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Text Chapter 593: Whistleblower King Tutu

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    "Brother, you don't know how hard your sister and I have been for so many years."

    In Shi Yu's world master secret realm, the owl teacher and the head of the astrology clan tearfully recalled the old days.

    Teacher Owl held a wine glass and talked about his difficulty.

    Shi Yu and Baoshimao were beside him, listening silently.

    "So, old lady, you really encountered an accident in the process of searching for the source of transcendence"

    "Then, I accidentally reincarnated into the home planet of the Shiyu Realm Lord"

    Following the Shiyu Realm Lord's research on the fruit of reincarnation and bringing it back to the permanent teleportation array, you can restore your memory and return to King of the Realm.

    The patriarch of the astrology clan said with emotion: "It's been difficult for you for so many years, but fortunately you died, otherwise I would not be able to be trained by the clan to become the patriarch.

    The Predictive Owl:

    "I'm sorry! Patriarch Tutu covered his mouth and said: "I'm getting used to my mouth, old lady, you know that I am the patriarch, but I can't compare with you.  If it wasn't for you, I would have died long ago. I'm glad you can come back!  This patriarch is yours from today on.

    "I don't want the patriarch and I have to prophesy for others, how tiring it is. Come on your own, you just need to give me the resources of the patriarch.

    Tutu Patriarch:

    Teacher Owl said: "But what I didn't expect, old lady, is that you have become so strong during the time I left." I remember that your predictive ability is obviously much weaker than mine!

    "Good brother, sister, I will depend on you for the rest of my life.

    Patriarch Tutu sighed: "After you disappeared, there was no successor in the Astrology Clan. I paid a lot of money to have the current strength, but fortunately, the current Astrology Clan is not only not down, but has grown very strong.

    "Thank you, Shi Yu, for your help to my sister. If there is anything in the future that needs the help of the astrologers, the astrologers are obliged.

    ?, The patriarch is very polite. Teacher Tuna is my very important mentor and has provided me with a lot of help on my growth path. I must thank her.  Shi Yu said.  Don't be polite, Tutu Shiyu is not bad, he is also a newcomer and just came to King of the World, see if there is anything we can do to help him.

    "The Master of Shiyu Realm is indeed something different from the general battle of the gods.

    It has been heard that the permanent teleportation array has not been taken down for many years.  Tutu Dao.

    It's better that from now on, the astrologers are friends of the Donghuang Realm, and we can perform unlimited predictions for the Shiyu Realm Lord for free!

    "It's too stingy. Teacher Owl said: "Brother, is there any quota for the Son of Prophecy in our clan?

    Tutu: The Son of Prophecy is a foreigner identified by the Astrology Clan who can lead the Astrology Clan to a more prosperous realm. He is the one who invests the most among the geniuses invested by the Astrology Clan.

    Old lady.  Patriarch Tutu looked at how the owl turned its elbow out as soon as it came back.

    This mattermay be difficult.  Patriarch Tutu said with a wry smile: "Old sister Shiyu Realm Master just offended a large number of Four Saint Evolvers a few days ago, and may even offend the Four Saint Family.

    "Although His Excellency Shi Yu is your friend and I am willing to help him, some elders in the clan will definitely be concerned about the possibility of making His Excellency Shi Yu the son of prophecy. Now I am also restricted everywhere in the clan.

    "But his potential is really good, isn't his performance in Conferred God Wars very good?

    Tutu said: "Old sister, 3000 years ago, there was a guy who won the first place in the Conferred God War just like His Excellency Shi Yu, and completed the championship challenge. This person was cultivated by our astrology clan. Even so, he failed to become an astrology clan.  son of prophecy.

    "Although Shi Yu's record is strong, it is not enough. Owl teacher has no choice but to understand that it is his younger brother who still looks down on Shi Yu.

    "What is the son of the prophecy, Mr. Tuna, the son of the prophecy, don't make things difficult for the Tutu patriarch. Shi Yu said: "If you meet again and talk about your own affairs, just leave me alone.

