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Text Chapter 64: Strategies for Disrupting the World

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    In August 9998 in the Great Zhou Calendar, the offensive and defensive battle of Hanchuan was still at a stalemate, but the situation in the empire was on the verge of collapse.

    The strategically important Loushan County, which was finally taken back by the government and army, fell into the hands of the rebels again after a lapse of six years.

    Unlike the previous fall, this wave of rebels had already occupied most of Yuzhou, Tianzhou, and Mangzhou. The fall of Loushan County united the rebels in the three states.

    What shocked the world most was that in the battle for Loushan County, both sides had Yuanshen warriors.  Judging from the results of the war, it is obvious that the imperial court lost.

    As the victor of this battle, Shenlong King became the head of the nine anti-kings, and his momentum resounded all over the world, attracting countless anti-Zhou righteous men to join.

    Regardless of whether the Dragon King can resist the court's counterattack, the careerists have been stimulated.  Rebels from all over the world are emerging one after another.

    In order to save the situation in the world, the admonishment doctor Jia Renshou played Emperor Taichang, saying: The corruption in the world is mainly caused by the collapse of local officials, serious land annexation, and military corruption.

    It is suggested that the emperor clean up the administration of officials, check land annexation, and order local officials to form an army by themselves to suppress rebels everywhere.

    The window paper was pierced, and Chaotang immediately exploded.  Jia Renshou, the admonishing doctor who was the instigator, went to Huangquan with his family that night.

    Emperor Taichang was completely enraged.  Regardless of whether Jia Renshou, who pierced the window paper at this juncture, deserved to die, he couldn't die so suddenly without knowing why.

    As an advising doctor, it is the duty of a minister to make suggestions to the emperor.  Even if there is a problem with the strategy, it can only be punished by the emperor, and there is absolutely no reason for others to do it for them.

    The sudden change made Emperor Taichang realize that the imperial court's restraint on the aristocratic family was minimal.

    Just telling the truth, he wanted to kill Jia Renshou's family, and even challenged the imperial power, which is enough to show the arrogance of the wealthy family.

    It's a pity, no matter how angry you are, it's useless.  Most of the people in his hands are the children of aristocratic families, and this shocking case is destined to end without a problem.

    Affected by this, no one in the DPRK dared to talk about the truth of the collapse of the situation. There was only one thing Baiguan could do: give local officials more power, let them exert their subjective initiative, and find ways to suppress the rebellion and stabilize the situation.

    In the palace, Emperor Taichang stared at Li Fan and asked, "Li Aiqing, what do you think of the counter-rebellion strategy of the officials?"

    In the past few years, Li Fan has also been imprisoned several times, and his small life is so shocking.  If it wasn't for the protagonist's halo, he would have died long ago.

    Although he didn't hate the air, he still offended many people.  Even within the civil official group, there are many people who wish to get rid of him quickly.

    Not a lonely minister, in fact, not far from a lonely minister.  In order to protect himself, he had to hug Emperor Taichang's thigh tightly.

    Jia Renshou, who had just been wiped out, was one of his few close friends.  A single memorial cost him his family and his life, and Li Fan was also very frightened.

    A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands.  Such extreme gameplay is obviously not suitable for civil servants to survive.

    As a master who knows current affairs, Li Fan'an has settled down a lot in recent days.  Even the vendettas of close friends and friends were temporarily put aside by him.

    It's a pity that troubles can't be avoided if you want to. Now facing the questioning of the emperor and future father-in-law, he has no way to avoid it.

    "Your Majesty, the counter-insurgency strategies given by the court officials are generally not problematic. It's just that local officials are allowed to form an army, and there may be serious troubles in the future."

    Li Fan replied cautiously.  Avoid stimulating Emperor Taichang's nerves as much as possible, it is best to get burned.


    After a cold drink, Emperor Taichang said indifferently: "When did Li Aiqing become so timid that she dared not even tell the truth?

    This is the imperial palace. Unless it is a strong immortal, no one has the ability to eavesdrop on our conversation. What are you afraid of?  "

    As a powerful emperor, even if Yuanshen warriors approached, it would be impossible to hide from Emperor Taichang's induction, and eavesdropping was impossible at all.

    Li Fan, who was forced to the corner, said bravely, "Your Majesty, whether it is to let local officials form an army, or to gather heroes from all over the world to form a rebel army, there will be endless troubles.

    After the rebels are suppressed, these people who hold all the soldiers will be the new trouble for the court.  If there is a little carelessness, it will be a situation of separatism among the princes.

