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Main text Chapter 2: One way of thinking in troubled times

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    I have to admire the nerves of the people in Guobei County. Just now, a murder case happened, and the streets returned to normal in an instant, as if nothing happened.

    Obviously, this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened, otherwise the people would not be so numb.

    There is no interest in studying people's livelihood in depth. Now Li Mu is concerned about the heavens, the underworld, and the poisonous aura, and other things are not important.

    Following the direction guided by the restaurant staff, Li Mu came to the entrance of a funeral shop in the county seat.

    Scented wax, wreaths, paper people, paper horses, charms, coffinsall kinds of supplies are available, just like a grocery store.

    There is no way out, all the monk temples and Taoist temples in Guobei County have been robbed, and this funeral shop is the only one that has anything to do with ghosts.

    Having glanced at the charms on the counter, Li Mu smiled slightly.  These things still have weak magic power remaining on them, and they should be able to deal with newborn ghosts, which should come from the hands of practitioners.

    "Master Dao, I don't know what you want. The cinnabar, yellow paper, curse water, spell paper, spell pen, scented wax and other items in the small shop are all high-quality goods, which are excellent choices for drawing talismans and offering sacrifices."

    It can be seen that the waiter in the shop still has good eyesight, and he did not sell coffins, wreaths and other funeral items to spoil the scenery.

    First handed over a silver ingot, Li Mu asked slowly: "Xiao Er, I have seen some of the spells on the container, some of them are extraordinary, I don't know which fellow made them?"

    ?Looking in the direction of Li Mu's finger, the waiter in the shop was taken aback, seeing Li Mu frowned and hurriedly said: "Master Taoist, you have good eyesight!

    Those few charms were received by the owner at a high price from the masters who passed by, and they are the treasures of our shop"

    Without waiting for Xiaoer to continue blowing, Li Mu interrupted: "I'll take as much talisman drawing supplies as cinnabar, yellow paper, curse water, etc.!"

    Since it was done by a passer-by, there is no need to understand it in depth.  A few talismans can't catch his eyes, and the main purpose of inquiring news is to find practitioners in this world in order to learn more information.

    The shop waiter was startled by the sudden change, and then said happily: "Master Daoist, wait a moment. I'll go to the warehouse to check the goods, and I'll send them to you right away."

    It is rare to see such a big customer directly.  After speaking, the waiter in the store hurriedly called out the shopkeeper's reception, and ran to move the goods by himself.

    "Master Taoist, I don't know which Taoist temple you practice in. There are a lot of things, why don't I send someone to send them to you?"

    The old man said eagerly.

    Since entering the troubled times, such a big patron has been rare.  Now he is very much looking forward to Li Mu staying in Guobei County so that the business can continue for a long time.

    "Don't worry, Pindao has his own means."

    Although only clones came here, there are still a lot of equipment.  The storage ring is just a basic operation, nothing at all.

    I have to admit that the purchasing power of silver is still very strong.  I bought a lot of things, and there is still a piece of silver left.

    Of course, the most important thing is that with a wave of Li Mu's hand, he put a lot of things into the storage ring, which made the old shopkeeper stop thinking about ripping off things.

    ? In this world full of ghosts and monsters, it is a deadly business, so how could one not know how powerful a cultivator is.

    Without taking the rest of the broken silver, Li Mu asked, "Shopkeeper, how much do you know about Lanruo Temple?"

    Hearing the three words "Lanruo Temple", the face of the old shopkeeper, who was originally smiling, changed drastically in an instant.

    "Master Dao, Lanruo Temple is not a good place. It's a little better during the day, but at night, it's a world of ghosts and ghosts.

    To tell you the truth, in recent years, many practitioners who want to subdue demons and demons have gone to Lanruo Temple, but in the end they never returned.

    Originally, my Guobei County was also a large county with prosperous commerce and trade, but since Lanruo Temple was haunted by ghosts, the commercial road to the capital was basically cut off.

    Everyone would rather detour for hundreds of miles, and no one dares to pass through Lanruo Temple.  Last month, the unbelieving Shuntong Escort was wiped out in Lanruo Temple, and no one dared to go even to collect the corpse.

    The imperial court sent people to eliminate the demon many times, but they all failed in the end.  Now Lanruo Temple has been listed as a forbidden place, so you must not go there!  "

    After hearing what the old shopkeeper said, Li Mu's impression of him improved a bit.  In these days, it is considered a good person not to deceive others.

    Although there is not much useful information, one thing he said is right: Lanruo Temple is really dangerous.

    The source of danger is not some tree demon female ghost, but the old Montenegrin demon hiding behind the scenes.

    A big demon who can cross yin and yang is by no means an idler.  in uncertainbsp; The fact that the aura is poisonous has no practical significance to these little monks.  The biggest sequela to them is the reduction of lifespan, and other disadvantages are not something these little monks can encounter.

    In other worlds, Foundation Establishment cultivators can extend their lifespan by hundreds of years, and here they are slightly better than ordinary people, and they may not even be able to live longer than some old birthday stars.

    "Recently, you should practice in the temple, especially don't go in the direction of Lanruo Temple, so as not to be affected by the fish in the pond."

    Seeing that they could help with chores, Li Mu asked one more thing.  Xia Houdu appeared in Guobei County, and the plot is about to kick off.

    In troubled times, someone needs to be the guardian.  The rogue cultivators he took in had good temperaments.  Although there is no hope of immortality, it is still possible to deal with ordinary ghosts.

    Meeting is not only fate, leaving inheritance and Taoism can also protect the peace of one side.  Although he is not a saint, Li Mu still doesn't mind doing things that can be arranged at will.

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