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Main text Chapter Fourteen, Drain from the Bottom

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    ? Zhongyuan Ghost Festival, the annual meeting day of Yin and Yang.  Originally, it was the time for ghosts to return to the yang world to enjoy the sacrifices of their relatives, but now it has become extraordinarily bloody.

    Under the leadership of the ghost kings, countless dead souls attacked the ghost gate early.  I am afraid that I will miss the time and waste an opportunity to enter the Yangshi.

    In the human world, countless ascetics are acting spontaneously at this moment, blessing the seals of the gates of ghosts everywhere, lest they be rushed out by ghosts.

    This situation has been going on for hundreds of years. Since the order of the underworld collapsed, the annual Ghost Festival has become a "Ghost Tribulation".

    Every ghost festival is a disaster in the practice world, or in other words, in the human world.  Once the ghosts rushed out, the consequences would be disastrous.

    In Jinghua Mansion, Yan Chixia, who was so exhausted and out of breath, sat down on the ground and cursed: "This damn world is still letting people live."

    After repelling the attacks of ghosts and monsters again and again, the seal became precarious.  As a last resort, he could only kill ghosts to reduce the pressure on the barrier.

    As a chivalrous knight who hates evil, Yan Chixia has participated in similar activities more than once.  It's just that compared to the ghost disasters of previous years, this year's situation is undoubtedly more serious.

    Even though her cultivation was advanced, Yan Chixia was still out of breath.  It is lucky to be able to save a life.  In the fight just now, some unlucky people have already lost their lives.

    Also connected with fate is Zhiqiu Yiye, who took a look at Yan Chixia, and replied weakly: "The bearded man should save some strength, scolding is useless.

    Now that the three realms of heaven, earth and man cannot protect themselves, who can take care of us!

    Now it's just an appetizer, there are so many ghosts in Jinhua Mansion alone, and other places may not be much better.

    The catastrophe of the human world is coming, and no one can escape it.  I hope there are more seniors, otherwise"

    The more he spoke, the lower his voice, it was obvious that Zhi Qiu Yiye had no hope for the situation.  Just now he also received a summons from the same door, this wave of ghost disasters broke out in many places at the same time, there are obvious signs of connection.

    Although it is not known who is behind the scenes, the reason for the outbreak of the ghost disaster is clear.  The monsters in the underworld couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to come out to harm the human world.

    If it's just a combination of several ghost kings, the practice world can still find a way to subdue the demons.  If the demons and ghosts in the underworld riot together, it will be over.

    Even in the heyday of the practice world, the human world is the weakest of the three worlds. How can it resist the many demons and ghosts entrenched in the underworld?

    "Don't worry, the human world is not that fragile. The immortals and gods in the sky have not all left, and there are seniors who remain in the human world. They will not let the worst happen."

    While speaking, the figure of Li Mu appeared in Yan Chixia's mind.  Among the practitioners he has come into contact with, Li Mu's cultivation is undoubtedly the highest.

    It's just that this kind of hope is fleeting.  It's useless to be powerful alone, the gate of hell is not a fixed place.  The dark spot where the yin and yang worlds meet may form a channel between the two worlds.

    ?There may be at least 8,000 places where the two worlds share the same path, and they are widely scattered all over the world, making it hard to guard against.

    No matter how powerful an individual is, he cannot block many passages at the same time.  At least in the power system of the Liao Zhai world, there is no such abnormality

    Guobei County, Taihua Taoist Temple.  As Li Mu's foothold in the human world, it is also very unfortunate to be reduced to a battlefield at this moment.

    The location of the Taoist temple happened to be closed at a ghost gate, blocking the way of countless dead souls.

    Li Mu, the master, was not around, so the Taoist priests in the audience could only find their own way to stop the ghost disaster.  Fortunately, before Li Mu left, he had placed a lot of restrictions in the temple, otherwise the mediocre Taoist priests would not be able to resist the attack of ghosts.

    The guardian god in the Taoist temple has turned into a guardian door god at this moment, stopping the invading Chimu ghost king.

    Looking at the scarred Dharma protector and the Taoist priests who were also exhausted, they could only hide in the restraint and take a rest panting.

    It never occurred to the Taoist temple that they would gamble on closing the gate of hell. The prohibition formation arranged by Li Mu was also aimed at the invasion of foreign enemies, not a sealing formation.

    Although the Taoist priests in the Taoist temple have learned the way of formation with him for a few days, it is only limited to the basic stage.  Sealing ordinary ghosts is okay, but it is obviously beyond our capabilities to block thousands of ghosts.

