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Text Chapter 107, Windfall

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    Looking at the "Pillar of Heaven in the World" and "Famous Mountains in the North" in front of him, Li Mu has all kinds of tastes.

    The plan can never keep up with the rapid changes. It was agreed to sweep the Shanxi Demon Sect sub-helm, but the Five Sacred Sword Sect just started to move, and the Demon Sect fled in all directions.

    Seemingly intimidated by the power of the Five Sacred Sword Sect, it is actually a very clever way to deal with it.

    The land of the Three Jins is so big, with only two or three thousand soldiers from the Wuyue Sword Sect, how can they be wiped out?

    Forced to do so, Li Mu had no choice but to recover Mount Heng first, and announced to Wulin that the Five Sacred Sword Sect had launched a strategic counter-offensive.

    "Junior Sister Dingxian, haven't you found Master Lingqing and the others yet?"

    Thinking about Li Mu, it is absolutely inconceivable that Hengshan has been taken back, and the escaped Hengshan faction is still missing.

    Even if you can't find your own people, relying on Hengshan's intelligence network to find the gathering place of the remnants of the Demon Cult, let alone wipe them out.

    Sometimes Li Mu even suspected that it was a mistake to bring these nuns into the Five Sacred Sword Sect.  They should eat fast and chant Buddha instead of participating in disputes between rivers and lakes.

    "Senior brother Li, we have suffered a great loss from the demon sect's attack this time. All the intelligence networks in various places have been paralyzed, and even the contacts accumulated in the past are depleted.


    There is no need to worry about it, just set Xian's expression about to cry, and Li Mu knew that there must be no good news.

    The most important thing for Jianghu sects to gain a foothold in the local area and get the support of many aristocratic families is strength.

    This wave of Hengshan faction was severely beaten by the demon sect, directly exposing their weakness to the world, and it is normal for the local big clan not to buy it.

    ?People paid you a protection fee to protect your own safety from being harassed by people in the Jianghu.  With the current strength of the Hengshan faction, it is obviously not able to bring a sense of security to everyone.

    Without a sense of awe, it will be difficult to collect protection fees.  If the Hengshan faction doesn't handle it well, I'm afraid the days to come will be difficult.

    In a sense, it is also good news that "no one is alive, no dead body is seen" now, at least it proves that Mrs. Lingqing and the others are still alive.

    If he was already dead, the Demon Sect would have already publicized such a record.

    Li Mu comforted: "Junior Sister, don't worry, the Demon Cult has just retreated, and the teacher and the others may not have received the news. Maybe in a few days, they will return to Mount Heng.

    Now let's discuss how to pay off the remnants of the Demon Cult!

    It is rare to have such a good opportunity, we must uproot the evil cult thieves, lest there will be endless disasters in the future.  "

    Dingxian nodded and said: "Yes, brother."

    It is said to be a discussion, but in fact, from the beginning to the end, it is Li Mu who is talking, and the others are only responsible for listening.

    I don't know if it was intentional, or they haven't adapted to their new roles yet, they still regard themselves as ordinary disciples and only know how to obey orders.

    It is rare to be confused in life.  As long as the goal is achieved, why care about what others think?

    The main force of the Demon Cult is not in Shanxi, and even the original Shanxi sub-helm has taken away a large number of good players. It is not difficult to find them and encircle them.

    ?The Five Sacred Sword Sect, together with the surviving orthodox people in Shanxi Wulin and the rebels, under the deployment of Li Mu, started a dragnet-style encirclement and suppression.

    The method of tracing people is very rough, and they directly ask the local aristocratic family for information.  Don't be afraid that they won't cooperate, now Zhengdao has the upper hand.

    Regardless of whether there was collusion with the Demon Cult before, if you don't understand the situation now, either the whole family will be "suddenly killed by the plague" or "the family will be wiped out by the Demon Cult."

    Just after entering Shanxi, two families of Juren were killed and used to sacrifice the flag.

    The riot of civil and military officials not only caused the Emperor Zhengde to earn money by eating alone, but also the domineering style of both good and evil, which also made the civil officials feel deeply worried.

    Facing those martial arts masters who "come without a trace, go without a trace", the civil servants have no sense of security at all.  What's more, the emperor is still fueling the flames behind the scenes, which is even more unbearable

    At the gate of Yongle Palace, Li Mu, who was wearing Taoist robes, said loudly: "Li Bumu from the Huashan School of Guangning is here to visit Master Xuanyuan."

    The resonant voice, as if endowed with special penetrating power, covered the entire Yongle Palace.

    They were all forced out.  After entering Mount Heng, Li Mu kept visiting the Taoist seniors.  Whether it is a casual cultivator in the mountains or a grand temple of a famous family, he has left his footprints.

    It's a pity that he, the well-known young palm of Huashan in the martial artsEven if he was stuck, he was the one who had gone the furthest in the realm of martial arts among all the people Li Mu had seen.

    Thinking about it makes me drunk, the person with the highest level of martial arts is not a well-known master in the martial arts, nor is it a thug trained by the court, but a little-known Taoist priest.

    Of course, realm does not equal combat effectiveness.  If there is a fight, Master Xuanyuan may not be the strongest, but his state of mind is the strongest.

    Li Mu bowed solemnly and said, "Thank you, Daoist, for pointing out the maze!"

    ? A word of truth is passed on, but thousands of volumes of books are falsely passed on.

    Although this is not Li Mu's way, it is possible to attack from the side.  Li Mu has a feeling that today's communication is very important to him.

    Maybe it doesn't help my cultivation right now, but when my cultivation reaches a certain level, this is the most precious wealth.

    Under the way of heaven, peck and hide.

    ?Limited by the decline of the world, the road to eternal life is broken.  It is also because the road is broken that everyone can think carefully and pursue a breakthrough in the spiritual realm.

    If it is true that in the world of immortals and gods, everyone is busy pursuing immortality and the power to destroy the world, but they will not be able to calm down and appreciate the nature of the world.

    With a good start, the next discussion will be smoother.

    With the intention of asking for advice, Li Mu brought up all kinds of messy questions, which made Master Xuanyuan doubt life.

    If it wasn't for the high level of mental state cultivation, I'm afraid he couldn't help but drive people away.  It's a pity that Li Mu didn't seem to notice it, and still felt good about himself.

    Perhaps because he felt that it was not enough, Li Mu also brought in other Taoist priests, and the discussions were in full swing every day.

    When the roads diverge, it is not uncommon to blow your nose and stare.  The scene was so exciting that everyone in the Huashan School thought that the young head of their family was going to become a monk to practice Taoism.  </div&gt
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