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I can extract rewards while playing games Latest chapter update list

author£ºDay of the Rooster Soldiers As

Related works Character introduction Niutou RenyiVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 1. Niutou-kun, come onVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 2. My body has to be upgraded like a gameVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 3. Playing baseball is rich
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Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 19. Tragic Xiao YanVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 20. Baier, You Are Puppy LoveVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 21. What method should be used to deal with unreasonable women!Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 22. Whatever Xiao Yan can do, I can do. If I can't do it, I can do it too!
Volume 1 Broken Shrine 23. Fighting at the police station? what are you kiddingVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 24. Niu Renyi's attribute panel (the reason for wanting to save Rem)Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 25. I must learn magic no matter whatVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 26. Rem, I know your sister Ram
Volume 1 Broken Shrine 27. Zanpakuto? !Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 28. What is the origin of this kid, and the strength of the bodyguard is actually at the level of a fighting king? !Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 29. Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in the WaterVolume 1 Broken Shrine 30. Flames of Vengeance!
Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 31-32. A couple destined to have no fateVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 33. The first confrontation with Mr. PeiVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 34. Can you memorize the Tao Te Ching?Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 35. The gods fight, and the bull's head suffers! (Revise)
Volume 1 Broken Shrine 36. Choice (Modified)Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 37. Coerced Mr. PeiVolume 1 Broken Shrine 38. Mr. Pei, lend me your airportVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 39. Qingchen is supporting the wall
Volume 1 Broken Shrine 40. The school is built next to the cemetery! ?Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 41. Xiao Xuner Using a Hair DryerVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 42. Who Put the BugVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 43. Ding Zhen's Unlucky Encounter
Volume 1 The Broken ShrineVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 45. It took three minutes for the egg to reach Mount FujiVolume 1 Broken Shrine Please recommend (update notice)Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 46. Practice three grudges together!
Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 47. The Targeted Niu RenyiVolume 1 Broken Shrine 48. Suppose someone wants to kill you, can't I avenge you?Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 49. Obscene clothes, evil intentions? oh bellybandVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 50. My last name is Uzumaki, you can call me Uzumaki grandma
Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 51. Fatty, where did you provoke the monster.Volume 1 Broken Shrine 52. Fat Man TargetedVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 53. Choosing a man depends on whether he is willing to spend money for youVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 54. Zhishui and Shuyou Lend Me
Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 55. There was a loud noise from the direction of Chiyoda!Volume 1 The Broken ShrineVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 57. One Ring Two GrandpasVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 58. The Taiji Picture Floating in the Sky
Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 59. Yasuhiro Shrine Ten Minutes Ago (Part 1)Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 60. Yasuhiro Shrine Ten Minutes Ago (Part 2)Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 61. Niu Renyi's Speech Uploaded by QianhuaVolume 1 Broken Shrine 62. Bloodlust!
Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 63. The Missing Rem and Iron Sand Palm CheatsVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 64. Exploring and extracting game rewardsVolume 1 The Broken Shrine 65. Help comes in drovesVolume 1 Broken Shrine 66. Extracted the sword of the victory contract!
Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 67. Tragic Fatty!Volume 1 The Broken Shrine 68. Ding Zhen Forced to Accept TransformationVolume 1 Broken Shrine 69. Dragon Master and Inherent Time Control!Text 70. Summoned Jin Yingying!
Text 71. Jin Glitter and Jin ZhongguoText 72. The Magical Glory of the Uesugi FamilyText 73. The mighty Qingchen!Text 74. Heart Image Barrier
Text 75. Yan Hui and Unlimited Sword SystemText 76. Awakened FattyText 77. Isn't it just a ghost!Text 78. Niu Renyi, who became stronger again (brush attribute panel)
Text 79. Misaka Mashiro: Ikki, do you want to become stronger?Text 80. Niu Renyi, whose mentality is a bit friedText 81. Kazuki Sakamoto who hates poverty!Text 82. Ikki who was caught in a stolen car!
Text 83. Where is the missing Rem?Text 84. The icing on the scene and the embarrassing withdrawal rewardsText 85. Target black repair template! (ask for a reward, ask for a monthly ticket)Body 86. Discovered tricks and non-chiefs
Text 87. Whereabouts of RemText 88. The ice girl Kura, the power of Otsuki? ! Dragon family? !Text 89. Another Adventure of the FattyText 90. Ikki: Are you a virgin?
Text 91. Extracted the black repair templateText 92. The Wrath of the Orochi! Possibility to use the Sword of Victory Contract!Text 93. Hoshino Nanarai's True IdentityText 94. What monsters surround me!
Text 95. Let the whole world protect youText 96. Qingchen: Tell your daughter to be honest, otherwiseText Shelving noticeText 97. Our celebration team leader invites everyone to drink tea (seeking first order)
Text 98. Niu Renyi: Fatty, don't be afraid of me!Text 99. Misaka Mashiro: Can I not do it?Text 100. He is my sonText 101. Whispers between Niu Renyi and Sakura
Text 102. Artificial Devil FruitText 103. The entire Chiyoda signal is blockedText 104. A "Chopsticks War"Text 105. Improving [Sales] Skills in Front of Qingchen
Text 106. Mr. Pei, I'm going to backstab youText 107. Mr. Pei who was stabbed in the back and almost passed outText 108. Time for Blood Debts!Text 109. Yuanquan Nai who died with regret.
