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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Romance -> Ive returned from the starry sea

Text Chapter 195: Dawn

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    "Brain body initialized successfully!"

    "Basic data injection"

    "Injection succeeded!"

    "Loading computing module"

    "Successful loading!"

    "Load storage module"

    "Successful loading!"

    "Search the psionic network"

    "No psionic network found."

    "Search Xinghai Network"

    "The Xinghai Network has not been found."

    "Active spirit link"

    "Link successful!"

    One message after another, like a computer pop-up window infected by a virus, kept flashing in Yue Heng's mind.

    Caused his brain to temporarily shut down.

    But this situation only lasted for a moment, and a new prompt covered all the previous information pop-up windows.

    "The loading of the sp-003 biological sub-brain is complete, waiting for instructions!"

    Biological vice brain!

    Yue Heng couldn't help but took a deep breath to calm down his high-speed brain.

    With the help of mental inner vision, he "sees" that the biological sub-brain originally attached to the brain stem has been completely integrated into his own brain tissue, and occupies one-third of the brain stem!

    Undoubtedly, after absorbing the energy of the star crystal, the biological secondary brain completed its first evolution.

    Passed a lot of information to Yue Heng.

    From this, Yue Heng was surprised to find that the operation mode of the biological sub-brain is not much different from that of the optical core sub-brain!

    In the previous life, the Star Alliance once spent countless manpower and material resources trying to crack the secret of the sub-brain of Zerg creatures.

    But it has never been successful.

    Therefore, Yue Heng's understanding of the biological parabrain is quite limited.

    He couldn't help feeling a very absurd feeling.

    Did you make a mistake?

    However, when Yue Heng came back to his senses, he remembered that this biological sub-brain was tailor-made for himself by Queen Chong, who in turn held the Star Alliance database.

    He seems to have got the right answer.

    Looking on the bright side, Yue Heng's use of the biological parabrain does not have learning disabilities.

    Suppressing the chaotic thoughts in his mind, he tried to give the first command to the biological sub-brain through the spiritual link.

    "sp-003 named: Dawn."

    The name Shuguang is exactly the code name of the sub-brain of the optical core implanted by Yue Heng in his previous life!

    The biological sub-brain instantly executed his command: "The naming is successful!"

    Yue Heng ordered again: "Dawn, search for the wireless wide area communication network."

    Dawn: "Searching"

    Dawn: "Discover the first generation of wireless wide area communication network, do you actively access it?"

    Yue Heng: "Access."

    Dawn: "Connecting"

    Suguang: "The connection is successful, do you want to turn on the retina display?"

    Yue Heng: "Open."

    The next moment, a translucent display window popped up in his field of vision.

    When Yue Heng entered a new command again, the display window instantly displayed the home page of the portal.

    This means that no matter where Yue Heng is in the future, as long as he can connect to the wireless network, he can log in to the Internet anytime, anywhere, browse the web, send information, transmit and download data!

    ?Wireless networks cover mobile networks, satellite networks, wifi

    However, this is only a very small part of the function of the biological parabrain.

    It is really powerful in computing and storage capabilities.

    Through a simple test, Yue Heng found that the computing performance of the first evolution of "Dawn" is no less than that of the most advanced optical core sub-brain in the previous life, and the storage capacity is greatly surpassed.

    The most important thing is that the replacement of the optical core sub-brain needs to be removed and re-implanted with chips, while the biological sub-brain can evolve by itself, theoretically there is no upper limit!

    Moreover, the ability of "Dawn" is closely related to Yue Heng.

    The higher Yue Heng's strength level is, the more powerful the biological sub-brain fused with him will be.

    In addition, "Dawn" has an unparalleled learning ability beyond the scope of AI!

    In other words, it will get smarter and smarter.

    In the foreseeable future, this biological sub-brain will surely become Yue Heng's most powerful assistant.


    The sweet voice awakened Yue Heng from his obsessive exploration of "Dawn".

    Found that the little girl was sticking her head out from the door: "Eat, rice!"

    theApparently Su Xiaowen had already prepared dinner, so Tiantian came up and called him down.

    Yue Heng patted his forehead.

    At this time, his forehead was scorching hot, and his body temperature was so high that he could be directly sentenced to death by the doctor.

    High-intensity operation of the biological sub-brain requires a lot of mental energy.

    That is, brain power.

    This puts a considerable burden on the brain.

    The only solution is to improve your own life level!

    Yue Heng stood up, went to the door and leaned over to hug Tiantian.

    Suguang: "I found the sp-002 terminal, do you take the initiative to connect?"

    Yue Heng's eyelids twitched suddenly at the prompt that popped out of his field of vision!

    He silently chose "No".

    Holding the little girl in his arms, Yue Heng returned to the living room downstairs.

    Su Xiaowen smiled and said, "It's time to eat."

    Yue Heng smiled and nodded, and put Tian Tian on her exclusive child seat.

    "elder sister."

    The little girl waved to Queen Chong who was on the sofa: "Eat."

    Queen Chong nodded, she put the laptop aside, and then jumped off the sofa.

    Three steps and two steps came to the dining table, and jumped to sit on the chair next to Tiantian.

    It's so flexible that it doesn't look like a doll under one year old.

    But both Yue Heng and Su Xiaowen have long been familiar with the strangeness, and turned a blind eye with a tacit understanding.

    Now everyone is a cook.

    Just when Yue Heng was picking vegetables into the little girl's bowl, and his arm touched Queen Chong intentionally or unintentionally, a message popped up again in his field of vision: "I found the sp-001 terminal, do you want to take the initiative to connect?"

    Yue Heng suddenly understood.

    Still choose "No".

    Queen Chong glanced at him.

    A strange light flashed in his eyes.

    Then continue to immerse yourself in the food in your bowl.

    After dinner, Yue Heng returned to the upstairs study.

    Continue to study the biological sub-brain.

    His current mood is very similar to that of a big boy who just got a new toy.

    If you don't play it clearly, you will definitely not be able to sleep at night.

    And "Dawn" is much, much more complicated than any other toy.

    Yue Heng estimated that it would take him a long time to fully understand its secrets.

    But for now.

    Yue Heng has already mastered some of the special functions of "Dawn".

    For example, memory storage.

    This is what he just researched, the biological sub-brain has more powerful functions than the optical core sub-brain!

    When Yue Heng activated the ability of "Dawn", the biological sub-brain immediately emitted invisible fluctuations, which strongly stimulated the memory cells of his brain.

    Scenes from the past instantly appeared in Yue Heng's mind.

    Countless hidden in the deepest part of consciousness, those memories that were ignored by him, about to be forgotten, or already forgotten emerged one by one.

    ? In past and present lives, a book or a movie Yue Heng has read, a sentence or a song he has heard

    All were copied in the storage module by "Dawn".

    As long as he needs it, he can call and browse at any time!

    However, Yue Heng was immersed in such "memories", completely forgetting the passage of time¡ª¡ª

    The first one is delivered.  </div&gt
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