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Text Chapter 246 In Mai Country (5)

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    Earth Dragon is a general term for alienated underground worm-like creatures.

    This kind of heterogeneity does not only exist on the earth, but is widely distributed in many planets and star realms in the Milky Way.

    There are hundreds of types.

    In Yue Heng's previous life, in the process of carrying out planetary landing and exploration missions, he encountered many earth dragon attacks.

    Therefore, I have a very good understanding of this alienated creature.

    The earth dragon he encountered should be a sandstone earth dragon, mainly active in the desert Gobi environment.

    Although it looks very ferocious, in fact, in the big family of earth dragons, this sandstone earth dragon can only be regarded as a kindergarten student. It is not very long in size, and its combat effectiveness and intelligence are also quite weak.

    But Yue Heng did not dislike it.

    With the courageous dagger in his hand, he scratched the pickup truck beside him, making a toothache sound.

    Dilong is very sensitive to sound and hates high-frequency sound waves very much.

    The different hunters in the Xinghai era would use this characteristic of the earth dragon to "fish for insects".

    Yue Heng's actions undoubtedly angered the sandstone dragon who had just had a full meal.

    However, this alienated creature didn't realize that its movement speed underground was much slower than before, and its agility was greatly affected by its abdomen stretched by the corpse.

    Yue Heng waited for work with ease, when the arched mudstone on the ground approached his feet, he jumped up suddenly.

    Jumped onto the roof of the pickup truck.


    The sandstone earth dragon broke through the ground again, soaring into the sky amidst the flying sand and sand, and opened its bloody mouth.

    This is its best attack method.

    But the Shayan Dilong never expected that what it bit into was a big iron lump - a pickup truck.


    The bite force of the sandstone dragon is quite astonishing. The two rings of sharp teeth surrounding the inner wall of the mouthparts pierced through the car skin and embedded deeply into the interior of the pickup truck.

    If it is a large ground dragon, it is easy to swallow a pickup truck in one gulp.

    Then relying on the powerful digestion ability, the steel swallowed in the stomach was dissolved.

    But the mouthparts of this sandstone dragon were not that big at all, and the mouth was stuck by the car!

    It instinctively wanted to retreat to a safe underground, but at this moment, Yue Heng jumped onto the sandy ground, and the Xuanjie horizontal knife held in his right hand slashed out like lightning.

    This magical weapon cut through the thick skin of the sandstone dragon without hesitation, and swept across its thick neck!

    In the next second, mud-colored body fluid spurted out from the wound, splashed on the ground and emitted white smoke.

    The blood of the sandstone dragon is corrosive to a certain extent.


    The severely injured Sandstone Earth Dragon was so painful that it went crazy. Unable to flinch, its long body suddenly emerged from the ground, rolling and slapping left and right.

    This is also the usual counterattack method of Earth Dragon.

    When the enemy's position is next to it, it will adopt such a trick, using its own weight and strength to crush or strangle the opponent.

    Quite effective.

    But unfortunately, this sandstone dragon encountered an enemy who was very familiar with it!

    As soon as the sandstone dragon's body came out of the ground, Yue Heng withdrew and flew back.

    After pulling away a certain distance, the weapon in his hand switched to an electromagnetic hunting gun.

    Aim at the sandstone dragon's head and pull the trigger.

    boom!  boom!  boom!

    One after another, the specially-made steel bullets came out at more than three times the speed of sound, and hit the round head of the sandstone dragon with incomparable precision, creating shocking wounds one after another.

    The Shayan Dilong was seriously injured, and was hit by three electromagnetic steel bullets in a row on the head. Even though its vitality was extremely tenacious, it could not bear such a blow.

    The ten-meter-long behemoth fell to the ground with a crash, and stinky body fluids flowed out from the torn wound.

    It twitched feebly a few times, and then fell silent.


    Yue Heng aimed at the head of Shayan Dilong, and added another steel bullet.

    Things like earth dragons are dead but not stiff like millipedes. On the surface they seem to be belching, but in fact they may still retain a trace of vitality.

    Dying backlash!

    Many rookies have suffered a lot because of this.

    Therefore, replenishing the gun and replenishing the sword belongs to the basic common sense of different hunters.

    The sandstone earth dragon that was shot trembled, its head was almost blown off, and there was no violent reaction.

    ?That way you can basically be sure it's dead.

    However, at this moment, a warning sign suddenly appeared in Yue Heng's heart.

    He jumped back without thinking, relying on the strength endowed by his extraordinary body, he left the original standing position in an instant.


    Countless mud and rocks flew in all directions, and a sandstone dragon rushed out from the ground, its sharp teeth glowing coldly under the sunlight.

    There is actually a second sandstone dragon here!

    Even if Yue Heng's reaction was delayed by a second, the result was likely to fall into its mouth.

    The inevitable sneak attack failed, which annoyed this even stronger sandstone dragon.

    It let out a deep roar towards Yue Heng, its body wriggled violently, ready to pounce again.

    Yue Heng, who had just escaped a catastrophe, did not change his face. He quickly switched the hunting gun to his left hand, and held it with his right hand.

    The fingertips are flickering!

    A magnetic storm grenade condensed from dozens of steel balls appeared instantly, and was thrown out by Yue Heng with all his strength.

    It directly smashed into the open mouthparts of the sandstone dragon.

    The sandstone earth dragon was stunned.


    The magnetic storm steel ball grenade exploded in its mouth, and dozens of steel balls containing mechanical electromagnetic energy shot in all directions, mercilessly piercing through the surrounding flesh and blood.

    Dozens of blood holes suddenly appeared on the huge head of the Shayan Dilong!

    The effect of this explosion is no less than three electromagnetic steel bullets.

    The sandstone dragon was hit hard in an instant!

    boom!  boom!

    The electromagnetic beast hunting gun in Yue Heng's hand roared again, smashing the sandy dragon's head full of holes!

    In just a few seconds, the second sandstone dragon ate the sand.

    Yue Heng put away his weapon.

    He saw two alien species emerging back and forth.

    It turned out to have a 100% explosion rate!

    The appearance of the alien species indicated that the two sandstone dragons were completely dead, and there was no possibility of them coming back to life.

    And their corpses are decomposing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

    This is also one of the characteristics of earth dragon alienated creatures.

    Only a few species of earth dragons are edible, and the meat of most earth dragons contains toxins, which will quickly dissolve into blood after death.

    The sandstone dragon is obviously one of them.

    Yue Heng was not disappointed.

    Two different species are already a surprise.

    Moreover, both the size and the energy fluctuations emitted by these two alien species are larger than those obtained by Yue Heng before, indicating that they have higher quality.

    It just happened to be used by him for the cultivation of "Shengwu¡¤Nuclear Fist"!

    Putting away the two earth dragon variants, Yue Heng set his sights on the vast wilderness.

    I don't know how many similar alienated creatures are hidden in this vast land!¡ª¡ª

    The first one is delivered.

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