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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Fantasy -> Unscientific Beast Tamer

Main Volume Chapter 26: Beast Tide

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    After a few people rested, they didn't rest for too long. Infected by Eleven, they decided to continue to catch ground mice for cultivation.

    For the sake of their future, they had no choice but to feel wronged.

    However, before they had time to leave, the loudspeaker of the village committee of Baixi Village suddenly sounded.

    The radio was so loud that Shi Yu and others who were far away from the village center could hear it clearly.

    At this time, when they heard the content of the broadcast, Shi Yu and the others changed their expressions.

    "Attention all villagers, all villagers please pay attention: the yellow warning signal of animal swarm is issued in the city, and the yellow warning signal of animal swarm is issued in the city."

    "Outside the city walls, there are already a certain scale of ferocious beasts gathering inward, and the scale has a tendency to escalate."

    "All departments and individuals are requested to make corresponding preparations according to the defense guidelines"

    "Damn it!"

    Surrounded by the sound, Chen Kai couldn't help venting his emotions, and Zhuang Yue and Yu Jingjing also showed blank and nervous expressions on their faces.

    Beast tide?

    Several people are no strangers to the word beast tide.

    Ten years ago, Pingcheng District was rebuilt because of a beast tide.

    At that time, although everyone was still young, it was impossible for this kind of thing to be unclear.

    The beast tide is coming again?  ?  ?

    "Oh no."

    When the four of them were in a daze, the uncle farmer who was patrolling the farmland came to them.

    "Children, today's situation is special, or you should go back first."

    "Uncle, what happened to the broadcast just now?" Shi Yu asked.

    "I don't know, but it should be that the animals on the snow mountain are restless again."

    "Yellow warning, it sounds quite serious. If the situation escalates, maybe we have to evacuate here."

    Uncle couldn't figure it out either, but judging from his expression, he didn't seem too flustered.

    At this time, Shi Yu also realized that it was indeed not the time to panic.

    Different from ten years ago, a high city wall has been built between Pingcheng District and the dozens of towns below and the snow-capped mountains.

    Inside and outside the city walls are the Beast Guarding Corps of the Beast Masters Association. They are the first line of defense against the beast tide.

    The so-called early warning is just to remind the residents of the surrounding villages and towns, it does not mean that there is real danger.

    If there is really a danger of breaking the city, it will not be as simple as a yellow disaster warning.

    "How about we go and have a look?" Chen Kai suggested.

    Icefield City is located on the edge of the border, and its subordinate Pingcheng and the towns around Pingcheng are next to snow-capped mountains full of ferocious beasts.

    This is why ten years ago only Pingcheng and the two surrounding districts and counties were the first to bear the brunt of the beast tide.

    "What are you looking at? At this time, there must be a cordon inside and outside the city wall. Didn't you cause trouble when you went there?" Zhuang Yue said.

    "Let's go back first." Shi Yu said.

    Although it feels like nothing will happen, but the atmosphere is tense at this time, it's better not to play hamster leisurely here and cause trouble for others.

    Whack-a-mole can come anytime, so after returning to the Beastmaster Association, it is more important to ask what is going on with the beast tide warning.

    The other three nodded, and now they don't have a strong desire to whack-a-mole. After packing up, they returned to Pingcheng quickly.

    Icefield City, Pingcheng District, Beast Masters Association.

    Several people finished the mission of whacking hamsters, and explained the early warning of Baixi Village to the staff at the front desk of the mission hall, and asked what was going on.


    The front desk staff shook his head and said, "I don't know too well."

    "But it seems that this is not the first time this month. The previous two times were blue warnings. Is it yellow this time?"

    For this answer, Shi Yu and the others seemed at a loss, which is equivalent to not saying anything

    Just as Chen Kai wanted to continue asking something, suddenly, someone called his name from afar.

    "Chen Kai, Zhuang Yue!"

    The sound came from a distance, making Chen Kai and Zhuang Yue's bodies tremble, and they turned their heads subconsciously.

    Shi Yu and Yu Jingjing also looked over, and found a loyal and honest beast master with glasses coming in at the door.

    The other party is only in his thirties, but his hair looks a little thinner, so he should be a strong man.

    "Teacher Zhang" Chen Kai and Zhuang Yue said.

    "Why are you here?"

    here??The sealed ice dragon turned into a spirit body, influencing those fierce beasts in the snow mountain. The power of the dragon caused the beasts to lose their minds and take revenge on the city.  "

    Shi Yu and the others looked in the direction of the snow mountain again.

    Ice dragon necromancer?

    It was the first time they had heard of it.

    Teacher Zhang pointed to a stone giant statue not far ahead, and said, "Did you see that?"

    "That is one of the ancient artifacts unearthed by archaeologists. It is said that the stone giant is the totem of that tribe."

    Chatting and chatting, they have come to a huge park.

    In the center of the park, there is a statue of a stone giant. The stone giant is an elemental extraordinary life, another kind of beast. It is placed here to increase the historical background of the Pingcheng Association and make it look more historical.

    "Which tribe was the one who used this thing to defeat the ice dragon?" Chen Kai looked at the stone statue. He didn't pay attention to it before. He thought it was a decoration, but he didn't expect it to be an antiquity from Icefield City.

    All of Shi Yu's eyes were on the stone giant statue, staring at it, Shi Yu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

    His brain roared violently, and his telepathic talent seemed to be passively effective, and he heard some strange sounds.

    "not like this¡­¡­"

    "not like this¡­¡­"

    This sudden voice shocked Shi Yu.

    However, when he looked left and right, he found that Mr. Zhang, Chen Kai and others were normal.

    Suppressing the shock in his heart, Shi Yu looked back at the stone statue, his face turned pale, please don't tell him that the voice came from this stone statue, do you want to become light too?

    This stone statue has no signs of life at all. Isn¡¯t telepathy only able to hear the voices of living beings? If the stone statue is abnormal, it will not be placed here!

    "It's not like this" Shi Yu could still hear the voice.
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