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Text Chapter 132 Internet celebrity festival (7)

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    There is only a dark background in the picture of the flamingo, and it is barely discernible that he is wearing a white cloth or a quilt.  No body part is exposed.

    Flamingo declaration: "Your favorite is to play games live. Your favorite game is to kill people. I believe today's game will make you very enjoyable."

    The player in charge of the police live broadcast computer was Helen. Liang Xi took black tea and sat near Helen with Bobby.  Kent asked Liang Xi to return to Brighton because Helen recommended Liang Xi to help him break through.  Liang Xi is not interested in this kind of game, his curiosity lies in the identity of the flamingo.

    Johnson is rich and well-connected, and there is no shortage of desperadoes in Europe.  Johnson hired people to transport Internet celebrities, install bombs, install cameras, and arrange everything to make sense.  But if Flamingo also hires people, what is the point of Johnson kidnapping eight Internet celebrities?  It's better to hire a murderer to kill them directly.  Flamingo should be someone Johnson trusts to control the game according to Johnson's instructions.  But Johnson is in the Fairy Tale Hotel, with police detectives by his side, and his phone has been monitored. How can he convey his instructions to Flamingo?

    The picture of the flamingo showed nine monitors, which were the monitor videos of the police and the eight hostages. A number was pasted on the left and right shoulders and back of the hostages, representing their serial numbers.

    Flamingo's voice changed: "Now the game begins. The first level of the game: vote in three minutes. It is known that the police have learned where the two Internet celebrities are detained, and now they are voting. Voting rules, the top two with the highest votes  If the Internet celebrities belong to the Internet celebrities who have been discovered by the police, they will die immediately. If the two Internet celebrities with the highest votes are not the Internet celebrities who have been discovered, no one will be injured or injured.  Time. Turn on the number one voice, number one, and you have 15 seconds to solicit votes from other hostages."

    The terrified voice of No. 1: "Please don't vote for me. There are policemen near me. Once I get the most votes, I will definitely die."

    Flamingo: "Open No. 2 microphone."

    No. 2: "Don't vote for me, I have the police by my side."

    Flamingo: "Open the No. 3 microphone."

    No. 3 had time to prepare his lines, and spoke quickly: "Everyone, please listen to me, I swear to my mother, there are policemen around me, they have found me. Please don't vote for me, I have two children,  Please, I can't die."

    So there was a very strange situation, the eight Internet celebrities all said that they were surrounded by the police, and swore with various curses, hoping that other hostages would not vote for them.

    Flamingo said: "Next, start the question and answer. You have 5 seconds to say the number you want to vote, otherwise the vote will belong to you. Number one."

    No. 1 said urgently: "No. 9."

    Flamingo: "Sorry, there is no number 9."

    Number One: "No"

    Flamingo said regretfully: "It's time, one vote for the 1st. Please answer the 2nd."

    Number Two: "Number One."

    Flamingo: "Please answer number three."

    Number Three: "Number One."

    Bobby asked curiously: "Why do they all vote for No. 1?"

    Liang Xi said from the side: "This is the smartest vote. If No. 1 votes for himself, it means that he is in danger of death. Others voted for No. 1. One reason is to protect themselves, and the other reason is to vote for himself.  It is to reduce the risk of hostages. The death rate of No. 1 is only 25%, there is no need to add another person to take the risk. The longer the hostages survive, the greater their hope of survival."

    After finishing speaking, it was time for No. 7 to speak, and No. 7 said: "No. 4."

    Flamingo snorted: "Interesting choice, please choose No. 8."

    Number Eight said angrily, "Number Seven."

    Flamingos applauded: "It's time to reveal the answer. Let's count down to 3, 3, 2, 1"

    After the flamingos finished counting, the number four screen was covered with snowflakes.  Flamingo regretted: "Number 4 has left us forever. After a fifteen-minute break, we will start the second round of the game."

    Liang Xi clarified again: "From their tone of voice, the number seven's vote for number four should be a personal grievance. Number eight is angry at number seven's behavior and drags number seven to the execution platform. Number seven's irrational behavior will become  The public enemy of the hostages, if there is a vote next time, the person who will be out will definitely be No. 7." No way, you can't make everyone so smart, you can't ask everyone to be so smart all the time.

    The policeman on one side hung up the phone: "No. 4 bomb detonated, no police casualties, confirm No. 4 is dead." In addition to No. 4, there is another person who was identified by the police as No. 3, because no one voted for him.  vote, so he survived.