    "Senior Brother Yuanmu, something is wrong now! I feel that something big will happen during the Ghost Festival this time. When will the Lord be able to return?"

    ?After hearing the young Taoist priest's question, the white-haired old man shook his head: "I have summonedRetreat, if you don't go, you won't be able to go.  "

    Different from the previous battles between good and evil, this wave has to face real demons and ghosts.  The previous rules of the game are all invalid at this time.

    "We just left, what about the hundreds of thousands of people in the city?"

    As soon as the words fell, the young Taoist priest realized that he had done something stupid.  Everyone knew what would happen next, but everyone tacitly kept their mouths shut, and chose to clarify the matter by themselves.

    Righteous way needs face, but everyone cherishes life even more.  If it can be re-sealed and used to call on everyone to give it a go, there will be no problem.

    But the current situation is very obvious, and it is impossible to arrange a formation under the destruction of Yin Soul to seal the ghost gate.

    "I can't take care of that much anymore. The most important thing now is to preserve our strength. Not only the Fucheng will have to give up, but the entire Qionghua Mansion may not be able to keep it.

    There was a message from the gate that three of the eight gates of ghosts in Qionghua Mansion have been lost, and we are the fourth gate.

    The humanitarian revolution was opened, and the luck of the dynasty fell to the bottom.  The luck of the dynasty that was originally blessed on the seals of ghost gates in various places has now dissipated in sevens and eights.

    This time, I am afraid that more than 30% of the gates of ghosts cannot be guarded.  The next battle can no longer be accomplished by fighting alone.  "

    After finishing speaking, the real Yuhua's eyes were already moist.  Obviously, he was under great pressure to make the decision to evacuate.

    Similar scenes are still happening everywhere.  Facing the invasion of hell monsters, the performance of practitioners is so pale and powerless.

    The dynasties in the world, which were supposed to shoulder the heavy responsibility, have been completely reduced to spectators.  The imperial court was busy fighting for power and profit, and in the face of the invasion of demons, the masters used the eternal Chinese saying: "Respect ghosts and gods and keep them at a distance."

    It seems that as long as you pretend to be deaf and dumb, when the ghosts don't exist, they really don't exist

    Three months have passed since the Ghost Festival of the Ghost Festival, and three months have passed since ghost disasters spread. At this moment, there is not a single inch of pure land in the human world.

    The world of practice was beaten to doubt life, and the much-anticipated follower of the immortal Buddha did not appear.  Immortal Buddhas lingering in the human world do not exist at all.

    To be exact, the Immortals and Buddhas have already launched their backhands.  Just look at this wave of catastrophe and you will know that it is clearly arranged in advance.

    The motive is very obvious, revenge for humanity's previous assassination.  The Human Dao Tianzhu, which was originally full of vitality, has been sluggish at this moment.  The aura that originally belonged to humanity has now shrunk significantly.

    If there is no accident, then the human way will be like the authentic way, falling into endless years of sleep.

    As a senior expert, Li Mu made two appropriate moves, repelling countless ghosts and keeping the orthodox lineage.

    Compared with the grace of saving lives, as for the matter of stealing Taoism, it is nothing at all.

    Of course, the most important thing is that everyone doesn't know it at all.  It is completely normal for seniors to know a few spells.

    Maybe they are still good friends of the ancestors.  It is already difficult for people in the immortal way to judge age from appearance, and the way everyone judges is cultivation.

    The rules of the practice world have always been because they are powerful and ancient, and the seniority should follow the cultivation base.

    The grace of saving lives is repaid by the inheritance of Taoism. As for the next battle between good and evil, it is up to them themselves.  Who will respond to the calamity, Li Mu will not take the lead to bear the thunder for them.

    A large number of dead souls poured into the human world, and the underworld suddenly became empty.  The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity presented itself, and Li Mu showed no mercy.

    "Sealing the sky, a big formation!"

    With a stern reprimand, Li Mu activated his mana, and earth-shaking changes are taking place in the underworld at this moment.  One after another formations continue to rise, and the way to the world is constantly blocked.

    Under the urging of the big formation, the original ghost gates turned into dust one after another, and the passage between Yin and Yang that had been connected for several months was finally closed again at this moment.

    From now on, the underworld has become a one-way passage.  Only ordinary ghosts are allowed to enter the land of reincarnation to reincarnate, and the creatures in the underworld, unless there is a warrant from Li Mu, any ghosts and ghosts are not allowed to go out to roam.

    It was fine when I came, but suddenly I couldn't go back.  A group of ghosts who didn't know what happened were directly confused

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