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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Fantasy -> Unscientific Beast Tamer

Main text Chapter 211: The result of rewriting the pattern

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    Imperial Capital, National Exhibition Center.

    In the venue, there are more and more people.

    Before 8 o'clock in the morning, every area is almost full of people.

    At the same time, three people were seated at the judging table, which attracted a lot of attention.

    "It's Chairman Ye Hui"

    "Dr. Lukey"

    "And Dr. Tianxiu"

    "What a luxurious lineup of judges, I'm already getting nervous."

    There are many discussions below.

    At this time, a middle-aged man wearing a formal dress and holding a microphone walked up to the center of the venue.

    With a smile on his face, he first gave a dry cough, which attracted everyone's attention, and then he made a loud voice.

    "Hello, friends from all walks of life who have come from afar, welcome to the exhibition site of the Breeding Conference."

    "I am Deng Lin, the host of this breeding conference."

    The middle-aged man with short hair attracted everyone's attention through his voice.

    Deng Lin was also a well-known breeder. Unlike those breeders with special talent for controlling beasts, he got to this point with a solid foundation accumulated over time.

    After joining the Breeding Association, he became a representative of the Breeding Association to explain various breeding achievements to the outside world. Everyone is familiar with him.

    A certain seat, Shi Yu and the others also looked over.

    "Before the exhibition conference begins, please allow me to introduce the three judges of this breeding results exhibition conference."

    "They are respectively, the president of the Breeding Association, Master Ye Hui!"

    "Welcome everyone." The man in the gray suit who sat in the middle of the judging table smiled slightly.

    Applause continued below.

    Chairman Ye Hui is also considered a legend, and he sat in this position at a young age. Of course, this is also related to his possessing a heaven-defying talent for cultivating beasts, which was discovered and cultivated by the third round very early.

    "Emperor University, Ph.D. in Evolution, Dr. Lu Qi!"

    "Hello." On the judging stand, on the left side of President Ye Hui, an old man smiled slightly.

    Below, the breeding team of Imperial University seat applauded fiercely!

    This Ph.D. in evolution from Imperial University has so far researched the evolution plans of 27 pet beasts, ranging from extraordinary to kings, and there are even two evolutionary types of low-level overlord races!

    Except for the overlord race, all others are replicable to a certain extent. Moreover, the attributes of these beasts are not limited to the insect type. His status in the academic world is much higher than that of Dr. Zuo, and he is a senior figure of Dr. Zuo.

    "I don't know what Dr. Lu Qi thinks about the caterpillar cocoons." Next to Shi Yu, Dr. Zuo had an amused expression.

    For the sake of the soil of time, Shi Yu was extremely well prepared this time Even she was shocked by the content of the show.

    "Talent Group, Chief Breeding Doctor, Tian Xiu!"

    The last one, the old man on the right side of President Ye Hui, is a doctor representative of a consortium whose main commercial product is the operation of breeding results.

    "I am very happy to be the judge of this breeding conference."

    She laughed and said, her experience is also very legendary, most of the breeding products she developed are suitable for the grassroots, and it can be said that they are widely acclaimed among the beast masters.

    It is almost a beast of the Donghuang Beast Master, who has tried the nutritional products developed by her.

    Many display teams have no objection to these three judges for this breeding conference.

    The review method of this breeding conference is also very simple. Each review has 10 points of authority, and the total score is 30 points. The three reviewers will evaluate the results based on the applicability, popularity, and high potential of the breeding results.  .

    If a breeding result is very strong, strong enough to explode, but the cost is several hundred million, and it is difficult to replicate, and the scope of application is limited, then the overall score will not be very high.

    Unless, this product, like those totem-level taboo weapons, can greatly enhance the combat power of a country, then the popularity can be ignored, and the height alone is enough to crush the achievements of other teams  .

    The judging criteria for this conference is to look at the overall comprehensive impact of the breeding results on the Donghuang Beast Familiar Domain!

    "Keep everyone waiting for a long time."

    After the host Deng Lin talked about a bunch of review rules, the original intention of the breeding conference, and the future expectations for the breeding field, he finally got to the point. He looked at the big screen at the venue with a smile.

    "I think everyone has been looking forward to it for a long time, so next, let us invite the first display team."

    "From the Breeding Department of Imperial University, the tree fruit research team headed by Professor Fang Lin,??Is it the ancient capital university that has nothing but the Department of Archeology?

    This is a discovery that can rewrite the pattern of the Donghuang Beast Realm even more than the Battle Cry Fruit!

    At this time, many breeding teams are numb, first the Imperial University, then the Ancient Capital University, what do you tell the people behind to play.

    At the Office of Ancient Capital University, Principal Feng laughed out loud, scared, but, do you think this is over?

    Hua Chuanqi and Dr. Zuo also smiled.

    At this time, Shi Yu looked at the judging platform.

    At the judging stand, the three top breeding masters also fell into a storm of thinking at this time.

    If the cultivation cost given by Shi Yu is true, then this time, it is really an unparalleled discovery.

    Although it is not an innovative field, it is a huge innovation to the existing pattern!

    "This result I can give it full marks!"

    Although he is a Ph.D. from Imperial University, at this moment, Dr. Lu Qi is completely stunned. The so-called race levels of the caterpillar cocoon and the crystal butterfly are far from the evolutionary form of the evolution plan he researched.  However, at this moment, Dr. Lu Qi understood that his breeding results were nothing compared to this.

    This is what evolution should pursue, so that the most common pets can evolve into the most potential pets with the lowest threshold!

    Instead of holding a top-quality pet beast and spending huge amounts of money to evolve into a stronger pet beast!

    He looked at Shi Yu, this kind of achievement can be researched by a student?  ?

    No wonder Dr. Zuo and Hua Chuanqi were willing to assist him.

    However, he always felt that there was something he didn't realize.

    Dr. Tian Xiu next to him, because of this huge achievement, was also in a mess for a while. Someone really solved the biggest problem of ordinary people becoming professional beast masters by relying on the evolution of green cotton worms?

    At this time, Shi Yu said: "Thank you, Dr. Lu, but my presentation is not over yet."

    "This evolutionary form only shows the popularity and applicability."

    "It's far from being potential, Nian Jingdie is just an evolutionary form where the proficiency of the worm silk has reached the proficiency level. What if the worm silk is the perfect level of proficiency, or even the proficiency of the superb level?"

    Shi Yu opened his mouth and said, at this moment, everyone was startled again.

    The next moment, two caterpillar cocoons were teleported to the display stand by an unknown force.

    Still a caterpillar cocoon with big eyes!

    Shi Yu said: "Next, please look carefully."

    "The one on the left is a caterpillar cocoon with perfect-level proficiency."

    "The one on the right is a green chrysalis cocoon with superb proficiency worm silk."

    "Now, they are about to evolve one by one."

    After he finished speaking, Xia Qingwei, the breeder of the worm obstetrics department, took a deep breath, inhaled the sachet hanging around his neck, and pressed his left and right hands on the caterpillar cocoon, and the growth talent was activated!  !

    In less than a minute, the growth rate of these two caterpillar cocoons that had grown to the same size increased again!

    The next moment, the caterpillar cocoon of the perfect-level proficiency worm silk on the left is the first to burst out with the light of evolution!

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