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Chapter 614: Breaking the God-level Limit

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    Shi Yu succeeded in hunting and killing the super god, and suddenly became a major event that attracted the attention of the kings of the whole world.

    Last year, during the Battle of Conferred Gods, Shi Yu's news attracted the attention of the entire King of the Realm.

    This year, during the Battle of the Conferred Gods, Shi Yu was supposed to leave the arena, but no one expected him to turn back.

    Make big news again, let all eyes stay on yourself.

    "How did it work"

    "Even if the Purifying Protoss is known as Tianke Abyss Race and can leapfrog the battle, but in such a short period of time, it has reached from quasi-god to

    Super god combat power is also too fantasy.  "

    "Could it be that Binos was weak and seriously injured for some special reason? Although the news said that Shi Yu was alone, but

    Don't forget, he alone represents more than a dozen monsters and beasts, if they cooperate with each other"

    "I've already figured it out, that Rin's luck was so good that it exploded, maybe Binos's army encountered

    Starry Sky Storm was picked up by Shi Yu and the others, but even so, it was still very strong.  "

    Compared with believing that Shi Yu can really leapfrog and kill super gods, people are still willing to make up some more storytelling experience

    calendar.  After all, Shi Yu directly killed Kagura Star in the Crimson Starfield, which sounds worse than Binos's army encountering a star storm.


    But no matter how much you argue, people can't get a definite message.

    Now people still want to know whether Shi Yu has obtained a new source of detachment, but it is a pity that in that battle, there is no

    There is redundant information circulating.

    Bing Ling only used this battle report to encourage the Environmental Protection Army after obtaining Shi Yu's consent.

    "This kid." In addition to the four holy super gods, the five blue star super gods also felt the same

    Outrageous, each feels incredible.

    It is unimaginable that Shi Yu, who was protected by them in the Conferred God War before, has surpassed them so quickly!

    Don't talk about strength, just talk about record, Shi Yu can beat Transcendence 2, there is no doubt that he has surpassed them by too much.

    After getting the source of pseudo-transcendence, the super god of the Dragon Clan who had just been promoted to Transcendence 2 looked at the Donghuang Realm in confusion


    ?Feeling that at my age, I have lived like a dog. This Donghuang lineage is too outrageous.  At this time, the suspension

    In the realm, Shi Yu was yawning, lying on an old rocking chair, leisurely.  Exposure of one's own record also represents

    The Environmental Protection Army should count their military exploits well.

    Sure enough, before Shi Yu took the initiative to investigate, Shi Yu's World Master Order shook.  After Shi Yu chooses to connect, then

    Bian was silent at first, and then an unfamiliar voice sounded.

    "Master Shi Yujie, I am the person in charge of the Central Realm¡¤Military Achievement Bureau, Feng Lan, during your service in the Environmental Protection Army, you actively

    Tired military exploits have been verified and logged in. Since the value is too large, I will discuss it with you personally

    catch.  "

    Shi Yu said: "Hello, Director Fenglan, may I ask if there are planets among the resources that can be exchanged for combat achievements?"

    Bar.  ""That's right.  "Feng Lan said: "Your combat achievements are enough to exchange for some rare planets, such as Lucky Star,

    Time and stars"

    Shi Yu said: "I want a lucky star and a time star at the same time. Is the combat merit enough?" Feng Lan said: "Maybe not so much."


    Shi Yu said: "Then you need a lucky star, and all the rest will be exchanged for the source of pseudo-transcendence."

    "Okay, I'll help you arrange it next."

    Shi Yu turned off the call, after much deliberation, he still decided to ask for a lucky star.

    First change the weapon for Rin.

    Although the space weapons on the battleship are good, when he adds Rin's space control to the (perfect

    +47), the advantage is not that great anymore, it is better to replace it as soon as possible.

    On the contrary, Shi Yu thinks that the more metaphysical things like luck, the better.

    Generally speaking, it is space attainments. In addition to space weapons and space control skills, there are many other improvements

    Channels, but on the contrary, there are very few ways to improve the luck attribute, and you can't miss any of them.

