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Text Chapter 89: Become a Black Hand

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    After the demise of the Great Zhou Dynasty, in the fifth year, Li Mu, King of Southwest China in autumn, launched the South Vietnam War on the grounds that the King of Yue had violated the frontier.

    Millions of troops launched an attack from the five routes to Yuedi at the same time. The overwhelming offensive opened the prelude to the decisive battle among the princes.

    ?No surprises, except for Lingnan King who can't take care of himself, the remaining two good neighbors, Dan Wang and Wu Wang, have played the role of shit-stirring sticks one after another.

    In fact, this is still considered good.  Because of the relatively safe location, Li Mu was only hindered by the two princes. As the enemy, the king of Yue faced the danger of the eight princes of Wu, Chu, Chen, Song, Wei, Xu, Cai, and Wei at the same time.

    If it weren't for the fact that everyone has a lot of enemies, who restrain each other's energy, and don't want to rush to use up their own strength, I'm afraid the whole world will be brought into the smoke of war.

    The first-mover advantage has been fully revealed at this moment.  The old princes and kings gradually took the strategic initiative in this troubled world, and the latecomers were still busy rectifying their internal affairs.

    Everyone has to face a reality, the biggest enemy comes from the inner aristocratic family.

    Accustomed to the comfortable days of the Great Zhou era, the powerful families who entered the troubled times did not have time to adapt to the new environment, and most of them continued to play the old way.

    ?Concealing land and population, tax evasion and tax evasion are all basic operations, proving with strength what a "poaching king" is.

    At other times, it would be fine to open one eye and close one eye, but now it is a troubled time.  The princes of all walks of life absolutely cannot tolerate Kongyou's inability to display his strength.

    As a last resort, everyone can only join the ranks of suppressing the aristocratic family.  However, everyone under his command comes from a wealthy family, so the policy cannot be implemented at all.

    One step at a time, one step at a time.  King Yue was one of the victims. He felt the pressure just after the war started.

    Obviously sitting on the land of five states and ruling a population of more than 400 million, but only mobilizing 3 million troops, there are logistical problems.

    If the three million troops are all gathered together, it is understandable that the logistics cannot keep up due to the limitation of transportation. The problem is that the three million troops are distributed on the front lines of thousands of miles.

    What worried the King of Yue most was that many troops were based on figures on paper, and the Zhou army, which had not had time to rectify after being incorporated, also brought in the tradition of eating empty wages.

    The three million troops on paper were crushed and beaten by the enemy's one million troops. The guards everywhere complained about the lack of troops and kept reaching out to him for reinforcements.

    Being able to jump up in a troubled world, the King of Yue, Zhao Bingli, is naturally not an easy person.  As soon as the war broke out, he realized something was wrong.

    "Have you figured out the reason for the Southwest King's massive invasion?"

    There are also steps to fight for the dragon in troubled times. After finally occupying a corner, the Southwest King, who has a strategic advantage, has absolutely no reason to give up his strategic advantage.

    In ancient times, Yuedi, where the corners were hung, has now become the place of the Four Wars.  There are a lot of neighbors around, and there are too many checks and balances, which is not conducive to the accumulation of strength.

    "My lord, the information we have collected is that the King of Southwest is angry at us for provoking conflicts, and wants to seize the opportunity to seize the land of South Vietnam."

    The commander of the Military Affairs Department, who was in charge of collecting intelligence, answered bravely.  This answer is really not convincing.

    Just like the information announced by the other party on the face, collecting intelligence is tantamount to not collecting.  It doesn't make sense at all strategically, it's not logical at all.

    Of course, reality is far more than nonsense, and logic is not important.

    According to logical reasoning, the ancient emperor shouldn't be so ruthless, as long as he didn't extract his own luck so thoroughly when he established the ghost way, he is still the world of Great Zhou.

    However, for the sake of the Dao, the ancient emperor directly gave up his eternal empire, and only then did he have the current rivalry.

    What's even more ridiculous is: the aristocratic family who had the advantage in the early stage did not take the opportunity to compete for the advantage, but played Fulongting instead.

    ? Although it mainly focuses on supporting one's own family members, it is two concepts to fully participate.  Otherwise, there are at most five or six princes in the world now, where can all the heroes come together.

    But this is reality.  Logical is rational, illogical is human nature.

    In the final analysis, everyone just wants to enjoy the dividends brought by the success of the Dragon Fighting, but is unwilling to bear the consequences of failure.

    Putting on shoes, there are concerns.  In order to avoid wet shoes, everyone has to do their best to avoid one puddle after another.

    Zhao Bingli had a very headache, he, the king of Yue, had not yet fully occupied the territory of Yue.  All major ancient countries had a glorious history, and it is normal for their territories to overlap.

    The surrounding competitors are really too strong. Just after occupying the land of the five states, they were bet by the enemy.??, still caused an uproar.

