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Text Chapter Thirty-Three: Breaking the Rules

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    After Lu Qingyi finished talking about the three evolutionary routes, he waited for Shi Yu's choice. Anyway, Shi Yu couldn't have all of them at this time, because green cotton worms can only evolve into one kind of creature.

    "Ice Crystal Butterfly, Ghost Beauty Butterfly, Bright Goddess Butterfly"

    To be honest, Shi Yu thinks it's all right. After all, they are Commander-level creatures anyway. The growth limit of Commander-level creatures is much higher than that of Extraordinary-level creatures. If you can contract a Commander-level creature, as long as you can afford it,  Becoming a professional beast master is almost a sure thing.

    At this time, if you were any trainee beast master, you would have already excitedly chosen.

    However, after listening to it, Shi Yu didn't immediately choose one happily. It wasn't that he had difficulty choosing, but that he had heard a key message.

    If green cotton worms want to evolve into command-level organisms, apart from some necessary evolution materials, the proficiency of the worm silk only needs to be proficient?  He thought it was the lowest level of perfection.

    Is it too difficult to pursue perfect proficiency?

    So what if the pursuit of superb worm silk proficiency?

    When the time comes, will the 200% potential of the beast be stimulated

    "Are there any green cotton worms that mastered superb levels of silk before they evolved?" Shi Yu asked.

    Lu Qingyi said: "It's not impossible."

    "If you can find a secret place or a relic space suitable for the growth of green cotton worms, and cultivate them at a huge cost, you may be able to raise the proficiency of the worms to that level during its lifetime."

    "Or, wait until you grow to the legendary level, and then return to breed green cotton worms. With this method, let alone the cost-effectiveness, at least this green cotton worm will not survive that time."

    "These two methods are roughly the same. At present, there are not no successful cases in China. The green cotton worm has evolved into a king-level ice phoenix moth. Why, are you tempted?"

    Shi Yu smiled: "Just asking."

    Lu Qingyi said: "Don't be too greedy, if you plan to evolve, the higher the silkworm grade of the green cotton worm, the better."

    "The higher the level of worm silk, the greater the potential after successful evolution, but relatively, the evolution process is more difficult, and there will be a risk of failure to break the cocoon, so this is the reason why you don't have to deliberately pursue perfect proficiency."

    "Unless, you can guarantee that the evolution materials you use can 100% awaken the powerful new racial skills of green cotton worms during the evolution process, and this skill can 100% break through the cocoons."

    "But this kind of thingeven the top evolution planner cannot guarantee it."

    Shi Yu probably understood.

    The level of silkworm silkworms, the level of transformed cocoons, the difficulty of breaking cocoons, and the potential after evolution are all positively correlated.

    However, if you want to successfully break the cocoon, you need to successfully awaken a powerful new racial skill in the cocoon, and use this ability to break the cocoon.

    As for how to awaken new racial skills during the evolution process, it is necessary to provide suitable evolution materials for the green cotton worm before it turns into a cocoon.

    If the evolution materials provided are incorrect, the awakening skills will fail, and the cocoon breaking evolution will fail.

    After Shi Yu thought about it carefully, his heart moved.

    If the evolutionary mechanism of green cotton worm is like this, perhaps, he does not necessarily have to follow the known evolutionary route.

    Shi Yu looked at the green cotton worm in the birdcage, so if he taught it skills through the skill book before it turned into a cocoon, what would happen?

    In this way, you can use the pre-evolutionary skills to break the cocoon directly without taking the traditional evolution route. As long as the skill level is high enough, there will be no risk of failure to break the cocoon.

    At the same time, the worm silk level can also be piled up to the full level without any worries, so that the highest level worm cocoons can nourish the green cotton worms inside.

    This operation seems to work!

    Originally, Shi Yu thought that the commander-level creature was good, but now, he suddenly wanted to cultivate a new evolutionary form by himself.

    He can completely break the conventional evolution method and use an unscientific evolution method!

    Learn new skills before evolution + superb worm silk + evolution materials to determine attributes at will =?  ?  ?

    Shi Yu suddenly understood those researchers who like to study new evolutionary forms of green cotton worms. The lottery is really cool.

    He nodded and said: "Then I will choose the butterfly goddess of light."

    Although it is not necessary to evolve this, it is right to choose the most cherished one at present.

    He wants to refer to how the evolution materials of other evolution routes are matched.

    Lu Qingyi said: "Sure enough, the highest level is chosen But I just reminded that the evolution difficulty of the three of them is from easy to difficult, so you must be fully prepared.If you are fully prepared, let the blue cotton worm try to evolve.  "

    "It's trivial to waste precious evolutionary materials. If you fail to break the cocoon, your green cotton worm may be trapped in the cocoon."


    The evolution method may be Lu Qingyi's personal collection or harvest. She recorded the evolution method to Shi Yu on the spot, and the weight and grade of the materials were also marked very comprehensively.

    An evolutionary method that can cultivate the humiliating green cotton worms of the pet beast world to a high-level leader-level creature is of course valuable. It can completely create a family of beast masters, but Lu Qingyi casually told Shi Yu the method  .

    This also made Shi Yu more convinced that the eleven rounds that the opponent said might be really powerful, and that the legendary beast master bodyguard might really be able to arrange it in the future!

    : green cotton worm

    : Goddess Butterfly of Light

    : Worm silk skills above proficiency level

    : One immature heart of light (one year to three years), mature sun petals (ten pieces), fluorescent core (three), luminous fungi (50 grams), sun rock powder (a large amount), mature light containing  grass (lots)

    : After the growth level of green cotton worm reaches level 9, use 9:1 ratio of sun rock powder clear spring water to soak the grass as the main food, and the food soaking time is 1 hour until the growth level of green cotton worm reaches level 10.

    After the growth level of green cotton worm reaches level 10, eat one immature heart of light, ten pieces of mature sun petals, three fluorescent cores, and 50 grams of luminescent fungus within a day. After eating all of them, you can use the silk technology  cocoon.

    The evolution process takes about 30 days. If it goes well, the green cotton worm will awaken the skill rainbow light in the cocoon, and thus break out of the cocoon and evolve into a butterfly goddess of light.

    "This material"

    The heart of light is the name of a special fruit, the sun flower is a high-level spiritual plant, the fluorescent core is the energy crystallization of fluorescent insects, the luminescent fungus is the eukaryotic organism on the colorful light mushroom, the sun rock is a precious mineral, and the luminous grass is a precious spiritual plant  

    Just looking at the names, Shi Yu could already figure out that the price of this pile of materials would be very expensive, and he couldn't help but feel dizzy. If he had to buy all of them, would his 1000w be enough?  ?  ?

    Iron bamboo is so expensive as the cheapest material among the lowest-level first-level resources, and none of the materials in it are lower than third-level

    Chongchong, let's study a better evolutionary route by ourselves, high commander, it's too low!

    If you are not sure at that time, choose this spare tire!

    After handing over the green cotton worm's evolution method to Shi Yu, Lu Qingyi took his wind demon lion and left, leaving only Shi Yu, the iron-eating beast, and green cotton worm in the yard.

    Watching Lu Qingyi leave, Shi Yu sighed. He didn't know whether it was good or bad for him to join the eleventh round

    Although he verbally resisted his old profession, as Lu Qingyi said, if he really resisted from the bottom of his heart, he would not resonate with that stone statue.

    "Forget it, I don't think too much about it. In short, I will have money tomorrow, so I can squander a little today!"

    Shi Yu put away the evolution blueprint, and decided to buy a mobile phone first. He has been thinking about this thing for a long time, and now he can finally calm down.  </div&gt
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