    Liang Xi said: "If I'm not wrong, the second round of the game is voting by netizens. The first round is to hand the knife to the hostages, and the second round is to hand the knife to the netizens?Aspects of factors.  "Bobby has a lot of research on the network ecology.

    Liang Xi entered the detective mode. It is known that Johnson organized the Internet celebrity festival, and it is known that the flamingo kidnapped eight Internet celebrities participating in the Internet celebrity festival and Johnson's brother-in-law Jesse.  First question, is Johnson related to flamingos?  Yes, for sure.  There was a contradiction. Johnson's Internet celebrity festival was robbed of the limelight by the flamingo killing live broadcast.  Yesterday's Internet celebrity festival, which received the most attention, was deserted today.  The question is: Why did Johnson smash his own brand?

    The second contradiction is that Johnson can hire someone to kidnap eight Internet celebrities with the cooperation of Jesse and arrange them.  But was Flamingo someone Johnson hired?  not like.  In other words, there should be three Internet celebrity killers, Jesse, Johnson and Flamingo.  Johnson must be in the game of dominating the Flamingos, but he also has to protect himself.

    The biggest problem is hostage No. 6, whose identity cannot be confirmed, and where he is being held is different from other hostages.

    Combining all the clues, No. 6 should be the theme of Internet celebrity festival and flamingos.  The question is back again, is there any point in the Internet celebrity festival?  Johnson can let all the Internet celebrities set off together, kidnap eight Internet celebrities halfway, and then explain that because some Internet celebrities are missing, the Internet celebrity festival will be postponed.  Are you mocking the police?  Is it to insult Internet celebrities?  Or just to prove you're not a flamingo?

    At present, it is seen that the flamingos are attacking the three camps, the kidnapped Internet celebrity hostages, the police and the general Internet users.  In the case of Johnson's wife's death, all three camps are responsible.  The most wronged are Internet celebrity hostages. The reason why they became hostages was that they had an affair with Johnson's wife. The Internet celebrity who broke the news that Johnson's wife had cheated was also the king of battle royale.

    Therefore, Liang Xi believes that the hostages are the least important camp.  Since Johnson can hire someone to kidnap, why can't he hire someone to kill his wife's partner and whistleblower?  There are many answers to this question, perhaps Johnson does not want to do anything to them for the time being.  Perhaps Johnson saw them as secondary responsible for his wife's death.

    There are a large number of netizens. They don't care about being used by others, and even if they are used, they don't feel ashamed.  Even if Johnson used their vote to kill a hostage, netizens would feel no guilt.  After all, netizens belong to the justice camp.

    So there is only one answer, the target of the flamingo is the police.  Game No. 6 is the problem given to the police by the flamingo.  Flamingo did not deliberately hide the location of the seven hostages, but deliberately hid the number 6 hostage.  This is the same genre as the famous game on the rails, and arguably worse.  In the rail game, you don't change the track, and five people die, but you didn't kill these five people.  Changing tracks, you save five people while killing one.

    The Flamingo's game is to not move the rails, and the remaining 7 hostages will die.  Only No. 6 died when the rails moved, and six people were rescued.  The police may build a new railroad track during this period and find hostage No. 6, so everyone will be happy, and there is a possibility of luck.  But betting on luck must take the lives of other hostages as chips.

    Liang Xi was still thinking, and the flamingo said: "It's time to vote, let's take a look at the number of votes. The third place is No. 1, congratulations on your escape. The second place is No. 6, the same  Congratulations. No. 7 ranked first, and he won a one-way ticket to hell with twice as many votes as the second place."

    Flamingo said: "Next, let's give Number 7 a minute to explain our last words. By the way, the police are right next to Number 7. They have the ability to rescue Number 7, but they can only watch Number 7 turn into dust. Haha  Ha ha!"

    No. 7 was very excited after announcing the number of votes, and kept yelling. After the flamingo turned on his voice, everyone heard an extremely vicious curse: "Curse all who voted for me to be abandoned by God, you and your parents and children will die!"  Go to hell with me. Every night you go to sleep, you will see me crawling out of the earth and choking you, so that you will always remember my shattered face."

    In a minute, No. 7 was very emotional, shouting at the top of his voice, and made hysterical complaints to all the netizens who voted for him. It was like a hell-like cold wind, and Liang Xi felt chills when he heard it.  Then everyone saw him explode.  This time the camera is very good, it only shakes a few times, the number 7 is missing in front of the camera, and there is a bloody corpse with many missing parts.

    Countless viewers who watched the live broadcast faced the impact of the video head-on, with exclamations, vomiting, guilt, and anger.  </div&gt
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