Text 110. Pei Qian: If you can do it, I agree...Text 111. You have to dare to promise me that I will make you want to dieText 112. Praying Mantis Catch Cicada and Oriole BehindBody 113. The world is crying
Text Unification of power system planning (must read)Text 114. Yuanshui Wuyue: Stay safebody 115.Text 116. Niu Renyi's Homemade Life and Death Talisman
Text 117. The Fat Man Who Destroyed CorpsesText 118. The whole of Tokyo will be uninhabitable! !The main text describes the progress of the revision, and by the way, list the timeline of the story (loyal book friends must come in and take a look.)Text 119. Restoration of Kyoto? rem out
Text 120. If Linger dies, I want all your relatives and friends to die.Text 121. Tengda Hard to CompensateBody 122. Onlookers watching the playText 123. Xiao Xun'er and the blood riot!
Text 124. Qianhua Forced to Change Her DestinyText 125. Watch My Hero King Punish Offal (Please Guarantee Monthly Pass)Text 126. Immortals fight! (Plus more guaranteed monthly pass!)Text 127. Is Qianhua's fate really doomed! No!
Text 128. Qingchen Suspected by Niu RenyiText 129. Gilgamesh: Kid killed him for me!Text 130. You run fast, don't you, look at me crippled your legs!Summary at the end of the volume, thank you all
Text 1. Where is Qingchen? Tell him where he is!Text 2. The resentful Niu Renyi; the mutated Qianhua!Text 3. Leaving Tokyo on footDo you want the third watch tomorrow? Ha ha
Text chapter blockedText 4. Only one voice is neededText 5. Captain Xiao Mo is still aliveText 6. If you don't use it, it will expire!
Body 7. Wake upMain text 8. Sakura's extremely difficult three daysText 9. Meeting of the National Security Group in KyotoMain body 10. Mao Lilan who rehabilitated Niu Renyi
Text 11. Xiao Mo's true whereaboutsText 12. Become a junior high school student, Comrade Xiao MoText 13. Mikoto RunawayBody 14. Finding Countermeasures
Body 15. The plan will be executed tonightText 16. Zhenbai's CompromiseText Water does not violate river water, so why do we suffer from each other?Text 17. Niu Renyi is not here at all!
Text 18. Mr. Pei who is also missingChapter 15 of the second volume of the main text has passed the review, please read it againText Created a group number see textText 19. Taking a dragon blood bath
Text 20. Yaochen finally appeared!Text 21. Cultivate the original fireText 22. Fatty and I only went out for seven or eight hoursThe text is sent out with emotion
Text 23. Tenda Group is recruitingText 24. The first person to take the initiative to contact: SakuraText 25. How can I get out of this mazeBody 26. Bad news from Tokyo
Text 27. When can our fat brother have girls to post?Text 28. Another template that cannot be installed has been extracted!Body 29. Lucar templateText 30. The Power of Omegalukal
Main body 31. Is Ignis strong or not?Main body 32. The magic of Magnolia ContinentMain body 33. A corpse of an eighth-level monster in exchange for a week of hard workBody 34. Ambition for Magic in the Magnolia Continent
Text 35. Xiao Xun'er for the Uesugi familyText 36. The Blood Race InvadesText 37. What else can I do... I can only continue to be reckless!Text 38. Fatty who wants to defy the sky
Text 39. Blood Jade WrenchBody 40. What is the price of letting me go out?Text 41. Xiao Xun'er in DangerBody 42. Niu Renyi, the Bold Niu Renyi
Text 43. Niu Renyi's self-confidence and miscalculation!Text 44. The Weird Black SwordText 45. Niu Renyi who disappeared againText 46. Niu Renyi Wakes Up Again
Text 47. The holy ancient blood clan who went to nmText 48. Niu Renyi: Fatty! ?Body 49. Huge hidden dangers of the body and countermeasuresBody 50. Planning and plotting
Text 51. This girl is Yukino! ?Text 52. Green Flame Upgrade!Text 53. The dragon family who wants to suck bloodText 54. Fatty Version
Text 55. The fat man who is determined to fight in order not to be ntrText 56. I don't want to be so handsomeText 57. The Wind of HazeText 58. Let him apologize
Text 59. Come and take a look at my jade token if you are capableText 60. Killing One as an Example to Hundreds (Part 1)Text 61. Killing One as an Example to Hundreds (Part 2)Text 62. Sakuragi Waterway
Text 63. Xiao Xun'er's HugText 64. It¡¯s not easy to be a master of time managementBody 65. Eruption of Mount FujiText 66. Evolved Pei Qian
Text 67. Give me the key and I will take you outText 69. Pei Qian Possessing the Ability of Monkey KingText 70. You want to go back to Nagoya for disaster reliefBody 71. Reaching agreement
Body 72. Different ways of disaster reliefText 73¡ª74. Hoshino Nanai who escapedText 75¡ª76. Scarlet giant dogText 77-78. Defeat and Misaka Mashiro
Text 78-79. Giant Beast CubText 79-80. Life Sharing ContractText 81-82. Volcanic eruptions increased the land area! ?Text 83. Yukino from the future
Text 84. Invitation from Ken UesugiText 85. Face-to-face conversation with Ken UesugiText 86. The hope of reviving the familyText 87. The Secret Treasure House of the Uesugi Family
Text 88. Time HouseText 89. No one can force me to do what I don¡¯t wantText 90. UntitledText 91. The young master will come back on his own initiative
Body 92. (Cursus)Main text 1. A special welcome backText Closing remarksText The weather is cold, please keep warm and wear a mask when traveling
Text Testimonials   
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