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Text Chapter 267: Participating in Baby's Spring

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    As the Ice Dragon Snow Mountain has completely turned into an Ice Fire Snow Mountain, the beast tide incident that has plagued Icefield City for thousands of years has finally been resolved from the root cause.

    Gao Xuan did not choose to stay longer in Icefield City.

    After completing his task, he took his leave and left.

    As far as he is concerned, choosing to stay and wait for the gratitude from the high-level officials in Icefield City is better than going back to the research institute to upgrade the machinery a few more times.

    Next, Principal Feng, Lu Qingyi and others did not choose to stay longer in Pingcheng.

    Only the locals in Icefield City were left to work on their own.

    And the Frost Dragon naturally followed Shi Yu.

    However, before going to Dragon Palace City, Ice Dragon has one very important thing to do.

    This is what Ice Dragon himself requested.

    It wants to know the historical situation of the outside world since it fell asleep and suppressed the Glacier Totem for more than two thousand years.

    Gao Xuan's ultimate holy dragon beast and the rose of the sun they fired really surprised the ice dragon.

    It is eager to know how much the outside world has changed at this time.

    In the end, this science popularization task was taken away by the jewel cat.

    Mainly to increase the relationship between sisters, nothing to do with anything else.

    Carrying a bunch of books and a mobile phone with a bunch of historical videos downloaded, Jewel Cat and Ice Dragon entered the Mu Huiyin ruins that came with Ice Dragon together, and started the drama-chasing journey of the twin house girls.

    Inside the Ice Dragon Ruins.

    From time to time, the shocked voice of the ice dragon can be heard.

    "Fuck, this Emperor Wu has something, he has developed the talent of fusion to such an extent?"

    "Others can only fit with one pet beast at the same time, how many can he fit with?"

    "The advantages of so many different races are inherited by one person, how did it lose to that meteorite?"

    "You said this empress is Mu Huiyin's younger sister?"

    "My God, can a mixed blood become the ruler of the ancient kingdom of Donghuang?"

    "Nine totem-level phoenix clans, awesome, what, the phoenix clan is dead?"

    "Fuck, this Dragon Emperor actually overthrew the previous Dragon God of Dragon Palace City together with the new Dragon God?"

    "What, is he just an ordinary enhancement talent?"

    "But the luck is against the sky. I fell off the cliff when I was young and got the dragon's mythical relic to recognize the owner? It's fake!"

    "Awesome, this Kongdi is so good, he actually built a space teleportation array covering the entire planet!"

    "Emperor Shi didn't even do it!"

    "This Lin Feng has become a legendary beast master at only 26 years old?"

    "Oh my god, he was blessed by the tree of the beginning of the world? I have heard that it is said that it is not the incarnation of the will of the planet."

    "It actually came into contact with the human race?"

    "Is the mechanical department invented by this big guy named Shenyuan?"

    "Ah, isn't it? What, the country with the condor as its totem? They broke away from the totem and built the country mechanically?"

    "Hurry up, hurry up, find more, don't just look at the history of Donghuang, I also want to read the history of other placesfor example, that damned dragon hunter"

    the outside world.

    Shi Yu was still meditating leisurely, accompanying Eleven and the others to train their will.

    He has already understood the history of the jewel cat and the ice dragon, and he is too lazy to review it with them again.

    The things recorded in this kind of textbook are too shallow, even in my own country, let alone the other six countries.

    If there is a chance, Shi Yu would like to blow up the relics of other countries and explore them himself.

    But right now it is still important to train pets.

    After a while.

    Needless to say, all kinds of extreme training by controlling the strength is really good for honing the will.

    It's only been less than half a month.

    The will of Chongchong, Shen Baobao, and Chitong have all been tempered to the second stage.

    According to the teaching success rate of super-level skills shown in the illustration book, Shi Yu divided the will of pet beasts into five stages.

    The first stage is the "extremely low" teaching success rate.

    The second stage is the "low" success rate.

    The third and fourth, naturally correspond to "medium" and "high".

    In short, although they are still far from the will of the overlord, Shi Yu is quite satisfied with the quick effect.

    ButControl was born in the dense sea of ??trees it created in an instant!


    At this time, Shen Baobao was immersed in the power of nature and was extremely excited.

    As expected of it


    The astonishing change in the power of nature naturally attracted the attention of Eleven, Chongchong, and Little Chitong who were training elsewhere.

    After a while, they arrived here at a very fast speed, and then they saw the baby ginseng in the sea of ??trees who looked like the god of nature, and fell into deep thought for an instant.




    Eleventh, Chongchong, and Chitong quickly looked at Shi Yu, suspecting that Shi Yu had made a fuss about Shen Baobao.

    Otherwise, why suddenly, Baby Shen became stronger again.

    It is obvious that it has just been strengthened through evolution and it is outrageous, but now it is an exaggeration.

    "Ah this."

    Shi Yu showed an innocent expression, don't blame him, it's purely the resources that Icefield City didn't give you.

    This pot has to be backed by the city of Icefield.

    At the same time, Shen Baobao, who stood in the sea of ??trees and controlled countless plants, opened his eyes.


    In human terms, it is almost impossible to suppress the power of breakthrough.

    Eleven, Chong Chong, Chi Tong:

    Hold on!

    Oh no, then release it and make more nutritious fruits!  !  !

    They approached the baby ginseng together.

    Shen Baobao:?  ?  ?

    Don't come here
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