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Text Chapter 145: The Beginning of the Counterattack

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    There are many combinations similar to the Journey to the West team in foreign battlefields, and the five-member team is not inconspicuous at all.  However, the mainstream of the battlefield is still the major forces, and ordinary monks are destined to be reduced to supporting roles.

    The most eye-catching performance in the prehistoric camp is naturally the Heavenly Court Army. With the most professional quality, the richest combat experience, and the largest number, it quickly stood out.

    Of course, everything has two sides.  As the most eye-catching cub on the battlefield, he will inevitably suffer the most vicious beating while being popular.

    The early battles were okay. The creatures in the various exotic worlds were difficult to deal with, but because of their poor brains, they all adopted indiscriminate attacks, which did not cause much trouble to the Heavenly Army.

    With the influx of more and more worlds, normal worlds also appeared on the battlefield.  The Heavenly Court army, which was showing off, naturally attracted the strongest firepower from the outside world.

    Fortunately, all the major forces knew the truth of the dead lips and the cold teeth, and they provided support in time to stabilize the situation.  However, the number of casualties soared, and there was still no way.

    Hidden and dodged, maybe other forces can do this, but as the government of the Three Realms, the Heavenly Court is doomed to only choose to fight hard with the enemy.

    At least when Li Mu commanded the soldiers and horses of the Heavenly Court, he did not flinch at all. This is a matter of principle.

    A group of heavenly gods, either actively or passively, stepped onto the battlefield one after another. This is the price of enjoying the offerings of all living beings in the three realms on weekdays.

    In the prehistoric world that pays attention to cause and effect, evasion will only lead to faster death.  No matter what their background is, as long as they are a member of the Heavenly Court, they are all recruited.

    As a qualified Emperor Gouchen, at this critical moment, Li Mu showed a side that his relatives did not recognize.

    Except for the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven, anyone in the Heavenly Court who has a little fighting power will inevitably go to the battlefield outside the territory.

    Not only the Heavenly Court, but other great forces in Honghuang also exerted their strength.  At the very least, all the power on the surface has been put into the battlefield. Whether there is any hidden power in the dark, then I don't know.

    Anyway, as long as you are in the wild, there is no place to hide.  The saints are like a navigation radar, scanning every corner of the prehistoric world.

    However, this is still not enough. If it continues to be consumed like this, it may be that the ants kill the elephant.  To win this war, the prehistoric world must launch a counterattack.

    Only by taking the initiative to attack and constantly seizing the enemy's world and resources to strengthen one's own strength is the key to turning the situation around.

    According to normal circumstances, it is a high-risk job to conspire one side of the Great Thousand World.  However, with the integration of the world, the original suppression of heaven disappeared, and the situation was reversed.

    Especially after the last Chaos War, the two sides reached an agreement that monks at the Hunyuan level should not fight, which created conditions for conquest of other worlds.

    Everything was so logical that Li Mu doubted whether the foreign demon gods came here to invade or to do charity.

    I don't know if it's because the Chaos Demon God's integrity is too high, or because I don't know enough.  As an intruder, the foreign demon god actually talked about the rules, which really surprised Li Mu.

    Vaguely, Li Mu still felt that these demon gods from outside the territory were intentionally killing, even if it was his own people who died.

    Of course, this "one of us" is viewed from the standpoint of the prehistoric.  For a group of demon gods from outside the territory, they just form a temporary team for common interests.  As long as the interests require it, selling teammates is a matter of minutes.

    What's more, the foreign demon gods are different from the monks of the prehistoric world who were marked by Pangu. If they want to coexist with the world, they can only die. Even if this invasion fails, they can have the next time.

    Anyway, if one's cultivation level reaches the Hunyuan level, he will live the same life as Chaos, which can almost be regarded as eternal life, and some time and the prehistoric world will be consumed.

    Under such a background of being able to choose, Li Mu would not be willing to fight desperately with monks of the same realm.

    After all, invading the wilderness is everyone's common cause, but life belongs to oneself, and there is no need to sacrifice for a group of teammates who have their own ghosts.

    Knowing that the foreign demon god behaved abnormally, the counterattack still had to continue.  Regardless of the conspiracy behind this, it is definitely right to take the opportunity to win a few Great Thousand Worlds.