    "No. Teacher Owl said: "I'll tell you the truth, my brother, Shi Yu is fully qualified as the son of prophecy!

    Don't forget that in addition to his own potential, he also has a pet beast that is proficient in the power of luck.

    "Besides, he is also assisted by the heirs of the Star-Prayer Clan. If I'm not mistaken, there should be a legacy of the Star-Prayer Clan in our clan, and no one in the clan can fuse, but this guy has the power to fuse the Star-Prayer Clan.  Qualifications! Mr. Owl pointed to the eager catgirl next to her.

    Jewel Cat has been waiting a long time.

    "She is already the inheritor of the Star-Praying Clan. The power of praying for stars plus the power of astrology plus great luck, do you know what this means? Sister, I went out for a trip. Although the breakthrough was overturned, I also found a way to help the Astrology Clan reach its peak.  Opportunity!" "Inheritor of the Prayer Clan?  ??  At this time, Tutu, who hadn't paid attention to the cat girl, suddenly looked at the jewel cat.twitch I can still use you to assist me when I can hunt the super god level?

    Of course, the power that comes for nothing is not for nothing. The predictive power of the astrologers is indeed strong, and it will be more convenient to explore the ruins in the future.

    The most important thing is that this lucky star Shi Yu thinks it is pretty good.

    The words of the Death Star may be exchanged for Rin to let her refine them into star weapons through star refining.

    At that time, the increase in luck brought by Rin on the basis of the wind of blessing may be even more explosive. This is what Shi Yu needs

    "Is it all right to go to the void battlefield to hunt down a super god of a foreign race?" Shi Yu asked

    It seems that it is not a loss for the source of detachment + lucky star + astrology to seek refuge. It is a huge profit.

    yes.  Patriarch Tutu smiled and said: "With the ability of Your Excellency Shiyu, it might not be difficult. You have a contract to purify the protoss. When she trains her racial magic skills to the perfect level, Your Excellency will have the power to kill the super gods of the Abyss clan.

    I will consider it.  Shi Yu nodded.

    Then it's settled.  The head of the Tutu family said that her sister has been powerful since she was a child, and she is the chosen daughter. Tutu chose to believe in her sister once!

    Hello, friend of the Prayer Clan!  We astrologers have been on good terms with praying astrologers a long, long time ago.  Tutu then looked at Zigem Cat and said, "We do have a legacy of the Star-Prayer Clan in our clan, but unfortunately we haven't found anyone who can integrate it so far. If you are willing to establish an alliance with the Astrologer Clan, we can pass on the inheritance of the Star-Prayer Clan."  gift to you.

    "The so-called alliance is that when we need something, you have to assist the astrology clan with the power of your wish in exchange for us to help you when you need astrology.

    "In addition, we will do our best to help you find the remaining inheritance.

    "No problem! Maomao agreed at once. Now her power of wishing is strong enough. This is only one-seventh of the Prayer Clan inheritance. If she gets two-seventh inheritance, she will not be weaker than Shi Yu!

    "Okay! Patriarch Tutu said: "Are you satisfied with the result, old lady?

    "It's okay, it's okay. The prophetic owl nodded.

    "Then, old lady, you and this Ms. Ying will come back to the astrology clan with me as guests. Your delay in breaking through at the quasi-god level must be because you want to use the resources in the clan to lay a stronger foundation." Patriarch Tutu said.

    "Hey, I can't hide it from you, kid. The owl said: "Maomaoshi and I will take the inheritance of the Prayer Clan in Hui Clan!

    "Where am I?" Shi Yu asked.

    Tutu, the patriarch of the astrology clan, looked at Shi Yuli and said, "The Lord of Shi Yu, don't run around. The first meeting gave you a message. Someone will be against you soon, maybe it's an assassination."

