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Text Chapter 341 God-given

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    Bull beep plus!

    Looking at the gray-robed old natives kneeling on the ground, and those Di Gamma warriors bowing their heads in submission, Chu Zhihao seemed to have discovered a new world, and his face flushed with excitement.

    He looked at Yue Heng with a look of admiration, wishing he could run over and hug his thigh immediately and call him big brother!

    This is not just because Yue Heng saved him twice.

    The battle between Yue Heng and the black python just now completely refreshed Chu Zhihao's three views.

    When the legend reflected reality, the young doctor forgot his fear and his heartbeat doubled.

    However, Yue Heng, who was admired by Chu Zhihao, was hesitating.

    Yue Heng is good at fighting, but he doesn't like meaningless killings. The other party is of course suicidal. Now that they have surrendered, how to deal with the aftermath has become a big problem.

    The purpose of Yue Heng coming here is to save people.

    He also rescued Chu Zhihao.

    Can't you take these Di Gammas back with you?

    But if they let them go like this, wouldn't Yue Heng be too easy to bully?

    Since the other party has made a wrong choice, they will have to pay the corresponding price!

    The question is what price can the Di Gama tribe pay?

    Yue Heng's silence made the gray-robed old native who was kneeling on the ground confused, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt fear.

    Yue Heng's strength is really too strong.

    The gray-robed old aborigine really regretted it to the extreme. He suspected that his brain had been flooded, so he dared to plot against such a strong man, and put himself and the tribe in an extremely dangerous situation.

    As the leader of the tribe, he is willing to sacrifice his life to protect the whole tribe.

    But will Yue Heng be satisfied?

    The gray-robed old native didn't have the slightest confidence.

    The valley was quiet, and even the wind stopped. Many Digamma people who survived the catastrophe hid behind the destroyed houses, watching this side with horrified eyes.

    Just as a child was about to open his mouth to cry, his mother immediately covered his mouth tightly.

    All Digamma people are waiting for the judgment of fate!

    The gray-robed old native gritted his teeth and said, "Your Excellency, please forgive our rude offense. If you can use my life to appease your anger, then please take it away!"

    He lowered his head again, and assumed a posture of neck-throwing.

    "Your life?"

    Yue Heng smiled: "Get up and talk, I'll ask you a few questions first."

    The old native in gray robe stood up obediently.

    Yue Heng asked: "How many tribes do you Dijiama people have? How many people like you can control wild beasts? Why do you attack villages and mines? And"

    A series of questions were thrown over.

    The old gray-robed aborigine, whose lives were all held by Yue Heng, didn't dare to play any tricks. He answered Yue Heng's questions one by one.

    According to the gray-robed old natives, Digama is the real owner of this land. They have lived in Sagangda and several surrounding countries since ancient times, living in harmony with the forest and grassland.

    However, the invasion of outsiders changed everything. A large number of Digamma people were slaughtered, their territories were plundered, and their tribesmen were sold as slaves, and many tribes died out as a result.

    Although Sagunda became an independent country in the middle of the last century, Digama became a minority.

    Hatred has always been hidden in their hearts.

    Generations will never forget.

    Finally one day, the gods that the Digamma people believed in answered their prayers and sent down a godsend!

    Some Digamma people, including the gray-robed old native, gained the power to control plants and animals.

    So they decided to take back their homeland, drive away all outsiders, and return this land to the embrace of nature.

    In the eyes of the Digama people, those miners who wantonly destroy vegetation and land should be punished the most!

    "Your Excellency¡­"

    The gray-robed old native finally said: "Although we don't like outsiders, we have no intention of harming you Chinese people. Detaining your friend is only for future negotiations."

    Yue Heng touched his chin.

    Several questions in his mind were finally answered.

    Of course, the Dijiama people are not only such a tribe, otherwise it would be impossible to set off a catastrophe of alienated beasts across the country.

    It's just that it's incredible that they have awakened so many beast masters.And although the gray-robed old native didn't tell the whole truth, he didn't lie either.

    For example, at the Wanara Mine, which was attacked by alien beasts, the Chinese people working there were basically alive, and it can be said that there was no danger.

    Another example is Chu Zhihao, who suffered a little when he was taken away by Di Jiama.

    Yue Heng asked: "How many Chinese people have you detained?"

    The gray-robed old aborigine smiled wryly: "He is the only Shenzhou native that our tribe has captured so far."

    As for other tribes, he really doesn't know.

    Yue Heng turned his head to look at Chu Zhihao beside him.

    Chu Zhihao understood what Yue Heng meant, and nodded quickly, indicating that the old aborigine in gray robe was right.

    But he hesitated to speak.

    He was the only Chinese who was captured by the Di Gama tribe, but there are still many people from other countries!

    However, it is enough for Yue Heng to make sure that Chu Zhihao is the only one: "Hand over the god-given thing, and I will let you go."

    The face of the gray-robed old aborigine suddenly changed drastically!

    For him, the god-given thing is more important than his own life.

    The God-given item is a gift from the gods, and it is the hope for the revival of the Digamma people.

    The gray-robed old aborigine would rather give up his own life than give the gift of God to Yue Heng.

    He clenched his fist subconsciously.

    "Kill all of you"

    Yue Heng saw through the other party's mind at a glance, and said lightly: "I can still get the gift from God, it's just a matter of spending more time."

    The face of the gray-robed old native turned blue and red, and he lowered his head.

    What Yue Heng said was absolutely correct.

    He and his tribe have lost the ability to resist, how can they resist Yue Heng's request?

    The gray-robed old aborigine finally made a wise decision. He recruited two Digamma warriors to take the god-given item from his tribe.

    Present it to Yue Heng.

    This so-called god-given object was stored in a stone box made of jade.

    Exudes a faint light.

    This is a star!

    Yue Heng was not surprised at all.

    ? According to previous life data, there are countless star families that fell to the earth on the day of starfall, but there are more than 3,000 star family members that have been obtained by people but have not dissipated.

    The actual number will only be more.

    Sagangda has a land of more than 700,000 square kilometers, and there must be a lot of star relatives who have landed on this land.

    What the Dijiama people got was definitely not the only one!

    "What's this?"

    The light emitted by the star family aroused Chu Zhihao's strong request, and he couldn't help but look around.

    The moment the doctor saw Xingjuan, his eyes rolled white and he passed out!¡ª¡ª

    ? The first update is here
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