    All major forces are taking action, and the martial arts line cannot be idle.  It's just that the situation of the Martial Dao lineage is a bit special, and it is inextricably linked with multiple camps in the prehistoric world.

    "There is me in you, and you in me", it is impossible to cut it now.  As a last resort, we can only divide our forces and act jointly with all parties.

    In the human camp, the martial arts monks are in the lead; in the heavenly camp, the martial arts monks still hold the initiative;Among the two camps of Buddhism and Taoism, the monks with the largest number of people are still monks of martial arts.

    There is no way, who makes the human race the protagonist of the world these days?

    The main battlefield for Buddhism and Taoism to preach is in the human race, and most of the incomers are naturally human race.  After so many years of development, the middle and lower levels of Buddhism and Taoism are almost everywhere with human monks.

    There is no racial restriction on the recruitment of immortal gods in the Heavenly Court, but they couldn't stand the influx of a large number of human monks during the Conferred God Killing Tribulation, occupying half of the gods.

    "Relationship" is an important link in any world.  After the immortal gods of the human race came to power, they inevitably gave priority to taking care of their "own people".  So that with the passage of time, the number of human monks in the heaven is increasing.

    Restricted by talents, the foundation must be laid in advance. These human monks have been associated with martial arts at the beginning of their contact with cultivation.

    Even after joining the Saint Dao, there are not a few who still choose to major in martial arts.  After all, Li Mu, the ancestor of martial arts, is very generous. Except for a few secret methods that are kept secret, other exercises can be obtained if one wants to learn them.

    For example, now, there are several exercises on the exchange list that can be cultivated all the way to the realm of Hunyuan, and everyone is free to exchange them.

    Of course, skills can be cultivated to the realm of Hunyuan, but it does not mean that getting the skills can prove Hunyuan. The most critical factor in proving the way is people.

    The Great Saint Sect naturally has no shortage of high-quality exercises, but it is not so simple to obtain the direct inheritance of the Saint, and it needs to go through many tests.  It's not as open as martial arts, and you can practice it by switching to exercises.

    Although it is not a direct-inherited skill, it can prove Hunyuan if it can't stand the upper limit!  It can be said that among all the forces in the prehistoric world, the martial arts' proving skills are the easiest to obtain.

    For many monks who have great vision but low abilities, who have the ambition to prove the Dao, but do not have the corresponding strength, the martial arts cultivation method that goes straight into Hunyuan is undoubtedly the best "picture cake".

    ?Huyou came in one by one, and took the universal route. Naturally, the more disciples the better, anyway, Li Mu has always been in charge of killing and not burying.

    Demonstrating Dao Hunyuan?

    For the vast majority of monks, this is a fantasy.  It is enough to satisfy the preliminary cultivation, most of them will die halfway.

    If you don't understand the latter, it must be because your comprehension is not high enough.  Work hard, maybe one day you will understand.

    Although there are pretentious elements in it, the following descriptions of the rules are all real.  It's just that everyone's scope of application is different, and what suits Li Mu doesn't mean it can also apply to other people.

    One Dao and one Hunyuan, other people want to prove Dao, they must either change the law to practice, or find another way to specialize in subdivided categories.

    Looking at the information collected by the disciples, Li Mu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he encountered a familiar world.

    "God King Zeus, Sea Emperor Poseidon, Pluto King Hades"

    A duplicate name can be a coincidence, but a series of duplicate names is not as simple as a coincidence.

    Although he is not sure if this is the world of Greek mythology, Li Mu is ready to send someone to try it.  After all, persimmons need to be pinched by Ruan.

    It is impossible to do it alone. He, a Hunyuan monk, can't make a move. It is still difficult for the martial arts to attack a big force alone.

    Do not fool a few powerful players to participate, and the lack of high-end martial arts is really hard to do.

    After hesitating again and again, Li Mu said slowly, "Cangjie, please go and invite the Emperor of Heaven to come and talk."

    I have taken over the power of the heavenly court to fight, and I can't let the emperor of heaven be idle all the time.  Otherwise, after a long time, there will be problems.

    Simply send troops in the name of Heaven, and hand over the heavy responsibility of attacking the world of "Cairus" to Haotian.

    Although in this way, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades and other people who hold part of the authority of the emperor of heaven will be dead, and it will be difficult to recruit enough people from the world of "Cairus" in the short term;  "Greek mythological characters, it is better not to stay

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