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Youhu Suisui 12. Ceremony

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    Hu Huan turned over and left the bed, knelt on the ground with one knee, and hugged his head. At the same moment, the huge yellow-haired monkey head disappeared.

    "Why didn't any memory appear this time?"

    Hu Huan had lingering fears, but also felt a little strange.

    The afternoon class was quite uneventful.

    Hu Huan was assigned a college student who had just graduated as a teacher, and he also taught him the first grade of junior high school courses according to the syllabus.  Although this teacher has average experience, he is very serious. The afternoon class is more tiring than the morning training.

    After finally making it to dinner, Hu Huan felt relieved to be freed from hell.

    The young teacher held the class for a while, and when Hu Huan ran to the cafeteria, he was the only one left.  Fortunately, there are still meals, and he is not picky eater, he slowly filled a plate, and he can eat happily by himself.

    After Hu Huan was full, he left the cafeteria and saw the instructor Luo Sihai.

    His sturdy body like a door leaf is like a wall in the dark night.

    "follow me."

    "Don't be afraid later, as long as you don't move."

    "The whole process is very fast, and it will be over in half an hour."

    Hu Huan really wanted to ask, what exactly do you want me to do?

    In the end, I still didn't ask the exit.

    Luo Sihai took Hu Huan to a basement. In the center of the basement, there were countless cables coiled into a magic circle.  The two of them are not the only ones in the basement, there are also a group of people in white coats who are busy.

    Hu Huan had never seen anything like it before, he just felt that these cables were so complicated, and there was a faint force that took people's hearts away.

    Luo Sihai let Hu Huan walk into the center of the magic circle, sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to issue orders to those white coats.  It took more than an hour to prepare, and it has not been adjusted to a satisfactory level.

    Luo Sihai took the time to popularize science with Hu Huan: "This ceremony is one of the most important research results of Kunlun. It can make ordinary people become awakened."

    "so smart?"

    "It's not as powerful as you think. Through this ceremony, the probability of becoming an awakened person is very low, about 7 out of 10,000."

    Hu Huan was speechless: "It's too low."

    "It's already pretty good!"

    Luo Sihai seemed to be in a good mood, and patiently explained: "This ceremony cannot be used by ordinary people. Their physiques simply cannot survive it. They must have the physical fitness of an athlete to withstand it."

    "The current awakening ceremony is only open to Qianlong Army. Because too much energy is consumed, each person only has three chances. If they cannot become awakened, they will be eliminated."

    Hu Huan hesitated for a moment, and asked, "I'm already an awakened person, why are you still using rituals for me?"

    Luo Sihai smiled, and replied: "This awakening ceremony, in addition to guiding ordinary people to become awakened, can also accelerate the degree of awakening."

    Hu Huan said in surprise: "This ceremony can also increase the degree of awakening?"

    Luo Sihai said: "Most awakened people only have extremely weak spiritual power, and almost no special abilities. Even if there are occasional exceptions, the power they get is not stable."

    "Only when the awakened person's awakening degree reaches 100%, through the opportunity to find a job and become a real professional, can he have his own power."

    "If you want awakening speed, you must practice secret methods or use rituals. There are also some dangerous potions, but those things are too difficult to obtain and are very dangerous, so they are not recommended."

    "Although you are already an awakened person, it would be a waste if you don't use these three opportunities."

    Instructor Luo Sihai explained a lot, but Hu Huan didn't understand. He only affirmed that this ceremony was not dangerous.


    "Everything is ready!"

    The white coats finally said that there is no problem and they can start at any time.

    Luo Sihai repeated his advice to Hu Huan again: "Don't be afraid later, as long as you stay still."

    "The whole process is very fast, and it will be over in half an hour."

    Hu Huan took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He was not afraid that something might be wrong.

    Suddenly, a current surged through his body.

    The crackling electric current made Hu Huan's hair stand on end, and he even had a feeling that he was really "mature".

    A silent roar came from his heart, and the head of the giant yellow-haired monkey loomed above the boy's head.

    Countless electric currents are transformed into strange energies through complicated rituals, but 80 to 90% of the energies are continuously flowingIt entered - the head of the giant yellow-haired monkey.

    The energy that passed through the head of the giant yellow-haired monkey and then transferred to Hu Huan's body has turned violent into gentle, but it has become more refined by countless times.

    Hu Huan didn't know if his awakening was "more familiar", but he could feel his body "expanding", not in the visual sense, but in the power of the physical body.

    Luo Sihai was paying attention to the data on the instrument, suddenly his heart moved slightly, and he glanced at Hu Huan.

    He didn't seem to have noticed the black air on Hu Huan's body and the head of the giant yellow-haired monkey. The instructor only took a look, and then paid attention to the data on the instrument.

    For him, these data are more intuitive and can better reflect Hu Huan's real situation. The instruments are already in many places and are more reliable than the human naked eye.

    "His awakening has increased so quickly!"

    "It has been raised by three points."

    "With this speed, even among the awakened people in the country, they can be ranked in the top 200."

    "No, maybe it can be ranked in the top one hundred and fifty."

    A white coat next to him reminded: "Instructor Luo! The time is almost up."

    Luo Sihai said without hesitation: "Give this kid a second chance."

    The white coat asked in surprise: "Is this appropriate?"

    Luo Sihai smiled, and replied: "His awakening degree is steadily increasing, anyway, it is increasing the awakening degree, divided into three and merged into one, what is the difference?"

    The white coat thought for a while and said, "His body may not be able to bear it."

    Luo Sihai waved his hand and retorted: "He is a future thug with a physical orientation, and there is absolutely no problem with extending the ceremony. He is not an awakened person with a spiritual orientation, and there is a possibility of mental breakdown."

    The white coat hesitated for a moment, did not continue to persuade, and gestured to his colleagues to continue to increase the output of the current.

    Hu Huan didn't know that the normal ceremony should have passed by long ago.

    The energy that has been purified by the body of the yellow-haired giant monkey is endless, and at a certain moment, it seems to have broken through an indescribable threshold, allowing his physical body to open a heavy shackle.

    Hu Huan only felt that his whole body was suddenly light and then suddenly heavy. After repeating this several times, a cool air burst out of his body naturally.

    This airflow was born, and quickly swam through the whole body, devouring all the energy injected by the ceremony, nourishing itself to grow.

    Luo Sihai's eyes suddenly straightened, a vital statistic, suddenly jumped, and began to accelerate crazily, constantly improving ?
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