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Text Chapter 56: Entering the Ruins

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    Icefield City, a valley on the outskirts of Pingcheng District.

    A heavy blockade has been established here, and there are beast-monitoring corps stationed here, and more than a dozen professional beast-monitors are stationed here, the purpose is to protect the entrance of the ruins that appear in the valley.

    Outside the silent valley, soldiers stood guard everywhere like towering and immovable rocks. They didn't look away until there was the sound of vehicles driving.

    After discovering that it was a vehicle sent by the Beastmaster Association, a non-commissioned officer gave the password:

    "Let go!"

    The next moment, the passageway was opened in the blocked place, and the vehicle in which Shi Yu and others were riding entered the valley smoothly.

    "It's here."

    After a bumpy ride, the people from the Beast Master Association finally arrived at their destination. In the car, Shi Yu looked out the window and felt that the environment was strange for a while.

    He has never been to this place, but judging from the surrounding environment, it seems to be pure natural, unlike Tianmang Mountain, which has no traces of artificial transformation.

    Places like this are often more dangerous.

    "I'm starting to look forward to it." Next to Shi Yu, the young doctor Qiao Liang was full of emotion.

    "Relic, I never thought I would have the opportunity to touch it."

    "I originally planned to be a drug seller for the rest of my life, but it seems that there is still a chance of luck"

    "If I haven't gained anything this time, I won't struggle to become a professional beast master anymore. I can just live with my girlfriend who is engaged at home."

    Qiao Liang glanced at the girlfriend's photo in the wallet, and asked Xiang Shiyu: "You must not have a date yet, right?"

    Well, after all, the body is so weak, which girl would like it?

    Shi Yu glanced at him and said, "Do you know what you are doing?"

    "In our hometown, your behavior is called stacking buffs."

    Generally, it is very difficult to go back alive safely.

    The show of affection was actually shown to him, don't you know that archaeologists are all group destruction engines?

    Shi Yu didn't expect this doctor to be more skilled than himself in setting flags!


    The doctor obviously realized that he had set up too many flags, so he couldn't help but feel guilty.

    Hey The Association has already confirmed that the ruins are not too dangerous, so it should be fine, right?  he thought.

    "But having said that, the form of the ruins this time has made those soldiers suffer a lot"

    He quickly changed the subject: "The Beast Guard Corps is strong in teamwork, but this time the ruins can only be explored independently, which greatly weakens their performance, and it's no wonder they couldn't conquer the ruins."

    The young doctor looked at the trainee soldiers of the Beast Familiar Corps who were standing guard and resting in the camp outside, and said: "Although they have good personal qualities in all aspects, they may not have the advantage over us in the cultivation of pet beasts."

    These days, the beast masters who go to the Beast Guard Corps are basically not in good condition at home.

    They contract the beasts issued by the association, receive unified training, and use a certain amount of resources. Perhaps they are very good in terms of teamwork, actual combat, will, and execution, but after all, the association can provide limited resources to the grassroots of the Corps.  Compared with a beast master who is willing to give a lot of krypton gold to pet animals, there will definitely be deficiencies in some aspects.

    Of course, it is not ruled out that some beast masters are rich and have received hard training in the barracks. Such a boss will indeed be very strong.

    However, such a person, going to the special elite training camp in the city, is unlikely to stay in a small flat city.

    If relying on the trainee beast masters of the Beast Master Corps to push the relics flat, the Pingcheng Beast Master Association will not place its hopes on these trainee beast masters selected from various fields in the future.

    "Perhaps" Shi Yu was interrupted immediately after speaking.

    "Okay, we've arrived at our destination, let's get off."

    After the car drove all the way outside the central area of ??the blockade, as the president on the car got up and spoke, the trainee beast masters on the car became restless.

    In order, the beast masters in the car started to get off.

    In the car just now, Chairman Feng introduced everyone the environment of the valley and the experience summed up by the soldiers of the Beast Familiar Corps when they entered the ruins.

    So when getting off the bus, everyone has already had a certain amount of psychological preparation.

    "so cold¡­¡­"

    Even so, the environment in the center of the valley still made many trainee beast masters tremble.

    It seems that there is no sunshine here, and it is full of cold fog.  The people who got out of the car only felt that their eyes were hazy.

    In this environment, it seems that onlyShi Yu's figure secretly thought in his heart.

    "This monster can definitely pass the third level." Jiang Rui and others from Zhushi Martial Arts also looked at Shi Yu's figure.

    It is said that the third trial of the ruins is an ice armor giant whose growth level is awakening level ten and whose race level is a low-ranking leader.

    The ice armor giant is an elemental supernatural creature with good strength, and several racial skills it possesses have reached the proficiency level.

    Although this kind of strength is not very strong for the new generation of geniuses in big cities, it is indeed a bit of pressure for trainee beast masters in small places like Pingcheng.


    After a while, someone registered and walked on top of the glowing stage map. Then, the figure blurred for a while, and this person disappeared in place.

    Shi Yu didn't waste too long, he registered and walked onto the stage, and he was in the middle of the six stone giant statues.

    After he stepped onto the stage, several eyes looked at him, including President Feng of the Pingcheng Association.

    "This person is the number one in Tianmang Mountain experience, and the iron-eating beast has proficiency-level hardening?"

    "That guy Lin Hongnian asked me to pay attention to him, saying that he would give me a certain surprise. I want to see what kind of surprise it will be."

    As Shi Yu's figure disappeared from the stage, Chairman Feng looked towards the direction of the snow-capped mountains. This year has been really eventful.

    There is a beast tide before, and there are relics behind, and I don't know if the two are connected

    This time, in addition to the 80 new explorers, the trainee beast master soldiers of the beast master corps who had entered before also entered again.

    The Beast Masters Association selected a group of people from them and focused on training them. Everyone's strength was temporarily improved.

    In order to explore the ruins this time, the Pingcheng Beast Masters Association has decided to spend a lot of money.

    at the same time.

    Stepping onto the stage, shrouded in light, Shi Yu decided to "enter the ruins" with his mind, only feeling his brain in a trance.

    In a trance, Shi Yu didn't know if he heard the new voice. In the next second, he seemed to have experienced the star shift and space transformation, and stepped into another space by himself.

    When Shi Yu opened his eyes, he was already on top of a vast white glacier, which was small in size and surrounded by space crystal walls.

    Before he could react, in the distance, countless ice elements gathered, and a giant-like creature was formed.

    : Froststone Giant


    : high and extraordinary

    : Ice Hammer, Cold Breath

    : A variant of the stone giant, a creature of ice and stone elements, the frozen arm hammer is extremely powerful, and the cold breath from the mouth can easily freeze everything.

    The first environment of the ruins is an ice field space, with only Shi Yu alone. Inside, there is a frost stone giant with a growth level of eight

    This is the first trial of the ruins.


    Beside Shi Yu, the Little Iron Beast walked out of the Beast Familiar Space with an excited expression and looked at the enemy.

    Roar of the Panda King: "Aww!!!"</div&gt
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