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Text Chapter 367: Dragon Three

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    I Return from the Star Sea Text Volume Chapter 367 Long San drank the champagne in his glass, Yue Heng put down the empty glass and said, "Now it's time for you to ask."


    The little sister Hu Qianqian came back to her senses, and quickly asked, "What kind of ability do you belong to?"

    Yue Heng replied concisely: "Mind power."

    Then he asked back: "What is the purpose of Long San holding this fellowship?"

    So simple?

    Hu Qianqian looked embarrassed, feeling that she had suffered a big loss.

    But she made the rules, and there is no reason to violate them, so I had to answer: "That guy wants to turn his Phoenix Club into an orderly organization, and his ambitions are very big!"

    Yue Heng understood: "It turns out that Phoenix belongs to him."

    "It's time for me to ask again."

    Hu Qianqian thought about the problem seriously, trying to make back the loss she suffered just now.


    Just at this moment, several girls dressed up in fancy dress rushed forward and back, chattering around Hu Qianqian: "Why did you come here? We couldn't find you just now!"

    "Who is this?"

    Of course they noticed that they were sitting across from Hu Qianqian, and they yelled, "Qianqian, when did you have a boyfriend? Don't even introduce us to each other."

    "Yeah, yeah, handsome guy, what's your name?"

    "See sex and forget friends!"

    Three women in one scene, Hu Qianqian was also dizzy from their arguing: "It's not a boyfriend, ah, you are so annoying, go away, go back!"

    Giving Yue Heng a helpless look, she pulled her companions back to their original seats.

    "Good evening, everybody!"

    Just as Hu Qianqian and the others left, the music that filled the club suddenly stopped, and a man in a black tuxedo came to the performance stage with his head held high, holding a wireless microphone in his hand.

    This man was in his twenties, tall and handsome, and Gu Pan Zixiong looked very domineering.

    Following his voice, the Phoenix clubhouse quickly became quiet.

    "First, let me introduce myself."

    The man smiled and said: "My name is Long Shenghuai, and my online name is the Third Prince of the Dragon King. I am the initiator of the Immortal Cultivation chat group tonight. Thank you for your kindness and participation in this gathering. Let us drink this cup to the brim, and wish our friendship will last forever!"

    As he said, he took the champagne from a waiter and raised it high to the guests: "Cheers!"

    "Third Prince of the Dragon King" is the group leader. He is not actually the founder of the Immortal Cultivation Group, but he has been the group leader for more than a year and has many fans in the group.

    Among them, the "Third Prince of the Dragon King" gave people the impression that he was bold and generous, and gave out a few red envelopes from time to time, each of which was worth ten thousand yuan.

    So this time he called group members to hold a social gathering in Shanghai, and many group members rushed over.

    A person who becomes an extraordinary person, no matter how bad his background is, will develop self-confidence and arrogance as his ability grows.

    But for this group leader, everyone is still willing to give face, toasting: "Cheers!"

    "thank you all!"

    Long Shenghuai said with a smile: "In addition to giving everyone a chance to get to know each other and communicate with each other, I have also prepared five different species for an on-site auction. The one with the highest price will win!"

    Five different species!

    There was an uproar in the clubhouse.

    The alien species that can be exploded by killing alienated creatures was first used as a special material for the study of supernatural phenomena.

    Then it was discovered that the alien species could be absorbed by superpowers to enhance their abilities!

    Although this discovery was leaked out a long time ago, there are very few lawmakers who can really use the alien species. In order to obtain the alien species, some people do not hesitate to venture into the mountains and forests to hunt and kill alienated creatures.

    As a result, many people lost their lives.

    Even the "Tsing Yiwei" belonging to the Super Management Bureau system needs to exchange for different species through merit points.

    For superpowers, heterogeneity is undoubtedly the most precious cultivation resource.

    No one would have thought that the "Third Prince of the Dragon King" would auction off five different species on the spot.

    I saw five women in formal dresses coming to the performance stage with silver trays in their hands.

    A white jade box is placed on each silver plate.

    Long Shenghuai reached out and opened one of the box lids, and the alien species stored inside were immediately revealed.

    exudes temptation? light.

    Many power users present subconsciously held their breath, and many showed greedy light.

    "The starting price of a heterogeneous species is one million, and the price increase is no less than one hundred thousand each time."

    Long Shenghuai raised a finger and said: "All the proceeds from the auction will be used for the daily operating expenses of the Phoenix Super Club. Everyone is welcome to bid!"

    "Two million!"

    As soon as his words fell, someone below immediately raised their hands to bid.

    "three million!"

    "five million!"

    Although the rule is that each price increase is at least 100,000, in fact, all the bidders shouted up millions of dollars, and in an instant, the price of the first alien species was raised to 9 million!

    "Ten million!"

    "10 million for the first time, is there any price increase?"

    "Eleven million!"

    "Twelve million!"

    "Fifteen million!"

    After shouting fifteen million, the competitors finally died down, and then Long Shenghuai made a final decision.

    Amidst the warm applause and applause, a guest swaggered to the performance stage, transferred money on the spot and took away the alien species he had just photographed.

    Attracted countless eyes of envy and hatred.

    It's a bit outrageous.

    Yue Heng looked at it from a distance, and touched his chin involuntarily.

    Ever since he provided a piece of research information related to alien species to the above, this special energy body has become a very important resource and is strictly controlled by the Alien Administration Bureau.

    Of course, the Alien Management Bureau can only manage its own, and cannot control others to hunt alien species.

    As the best cultivation resources for superpowers at present, the value of heterogeneous species is unquestionable, but the auction price of 15 million is a bit exaggerated, obviously containing elements of hype.

    Yue Heng has already seen Long Shenghuai's routine.

    It's just that this matter has nothing to do with him, and he has no intention of interfering in other people's plans.

    Think of it as just watching the fun.

    Immediately afterwards, the second, third, fourth and last alien species were all sold at similar prices.

    "thanks for your support!"

    Long Shenghuai, acting as the host of the auction, said with a smile: "Here, I also very much welcome everyone to join the Phoenix Super Club. This club only accepts lawful people as members"

    He talked a lot, explaining the nature of the Phoenix Super Club and the benefits of its members.

    For example, the heterogeneous auction will only be open to club members in the future.

    There are also internal communication and mutual assistance among members.

    The eloquence of this "Third Prince of the Dragon King" is quite excellent, coupled with the real temptation of the alien species, it has attracted many people to show their emotions.

    Of course, there are also many people who stand on the sidelines¡ª¡ª

    ? The first update is here
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