    As for the rest of the source of full exchange for pseudo-transcendence, it is because the source of pseudo-transcendence is a high-level general-purpose product in the super god class

    Coins are also very convenient if you want to exchange them for other things later. In addition, you can store them for future strengthening

    Veterinary use.

    Shi Yu also attaches great importance to the growth of his previous life, after allThe five super gods of the stars were also attracted by the movement of the suspended realm.

    When they saw the vision of the eleven heavens behind Shi Yu, they all showed surprised expressions to varying degrees.

    "Sorry to bother everyone, there was a little accident during the cultivation, it's not in the way, it's not in the way" At this time, Shi

    Yu laughed and scratched his head.

    "This is not an accident or accident. You have cultivated the eleventh heaven???" The dragon super god was shocked

    road.  "Damn it." Lin Feng is uneducated, what is this, the tenth heaven was cracked or some heaven gave birth "Isn't there only the tenth heaven at the god level?" Wudi, Nvdi, Longdi and others obviously said  already knew God

    A level of mystery.

    This boy Shi Yu is really unreasonable. Now they seem to understand why Shi Yu can leapfrog to defeat Chaoshen


    "Did you break the limit?" Lu Qingyi looked at Shi Yu with a smile, and quickly understood what was going on.

    Xing, it seems, is not a bad thing.

    "Could this be" The prophetic owl also pondered slightly.

    "Five seniors, the five great gods have a long history, do you know anything?" Emperor Kong asked the five super gods, although

    Although the comprehensive strength of the five major protoss is weak, but it can be passed on for so long and has been well-informed, it must not be him and Lin Fengneng

    Compared, the accumulated knowledge may not even be comparable to Blue Star Will and Shidi.

    ? Return to Unscientific Royal Beast

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    Chapter 614: Breaking the God-level Limit

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    "There are some records in the family, but not many, it seems that there are indeed legends that there are realms above the god-level tenth heaven,

    <a "Apricot"

    However, since the five great protoss are not dominated by humans, they don't know much about them.  "The Qilin clan is super divine.

    "Didn't Shidi also guess before that after the peak of the human god level, there will be a new level of god level."

    "This" Emperor Kong was speechless, of course he knew this, and he looked at Teacher Tuna.

    "Don't ask me, the astrologers went downhill tens of thousands of years ago and lost a lot of information." The owl lady shrugged.

    Shoulder, said: "However, based on what I have learned during this period, I can probably guess it."

    "Now that Susu is the God of Jiyuan, the feedback Shi Yu got from it must be very strong. Since the five great gods

    ?, there are related records, which means that there must be beast masters who have reached this level. As for why everyone

    It is rarely heard of, it may be because they have no special circumstances and are basically not born.  "

    "As a leader in the god class, you must be waiting for the source of transcendence that is born every 100,000 years."

    "Under normal circumstances, in order to preserve strength, it is definitely safer to sleep and seal oneself. Now it seems that, in addition to preserving strength and prolonging life, there may be another reason for sleeping and sealing oneself.

    "That is, to avoid the thunder disaster." The owl said: "After breaking through the limit of a certain realm, you may encounter the universe

    The backlash of will, being entangled by Lei Jie"

    "Based on the movement of the thunder calamity just now, Shi Yu can bear it, but if it's another beast master

    Even if the opponent has also cultivated the God of Era, it is not so easy to block it.  "

    The corner of Shi Yu's mouth twitched and said, "What do you mean, this thunder disaster will come again?"

    The owl blinked, and said: "I don't knowbut I will call my brother to help you predict it later."

    Shi Yu: ""


    From now on, I will be struck by lightning every day, who can stand it.

    From this point of view, the work of adding points to the 11th must also increase the schedule??

    Otherwise, it would be a big waste to block the lightning calamity, but if these calamity thunders can be fed to Shi Yi, it would not be a loss.

    It's up to you, Lightning Rod Feature Pika Bear
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