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Text Chapter 709: The Final Chapter of Beast Control

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    Is the universe conscious?

    Whether the will of the universe exists or not.

    ? Is it instinct, or is someone behind the scenes plotting the common people?

    This is a topic that has never changed since ancient times, and it is something that the strong of countless epochs want to understand.

    However, starting today, there is a conclusion to this issue for the time being.

    "Wake up, wake up."

    In addition, the will of the universe will also go into a deep sleep.

    In the dark, Shi Yu felt someone slapping his face, Shi Yu opened his eyes slightly, and found himself lying on the lap of a sword spirit with red hair and red pupils, and felt the familiar fluctuations, Shi Yu said: "  Red pupil

    "It seems to have succeeded." Shi Yu heaved a sigh of relief, and gradually regained consciousness

    It turns out that the will of the universe will also be tired and sleepy. Now, he is a brand new will of the universe

    "Is this the deepest part of the consciousness space?" Shi Yu stood up with difficulty, feeling his own infinite power, as if he could decide whether the universe would be born or died again with a single thought.

    This feeling excited Shi Yu, but what excited him the most was that he still pulled Chi Tong back

    "Chitong, how do you feel, are you okay.

    "Come on, let me see."

    "Don't be in a daze." Chi Tong urged Shi Yu: "The most important thing is not done yet, don't forget to restore the universe

    Chitong was tired, and it was right to follow Shi Yu, otherwise this guy would lose everything.

    "Yes. Repair the universe." Shi Yu was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly thought that the God of Destruction also cursed the parallel universe next door.

    After becoming the will of the universe, Shi Yu realized that the universe really has no consciousness.

    Those resistances can only be said to be a rule instinct.

    Only this instinctive universe can only be updated with @82ÖÐÎÄÍø in a short period of time!  The most brutal way, such as restarting, to fight some scars.  The timeline is stretched, and some specific races may be bred to save themselves, but this time is too long

    But now, after he has become the master of the universe, he can use some softer and more subtle ways to change some situations.

    "Let's come together." Shi Yu invited Chitong and said: "After all this is done, we will go back quietly and give Eleven them a surprise.

    "It should be, it's been a long time." "Okay~~"

    Milky Way.

    After a long absence, a young man wearing a panda suit and a small sword pendant around his neck appeared here. He had a strange expression just after he appeared in the starry sky.

    In the dark, I feel a familiar voice calling to myself.

    "Shi Yu save me¡ª_"

    The source of this voice is very far away, spanning countless time and space, but Shi Yu immediately recognized who the owner of the voice was.

    He coughed dryly, crossed over, and came outside the ruins of a certain era. He glanced across time and space, and looked inside


    All I saw was a big gray-faced cat trapped in the ruins, unable to get out no matter what.  Inside the ruins.

    The gem cat is a hate, why is she so bored to explore the ruins by herself, at this time, she is so ineffective every day, she probably can only wait until the baby ginseng finds out that she is missing, and then come to rescue herself  .

    Jewel Cat can be said to have wished all over the names of people who can save him.

    "Everyone is welcome, come and get one, it's been 100 years!!" Gemstone Cat is about to cry, but no one has noticed her for 100 years, it's abominable.

    "Teacher Ying, what do you think? You came to such a place alone." Shi Yu first smiled when he was outside, and then destroyed the ruins casually, allowing the jewel cat to come into contact with the outside world.

    at the same time.

    Feeling that the ruins are collapsing, and gradually becoming aware of the outside world, Jewel Cat was taken aback, eyes full of surprise.

    "This voice, Shi Yu?"

    She was extremely excited and unbelievable, and said: "Is it Shi Yu?

    "It's me." Shi Yu slowly landed in front of the jewel cat, and said, "Why didn't you call Eleven and them together to explore the ruins.

    "Wait a minute, you actually that is to say, you have become the maintainer of the universe?!!!" Gemstone cat was shocked and delighted with various emotions, and unexpectedly made a wish for a long time, and made a wish on the most unlikely person.

    "Jiu Mi!!" Seeing Teacher Baomao, the red pupil also changed into a bird, landed on Shi Yu's shoulder, and looked at her with joy.

    "Red pupils!!!¡ª¡ª" the gem cat girl cried, as if she saw her relatives.

    "Wow, you guys have been walking for a long time

    &?The figures of Shi Yu and Chi Tong were both shocked and delighted, with countless emotions brewing in their eyes.

    "Everyone, I'm back."

    "I'm finally back, I'm exhausted I've also worked hard for you.

    "Next, do you want to start a new journey? I have already thought about the content." Shi Yu looked at them with a smile.

    "!!!!" The beasts cheered loudly, of course!!!

    Some pets are inherently weak and unwilling to be ordinary.

    Some beasts are weak and have big dreams.

    Some pets break cognition and rebel against fate

    Some pets live and die for protection.

    Some beasts are pure and flawless, and they change because of themselves.

    Some pets, silently dedicated, should be the soul of the group¡¤¡¤

    Regardless of past and present lives, Shi Yu is a beast master, and Shi Yu also likes this profession very much.

    Therefore, if the epoch limit is broken and the other 10th epochs reappear in parallel time and space, Shi Yu has a new dream.

    It is to let the animal royal system flourish in every era, and hope that more people can find their own ties.

    As the maintainer of the universe,

    Open up a new era of the Great Universe Beast!

    Complete book
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