    I don't want to be distracted to protect you, Donghuang Realm, there are many super gods and powerhouses, you'd better stay here safely.

    Shi Yu said speechlessly: "Okay, then go on your own."

    Soon the patriarch of the Astrology Clan left the Donghuang Realm with the owl and the gemstone cat. After they left, Lin Feng and Emperor Kong quickly came to Shi Yu to ask what was going on.

    "There is no situation where relatives meet.

    "Teacher Maomao followed the patriarch of the astrology tribe back and broke through. When they come back, they should already be at the god level and they are the strongest among the god level." Shi Yu said.

    I rely on.  Lin Feng enviously said: "This has a relationship with the astrologers?? Meow, I used to look for the astrologers to predict, let alone the patriarch. Even an elder can't find Shi Yu, what kind of shit luck are you.

    "If it can hug the thigh of the astrologers, then Donghuang will take off." This is the strongest predictive race in the universe.

    When will you introduce me.  Lin Feng expressed that he wanted to make friends with the head of the Astrology Clan.

    The astrologers should indeed be friends.  Emperor Kong also agreed.  "By the way, Shi Yu, when do you plan to go back to Blue Star.

    "Uh. Just now, the patriarch of the astrological clan helped me predict that I might encounter an assassination in the near future. I want to wait and see who assassinates me before going back.

    Emperor Kong, Lin Feng: Why are you so reckless.

    After that, Shi Yu really waited in the Donghuang Realm

    Until more than half a month later.

    Shi Yu Beast's four holy equipment is almost finished, and he himself has been asleep for more than half a month. Why hasn't the assassin come yet!

    When the Tutu patriarch said "immediately" refers to when.

    Not to mention assassins, Shi Yu could not even perceive a strong hostility in the entire Donghuang realm through the bantam cat.

    "Could it be that I have to leave the Donghuang Realm and leave the protection of the five super gods before the assassin will show up? Shi Yu sat up straight after waking up.

    Suddenly there is an urge to go out for a walk.

    However, a sudden thought of something made Shi Yu give up the idea of ??fishing by himself.

    Shi Yu hurriedly ran to the teleportation formation and planned to return to Blue Star. The senior Kongdi who is currently in charge of guarding the transmission formation was very puzzled and said: "Finally want to go back?

    Yes, it's almost a month, the new World Championship is about to start, I almost forgot that I still want to see the performance of the Wu Emperor, the Empress, and the Dragon Emperor seniors.

    And Senior Sister Lu!  "At present, it seems that other countries on the Blue Star and the surrounding totem countries don't know about their resurrection. Shi Yu smiled.

    He is more looking forward to what other countries will look like when they know the ancient legend of Donghuang after the emperor is resurrected.

    I don't know if there is a totem country. Remember the three of Emperor Wu, Empress, and Dragon Emperor!

    Also, although Xuejie Lu's daughter-in-law has not been resurrected, but who has accepted the inheritance of her daughter-in-law, who is stronger or weaker than the Three Emperors of Donghuang?  Shi Yu felt that it was time to cry when he met Donghuang other countries in this World Championship. He liked to watch others cry.Yes, it's almost a month away, and the new World Championship is about to start, I almost forgot that I still want to see the performance of the Wu Emperor, the Empress, and the Dragon Emperor.

    And Senior Sister Lu!  "At present, it seems that other countries on the Blue Star and the surrounding totem countries don't know about their resurrection. Shi Yu smiled.

    He is more looking forward to what other countries will look like when they know the ancient legend of Donghuang after the emperor is resurrected.

    I don't know if there is a totem country. Remember the three of Emperor Wu, Empress, and Dragon Emperor!

    Also, although Xuejie Lu's daughter-in-law has not been resurrected, but who has accepted the inheritance of her daughter-in-law, who is stronger or weaker than the Three Emperors of Donghuang?  Shi Yu felt that it was time to cry when he met Donghuang and other countries in this World Championship. He likes to watch others cry.
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