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Text Chapter 681: I order you to take me home with wise kingship

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    The memory of Moon Demon Fern is long and chaotic. For ordinary people, the infinite time seems to be condensed into one day in her feeling, and most of the pictures in the memory are unimportant and dull, and it is also  need not be memorized.

    Just like the difference between time for people and stones, people's perception of time is delicate and subtle, and the sun rises and the moon sets, dead leaves, and wind can all affect them.

    But stones are different, perhaps they can only be found when the sky collapses and the earth collapses.

    Oh, the world has changed.

    But as the name Jesser was mentioned constantly, she remembered more and more things, and everything that happened "at the dawn of yesterday" began to flood into her mind continuously.

    It seems that someone once left something to her, and left a certain obsession in her heart.


    The name kept echoing in her consciousness, telling her that the existence that was also very special to her had not been forgotten, telling her that there was still something unfinished.

    And at this moment, with the arrival of An Li, who told her the oracle of the Supreme God, those memories seemed to be unlocked.

    The pictures of the past became extremely clear in an instant, allowing her to recall everything.

    "Jesel, you have finally waited"

    And An Li stood in the world of illusion.

    She witnessed the cone or lantern-like behemoth rising into the sky, followed by the change and collapse of the illusion.

    The pictures recorded by the Moon Fern from a unique perspective continue to converge, turning into endless rivers and following the "lantern" away.

    She saw images of hundreds of millions of years of vicissitudes constantly flowing, the colors of the land and oceans constantly changing, land plates moving, plants growing and then declining.

    The ground was frozen and then thawed.

    Volcanoes erupted, then extinguished.

    Time accelerates infinitely.

    In the end, she even saw everything that happened in the ancient times, and a sentence became more and more clear as the picture flowed.

    The grand voices overlapped together, and finally turned into a sentence that An Li could also hear.


    "I order you with wise kingship, take me home."

    For a moment, even An Li felt that her consciousness was blank as a myth.

    Under that voice, she couldn't move at all.

    Not to mention resistance, even the consciousness of resistance cannot be born.

    Even if that sentence was not addressed to her.

    At the same time, she also witnessed part of Nini's memory in the constantly flowing images.

    The Moon Demon Fern was born in the Temple of Insay. When she was born, she was like a stone egg that fell into the sea like a meteor.

    Like other Luhe, it was formed by devouring the life and cells in the seawater, and appeared on the seashore of the land bestowed by the gods.

    The noon sun was dazzling.

    She tore through the sea and roared into the sky like a baby's first cry.

    The terrifying monster roared on the sea, its frightening posture and powerful strength scared the first-generation Sanye people to flee the sea in panic, but a tall Sanye boy stood on the rocks on the coast without any fear.  Looking at him, he grinned.

    Behind him, the archeopteryx in the lake jumped out of the water, setting off a silver light.

    As the sun set and the moon rose, the boy stood on the shore and stretched out his hand towards the giant Ruhe, caressing and touching her gently, and asked her at the same time.

    "May I have your name?"

    "My name is Jessel."

    "It means moonlight, which is the brilliance cast by the moon when night falls. It is my mother's favorite scene."

    "She gave me the most beautiful scenery in the world, and hoped that I would become a person like the moonlight."

    "It is not as violent as the sun and cannot be seen directly, but it illuminates the earth like the moon."

    She didn't move, there was no joy or sorrow, and she didn't understand the meaning of the name.

    However, the boy in front of her still gave her a name one by one.

    "You don't have a name, so I'll pick one for you!"

    "Nini, your name is Nini!"

    "Let's go to the sea together, you are so big and powerful, there is nothing in the sea that can stop you."

    As soon as the screen changes, time seems to have passed for a long time, and the former boy has grown up in an instant.

    on screenHe repeated it again, and even Polik couldn't help laughing: "Mythhahahahaha"

    God Asay shook her head and looked into Su Kebu's eyes, reminding her very seriously.

    "In front of that person, here, you'd better not call yourself a god."

    "She won't think we are gods, our power means nothing to her."

    "Because all wisdom comes from kingship, flowing from their bodies and fingertips to the world."

    Su Kebu opened his mouth wide: "What kind of power is this?"

    God Asai turned his head and looked at the Kingdom of the End of the Moonlight.

    "This is the authority of the King of Wisdom."

    Su Kebu looked at Asai's expression and confirmed that what the other party said was true.

    In an instant, he felt a chill deeply penetrated into his bones and soul.

    "How can there be such power? With such power, is wisdom still wisdom? Is a species of wisdom that cannot be free in consciousness and thought still a species of wisdom?"

    God Asay: "Perhaps because of this, the Creator took back this power.?
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