    That's all for the Bliss Demon Sect, after all, it is an existence that cannot see the light.  Although the name is not small, the influence in the world is very general.

    Shuiyue Temple was different. Before they could react, Fairy Qingling's dog lickers took action.

    An endless stream of martial arts figures flocked to the land of Ningzhou, and they almost had to dig three feet into the ground.  All of a sudden, feuds and murders emerged one after another, causing the local government to complain unbearably.

    Seeing the witch who stayed out of the matter and gloated at other people's misfortunes, Li Mu knew that she had been tricked.

    It's just that this kind of thing is really hard for him to talk about.  In the final analysis, he still did not resist the temptation.

    Looking at the madness of the dog licking outside, you know that you must carry it to the end.  This kind of thing must never be admitted, even if it is discovered by others.

    From now on, the three saints and one fairy are dead.  Before unifying the world, they can only spend their days in the secret realm.

    At one time, Li Mu even had the idea of ??killing people to silence him, but he couldn't stand the strange eyes of his own princess, and didn't want to be labeled as "scumbag" or "beast".

    It is a pity that these labels seem to have been stamped a long time ago.  At least in front of his own princess, that is the case.

    Explanations don't make sense, threats don't work.  Since her identity was bleached, her own princess has become more and more like a hostess, and she doesn't take his threats seriously at all.

    In fact, Li Mu was a little puzzled about the relationship between the two now.  It is impossible to have no feelings, but it is not always true how deep the feelings are.

    Glancing at the smiling lady holding the piano, Li Mu said angrily, "Don't look at the joke, you caused the problem, hurry up and find a way to deal with the aftermath! I know you have a way to solve it."

    Different worlds have different rules of the game. I have been in this world for more than 20 years, mainly in court, and rarely get involved in Jianghu affairs.

    In the past, he was proud of the world, but Li Mu has rich experience in the world.  It's ridiculous that there is no Shuiyue Temple and Bliss Demon Sect in the proud world, such alternative female sects!

    Compared with the familiar Hengshan School, Shuiyue Nunnery is not like a pure place of Buddhism, but more like a training institution for Buddhism.

    It's a pity that the transmission of information remains unchanged, and everyone has too little experience to see their true colors.  One after another, the licking dogs rushed forward one after another.

    As if she didn't like Li Mu's tricks, Bai Yuyan rolled her eyes and stopped the sound of the piano and said, "My lord, don't you feel guilty for saying that?

    It is obvious that you are greedy and lustful to cause trouble, how can you blame it on the servant?

    It's not impossible to let the slave family take the blame, my four maids, you don't want to touch them in the future.

    How about if the slave family erases their memories and sells them into a brothel, and finds someone to take the blame?  "

    Sure enough, once a woman gets married, her nature is exposed.  The hidden witch nature is too lazy to cover up now, and it is directly displayed in front of Li Mu.

    Strong jealousy, if you can't smell it, Li Mu will be in vain.  It seems that the four people are given to him to enjoy, but in fact he is excluding competitors.

    The witch who is good at playing with people's hearts obviously understands: For men, what they can't get is always the best.

    No emotion, pure desire, as long as the novelty is over, that's all.

    Facts have proved that she was right.  Now Li Mu really has no feelings for the four of them, after the initial excitement is over, that's all.  At least he won't turn against her because of the four of them.

    "Don't give me bad ideas, the chaos is big enough now. If you do something else and stimulate the brains of the sperm outside, I don't know what will happen.

    Don't forget, now you are the lonely princess, not the saint of the Bliss Demon Sect.  This kind of thinking that fears the world will not be chaotic is absolutely unacceptable.  "

    Li Mu said warningly.

    He has no hope at all about the integrity of the beauty in front of him.  If she doesn't get rid of these messy thoughts in advance, maybe she can really do it.

    Li Mu has seen Bai Yuyan's madness before. In order to be able to step on his competitors and not give them a chance to stand up, this person can do anything.

    If it wasn't for excitement, perhaps those four unlucky guys would have died by now.


    After contemptuously despising Li Mu, Bai Yuyan said softly, "Please rest assured, my lord, I will not cause you any trouble.

    People are forgetful, it is enough to create a big event to divert everyone's attention.  Presumably the prince is very clear about what people in the world like.

    Just fiddle with a treasure inheritance casually, attract their attention, and the matter will be resolved.

    Without Fairy Qingling, they will still have Fairy Bailing, Fairy Purple Spirit, Fairy Red Spirit

    You men are all the same, you all like the new and dislike the old.  There are so many substitute disciples in Shuiyue Temple, we won't let everyone wait for long.  "Just fiddle with a treasure inheritance casually, attract their attention, and the matter will be resolved.

    Without Fairy Qingling, they will still have Fairy Bailing, Fairy Purple Spirit, Fairy Red Spirit

    You men are all the same, you all like the new and dislike the old.  There are so many substitute disciples in Shuiyue Temple, we won't let everyone wait for long.  ?
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