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Text Chapter 103: The Lost "Last Chapter"

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    When Stan Tito learned of the disappearance of the priest, he suddenly stood up and stared at the attendant.

    After confirming again and again, he lowered his head and sighed, and sat down slowly while leaning on the table.

    He was shocked, but not surprised.

    The shock was because he had lost a dear friend, but he had expected the priest to die.

    He picked up the bone xun on the stone table and put it near his mouth.

    The Gu Xun makes a long and boundless sound, which is the tune that the Sanye people often play when they recall their departed friends and relatives.

    Now, he is the only one who knows Henir's secret.

    Stan Tito doesn't like to be a special person, and he doesn't like those risky and risky things. What he likes most is to carve his own epic chapters and myths and legends in his workshop.

    But at this moment, he suddenly felt that he had no way to back down and escape.

    At least.

    He should tell everything he knows.

    After playing the complete tune with the bone xun, he put down his hand.

    "Are you a marionette?"


    Stan asked himself.

    At this moment, the voice of the queen when he canonized him echoed in his ears.

    Echoes echoed in the empty palace, countless people watched him, the scene was so grand and solemn.

    He was so nervous that his steps were stiff and his head was dizzy.

    "Descendants of Saint Tito."

    "From now on, you are Stan Tito."

    "He who inherits the will of the great poet Tito."

    A smile appeared in Stan Tito's eyes, and after the smile, he was determined.


    "It's time to give back what Her Majesty the Queen gave me."

    After Henir integrated the forces of the city of servants of the gods and fully grasped the power, he still made the decision to ascend the throne.

    The Xilun family, which controlled the Star Luo Kingdom, handed over their crowns. The entire Xilun family trembled under Henir's power and power, and did not dare to resist.

    The coronation ceremony will be held in the Royal Palace and Sky Temple of the Servant City. Henir will become the new king in front of the palace under the witness of everyone, and finally go to the Sky Temple for the final coronation in front of the gods.

    After everything is over, he will become the king of the three kingdoms of Star Luo Kingdom, Volcano Kingdom, and Saile Kingdom.

    It was an early morning with a clear sky, and soldiers stood side by side at every corner of the street.

    Thousands of civilians flooded the streets, heading towards the palace.




    The dense crowd chanted Henir's name and crossed the street.

    Henir, who saved the city of servants of the gods and expelled the Kingdom of Samo, is a hero in the eyes of ordinary people, and the people in the city have a very good sense of him.

    At least.

    Compared with the nobles and priests who fled in a hurry from the city of servants of the gods at that time, they will be judged.

    Henir held the scepter of Heinsay and stood in front of the palace to receive the cheers of everyone.


    "King Henir!"

    Suddenly, a person raised his arms and shouted.

    The first person shouted, and immediately after that, the entire square and the street were shouting the voice of the king.

    Henir raised his scepter before his voice calmed down.

    "I know that many people present questioned me, despised me, and hated me."

    "Because I am not a king of light, because my background is not that prominent. In their view, a person like me is not worthy of being a king."


    "Those self-proclaimed kings of light, kings of prominent origins, have they ever made any great achievements? Have they brought any changes to the world of Heinza?"

    "Are they really doing better than me?"

    Henir's voice did not fluctuate, and seemed a little flat.

    But it makes people feel full of strength.

    "The identities of those present include royals, nobles, commoners, and slaves, and their occupations include soldiers, merchants, craftsmen, fishermen, etc."

    "But everyone's identity is determined from birth."

    "When other kings were in power before, you didn't have any chance to change, but it's different now."

    The flat tone suddenly turned into a storm.

    the?High-level illusion, the lucky son who used to be low-key and ordinary, suddenly made such a violent resistance.

    The Earth-burrowing Demon Worm came to the Temple of the Sky God, and handed the Sun Cup to Henir's hand.

    Henir looked at the golden flower in his hand, but his eyes suddenly calmed down a little bit.

    Facing such a situation and the various sounds under his feet, he suddenly let out a contemptuous laugh.

    "Son of luck, do you think this will prevent me from ascending the throne?"

    "I told you once."

    When he said this, he stopped every word.


    "It is the one who swims against the current."

    He stepped up the stairs slowly step by step, and came to the gate of the Sky Temple.

    He looked at the chaotic crowd under his feet, and the questioning eyes that everyone cast on him.


    He resolutely put the crown on himself in front of everyone.

    "Even if the whole world is against me, I will still go against the tide."

    "This is me, Henir, and my will.???
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