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Text Chapter 609: Vegetarian Duck Combination

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    Crimson Star Territory, beyond Kagura Star.

    Many deep life viciously attacked the pirate ducks of the Era Corps.

    Although it is also the life of Yuan, we are "of the same family", but the arrogant behavior of the pirate duck is tantamount to provoking their regular army.

    It is a large clan, because of the nature of pollution and transmission, the clan is spread all over the universe, and it is possible for some individuals to become pirates.

    , These regular troops really can't imagine why Zhou Hai, a miscellaneous group, has the guts to rob the Super Legion.


    Yaya stepped out of the battleship step by step on the starry sky, and there were circular dark ripples under his feet, and ripples appeared every step of the way. In the blink of an eye, he was above the starry sky and formed a confrontation with the Thousand Abyss army outside Lexing.


    With one step forward, the power of the super god is revealed.

    When Shi Yu's pets broke through half a year ago, their divine power levels were all at the top of the middle gods.

    And after half a year this year, it has almost been promoted to the advanced level of growth.

    The unreliable skill addition is simply the level of divine power piled up with various god-level cultivation resources and food prepared by participating in the baby.

    ?With the four relics of Chongchongshi's pioneering farming field, with the world of farming, Qianglian, Shiyu's pets eat a big meal that other gods don't know how long to eat every day.

    However, although the high-ranking god is not weak anymore, but now, on the opposite side of the abyss, he just wants to laugh.

    It's, you are a high-level god, even if you are placed on any mid-level planet, you are not the strongest, how dare this pirate duck.

    "The home I was looking for. In the Abyss Legion, a black fish with the appearance of a non-commissioned officer took a gun, directly ducked and fired a bullet.

    ?The water bomb is as fast as the light bomb, passing a line in the starry sky

    Lan, what is unbelievable is that this water bomb actually contains intensifying power.

    "It's really volume." In the battleship, the time shook, the dark group and the Environmental Protection Association faced each other. In order to understand the right of restraint, many purification masters of the ring society contracted pollution pets. In the Dark King Army, there is actually a non-polluting monster that has mastered it.  net force

    "That's a clean gun, the ultimate weapon of Bao's research. It was later mastered by the Dark King's Legion. The purification bomb fired can cause great harm to the top-level gods of the abyss-type creatures. It has a single effect and is basically the same."  Looking beyond the stars, he said nervously.

    "Don't worry, it's just the net power mastered by external forces." Shi Yu said.

    It is not enough to rely on this kind of hand to solve the strange duck like Yaya with two strengths of fellow practitioners.


    Purification strikes, the duck head slammed, and a condensed weapon was picked up in front of him!

    That's a blue gold one!  !

    "Duck!!" With a flick of the duck, the magic absorbed the purification directly between the water bombs, making the abyss army on the opposite side pale.

    "what is that!!

    "Modong, the dead guns have been absorbed??"

    "Duck! (Give it back to you!)" Yaya snapped again, the magic pestle was hit with a purification bomb, and it was sent back intact, even faster, and the black fish boy who fired the shot shrank back.

    Boom!  !  !

    "!!!" Its right shoulder was pierced by water droplets, and a huge force of transformation swept over its body, causing it to totter in the starry sky in pain, and the weapon in its hand fell into the starry sky.

    "Duck (Damn it, you dare to attack me.)", Duck, intending to give Tuan a gift.

    Holding the crouching pestle aloft, waved his eyes open, the top of the pestle began to condense an ever-increasing number of purification bombs, but this purification bomb was ridiculously large!  !

    In just a moment, the clean water like an asteroid spreads, and the light of gold purification shines like the sun.

    "Roar!!!!" Just seeing this ray of light, some soldiers of the Abyssal Legion were in great pain and mourned.

    "Then what!" Inside the ship, music was inconceivable, it was clearly the sea.

    Thief, what just broke out is the power of the abyss comparable to the high-level abyss, but at this moment, how can it emit such a cleansing power!  !

    She ignored it!

    But there is no doubt that ducks and ducks can resist thousands of depths with their own strength.

    At this time, the duck gently lowered the huge mercury star towards the god star, and then the mercury burst into countless light rains, and fell into the abyss itself!  !

    "Don't worry too much, just watch."

    "The opponent's super god let alone the opponent's super god, even Fang's perfect god, it seems that he doesn't take it seriously.  Let the duck accompany Fang. Yu smiled.

    Seeing that the duck is only advanced, but that is its own power, itself at this time it is martial!

    Yaya refined a neutral purification star, which was refined into a crouching pestle, which cooperated with his own Vajra crouching pestle skill.

    This star, Ben?, but at this time, I don¡¯t know, it¡¯s obvious that the pirates are in the group.

    There are no members, why did Shi Yu only let that slime go out alone.

    What's more, even the duck stealer just now is already in the battleship and has entered a state of recuperation.

    "Life can only be bottled when it is at its limit." Shi Yu said calmly, staring at the world, making Ling sluggish, and now use the abyss super god as a training?

    "Of course, in case of special circumstances, like now, assistance will be sent. First update @ÖØÁ¿Êé¸ó" Shi Yu.

    "My lord, late." In the middle of the star, Susu confronted Shenchao God and hundreds of millions of abyssal creatures, and fell into a big disadvantage.

    However, at that moment, the army of Binos was like a continuous stream, and a new abyss vortex appeared, and the god of perfection appeared here.

    This white giant looks like a combination of a bird and a giant dragon. Its whole body is covered with lightning-like white fur, and the light of thunder is blooming all over its body.

    "You go and kill it." Piss glanced at his powerful general, Bai Yuanlei, this is his subordinate, the only one who does not cultivate the power of the abyss, and is a subordinate of the perfect god.  This situation.

    To strengthen the starry sky contract, yes, the starry sky contract is limited, that is, it can only be used on specific lives.  , may not be much cheaper.

    The Deep Thunder Beast is a special existence it cultivated, possessing the strength of a god of beauty. Although it is not a god, it can definitely purify the protoss and pose a huge threat.

    Binos just wants to gain as soon as possible, and doesn't want to get too entangled. If it fights this purified protoss by itself, it may be an infinite protracted battle. Now, if it can gain as soon as possible, it can carve up the other domains.  loot.

    "My lord, leave it to me." The Baiyuan Thunder Beast locked its eyes on Su, opened its wings of thunder, and flew towards Susu.  the road.

    "Duck (Get out!)!!!

    The Yuan Beast was sent flying out, the light flickered deeply, and it saw the pure world that blocked itself.

    "Get in the way, sister, go here first." He took off all the blindfolds completely, and looked at the white beast quietly.

    "It's up to you? Thunder crackled and flashed from Bai Yuanlei's body again.

    "With me, the team is number one! The ducks are holding the fruit of counting time in each hand, like taking drugs, all of them are down.
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