes widened.

    He turned his head to look at Kurmis at the side, and pointed to the middle of the road.

    "What it is?"

    Michel had never seen that kind of creature, a race he had never seen, or even heard of.

    Because he searched through all the memories in his head, but couldn't find anything corresponding to it.

    It is an extraordinary life form invisible to the naked eye of mortals.

    The other party has a graceful figure, red skin, and winding horns on his head.

    Although the skin is red, it is delicate and full of elasticity, and there are black tattoos on the skin. The tattoos wrap around her body, like wearing a layer of fishnet clothing, full of taboos and desires.  Like a patterned black pearl.

    She is obviously possessed of high intelligence.

    But the eyes look a bit evil and terrifying. Looking at her seems to unnaturally generate evil thoughts in people's hearts, not just desires, but evil thoughts that are accompanied by a deeper and deeper evil.

    She stood naked in the middle of the road like this, but none of the passers-by noticed her, not even those first- and second-tier power users.

    She walked through the pedestrians with her slender and healthy legs crossed, and her body trembled along with it.

    From time to time, she would stop and stare at someone beside her, as if she was looking at the spirit and consciousness of the other person.

    She will walk into those luxurious and dark buildings, and mix in the most depraved places.

    Sniffing the smell in the air, as if looking for something.

    "Where is it?"

    "An extremely evil person?"

    She licked her bright red lips with her tongue, and said with great desire and anticipation, as if she was looking forward to the lover of her dreams.

    "People who exude evil breath, come here quickly!"

    "Let me find you quickly."

    When she said evil, it was as if she was talking about hunger, exuding a strong sense of hunger.

    That is a devil.

    (End of this chapter
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