    Most of these people are from noble families. Whether it is their vision or the power behind them, they are far from being comparable to the rebels who have no roots.

    If you pull a hair and move your whole body, I am afraid that the court will be powerless against them"The Tianxiang girl stays at a respectful distance.

    After being molested, the girl in yellow, Tianxiang, was not only not annoyed, but instead smiled and said: "There are so many people who want to marry this girl, I advise Mr. Li to show some sincerity first.

    If you want me to be your concubine, then stop dreaming.  If you behave well, maybe I will give you a chance to embrace the beauty.  "

    A witch is a witch, even if she takes the pure route, her whole body is full of charm.

    It's a pity that this trick is useless to Li Mu. Knowing who this person is, he won't ask for trouble.

    "Since Miss Tianxiang didn't recommend herself as a pillow mat, so why did she break into my tent in the middle of the night?"

    Gu Gu poured a cup of tea and took a sip. The woman in yellow glared at Li Mu and said, "You idiot who doesn't understand style!"

    After a pause, he added: "In the past few months, you have sent troops to surround the city of Hanchuan, making people lose their business, and I, a weak woman, can only go out to run business."

    Seeing that Li Mu was still unmoved, Miss Tianxiang stomped her feet full of coquettishness, and said angrily: "Okay, let me tell you the truth!

    Someone paid for the little girl to be a man.  I want you to get out of the way and let the rebels in the city leave.

    Let me tell you first, the little girl is doing a small business, so don't open your mouth thinking about a lion.  "

    While speaking, he bit his lip.  It is completely how to be charming, so it will come.  If the concentration is insufficient, it is estimated that he would have been fascinated by the fascination.

    "Yes, as long as Miss Tianxiang is willing to stay"

    Before Li Mu could finish speaking, the woman in yellow interrupted: "This girl neither sells her art nor her body. Mr. Li, please respect yourself, or you will look good to me!"

    While speaking, he waved his fists.  It is full of charm to act as if you are going to turn your face.

    This scene fell into Li Mu's eyes, but it was another scene.

    "Li is really blind. I have known Miss Tianxiang for so long, but I didn't realize that she is actually a celestial warrior.

    ?I think Miss Tianxiang's status in the Bliss Demon Sect should not be low. I wonder which saint is it, or is it a higher status?

    It's just that it doesn't make sense to stay in Hanchuan for so many years with the status of Tianxiang girl!  Could it be that there is some inside story here, I wonder if Miss Tianxiang can satisfy my curiosity?  "

    Unexpectedly, Li Mu would expose her identity on the spot, and the face of the woman in yellow changed drastically. It was only rationality that quickly calmed her down, and she pretended to be annoyed and said, "No!"

    Seeing that Li Mu didn't like this, the woman in yellow continued to say: "Mr. Li, many things are clear, but we are still good friends.

    It is really difficult for me to expose the identity of the little girl so directly.  How about this, if you let go of a road and let the Sky-Changing Monkey leave, it's as an apology to this girl!  "

    While speaking, Li Mu clearly felt a murderous aura.  He knew that if he refused, the mysterious "Tianxiang girl" in front of him might choose to turn his face.

    Gao Yi was bold and ignored the threat of the woman in yellow. Li Mu sat down opposite her and said slowly: "If I were a girl, I wouldn't be so confident.

    Although the Bliss Demon Sect is powerful, it is just like that in the world.  As far as I know, the Yuanshen warrior in your sect has not shown his face for more than five hundred years.

    The Bliss Demon Sect can't frighten me, so it's hard for the girl to think that with her celestial cultivation, she can run wild in Li's barracks?  "

    Feeling Li Mu's teasing, the woman in yellow rolled her beautiful eyes, and instantly changed into a cute and pitiful expression: "Mr.

    It's no wonder that he was able to overwhelm the two sons-in-law and become the chief of the Hou family here.  Could it be that the young master is the real heir of the Hou Mansion, and the one in Beijing is just an obvious target?

    Or maybe the young master is already a member of the Li family in Suizhou, so he doesn't like our Bliss Demon Sect, such a small family?  "

    Seeing that Li Mu didn't respond, the woman in yellow knew that nothing would come out of her test.  In her heart, she was already secretly complaining.  If she had known that her opponent was so difficult to deal with, she would not have rushed in rashly.

    If we can talk well tonight, then everything will be easy to talk about.  If you can't agree on an agreement, you might lose yourself in it.
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