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Main Text Chapter 30 Yongping Eminent Monk

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    Yongping City, a land connected in all directions, has well-developed roads and countless merchants. It is close to Cangzhou in the north, Xishu in the south, the Central Plains in the east, and the Western Regions in the west.  It is a corridor passage. Because it is west of the Yellow River, it is also called the Hexi Corridor, and Yongping City was built in the narrow strip between the two mountains.

    As early as before the sixteen countries of the Western Regions surrendered to the Central Plains, Yongping City was still a military city, heavily guarded all year round, always on guard against foreign attacks. As early as eight hundred years ago, when the Daxiang Dynasty was at its peak, when  The Emperor Daxiang dreamed that the Jin people came from the west, and he was awakened that night. He immediately asked the ministers to come to interpret the dream, and it was the Buddha who entered the middle land.

    Calculated from this, it is only eight hundred years since Buddhism was introduced to the Central Plains. However, under the great admiration of Emperor Da Xiang, temples and Zen gardens were built all over the world soon, and Yongping City was built into a  After building a Buddhist city, there were countless pilgrims for a time, and there were also countless believers in Buddhism, until Huang Lan reached its peak when it was revived.

    Since the collapse of the Huanglan Mansion, the luck of Buddhism began to decline. Since the establishment of Qingcang, Emperor Taizu Zhou Xian didn't care much about Buddhism. He firmly believed in the Taoist school in the Central Plains, and secretly suppressed the children of Buddhism.  Yongping City was the first to bear the brunt, and the Qibao Liuli Pagoda, which symbolizes the holy place of Buddhism, was also looted by outsiders at that time.

    It happened that the sixteen countries in the Western Regions were killing each other, and the pure land of the Buddha Kingdom was no longer pure. The second Emperor Taizong of Qingcang sent heavy troops to suppress it at the right time, and killed countless local men. The vitality of the Western Regions was greatly injured, so he bowed his head to the Central Plains  Emperor Taizong was much more benevolent than Zhou Xian. He set up the Protectorate in the Western Regions, guarded by 20,000 elite soldiers all year round, and preserved the pure land of Buddhism in Yongping City, allowing it to develop. Yongping's heavy troops advanced hundreds of miles westward.  , guarding the Gobi Desert, and guarding the traffic arteries from the Western Regions to the east.

    However, under the benevolence of Emperor Qingcang Taizong, business travel began to meet with the Western Regions, and gradually more and more businessmen came in and out.  Town, as a resting place for merchants.

    Li Tang, who first came to Yongping City, immediately noticed the significant difference between this place and Jinyang. After leaving Cangzhou, it is not considered a border. The Western Regions are still stable under the leadership of the Central Plains royal family.  The sixteen countries in the Western Regions have always been in a state of respect for the Central Plains. Therefore, Yongping City is very prosperous because there is no military order such as curfew.

    Vendors setting up stalls, merchants coming and going, pedestrians in different costumes, guests coming from afar The street is bustling with people shouting and selling goods one after another. From time to time, a few monks with bamboo hats appear on the street, offering to passers-by and shopkeepers along the street.  For alms, occasionally there will be a few rich children in gorgeous clothes. When they see the monks and monks, they will salute.

    Yongping City is a holy land of Buddhism. There are countless temples of all sizes living on the north and south mountains of the city. They often come down the mountain to ask for alms from pilgrims. Occasionally, they will send some people to give porridge at the gate of the city to do good deeds, connecting Buddhism and all living beings.

    While Li Tang was wandering around Yongping City full of curiosity, a middle-aged monk suddenly appeared, surrounded by the crowd, slowly coming from west to east, people on the street ran over to watch in an instant, and there were government servants standing there  The onlookers were blocked on both sides, so that the order would not be disturbed by the crowds. The dealers watching the stalls also stood up and looked in that direction, as if some important person had come.

    Li Tang stood on the side of the road and followed the crowd. He gently tugged at the lapel of a believer in front of him, and asked softly: "Brother, who is this eminent monk here? Although I know that the people in Yongping City are sincere to the Buddha,  But what is the purpose of creating such a big battle?"

    The man looked back up and down at the young man who stopped him, smiled slightly, and said, "Brother is a newcomer to Yongping City, right?"

    "Yes, I'm new here today, and I'm not very clear about some rules in the city. If you offend me, please forgive my rudeness for the sake of the Buddha's radiance." Li Tang said respectfully.

    The man first made a Buddhist Shi Wuwei seal with his hands, and said "Amitabha", then he resumed his previous appearance, and continued to smile: "My brother is an outsider, so I don't know what happened in the city.  Yes, right now this eminent monk is the closed disciple of Master Chengyuan, who is known as the "Reclining Buddha", a divine monk in the Western Regions. His Dharma name is Huixian.  Everyone inside believes in Buddhism and has never had a double heart, so Yongping City is also called the Buddha City. There was no news about the eminent monk's visit to teach the Dharma this time, but it was leaked by a local monk occasionally talking  The whereabouts of Master Huixian, who came here today to speak out, was completely spontaneously welcomed by the masses, and there was no official organization."

    "I can't think of Yongping City.Then he stopped, and everyone in the audience held their breath, wanting to see what he was going to do.

    The scriptures that Master Huixian was chanting silently stopped suddenly. He first looked up and looked around, and then he looked for something in his cassock robe. After searching for something, he took out a small red sandalwood box from it, opened it  , a burst of fragrance wafted from it, and many people on the street raised their noses to smell it, wanting to get a little bit of Buddhism in this way, Master Huixian turned and walked towards Li Tang, and everyone gave way to supply  The master continued to move forward, but Li Tang stood still.

    It's not that he doesn't want to move, but he can't move. He vaguely feels that Master Huixian is coming towards him. From the few steps he saw Master Huixian walking towards this way just now, there seems to be something shining in his heart, like  It was like the soft radiance that bloomed from the Buddha treasure snatched from Yang Dalang last night, but it came from my heart.

    Sure enough, Master Huixian walked up to Li Tang, dipped his finger in the box lightly, and then put a red dot on Li Tang's forehead and eyebrows, and then he could see Master Huixian smiled at Li Tang knowingly  , turned around and left, leaving Li Tang who was stunned on the spot at a loss.

    The crowd gathered here in an uproar, and the person who was chatting with Li Tang just now pushed through the crowd quickly and came to him, shouting loudly: "Oh, brother, I don't see how you can be defeated by Master Huixian!"  I like it, and I also dotted the white hair between the eyebrows for you. What kind of great opportunity have you ever encountered, allowing the master to pick you out at a glance from the crowd of tens of thousands of people? Now, you are our Yongping City  I'm your celebrity, I didn't expect that I could talk to you so much, it's a great honor."

    Immediately afterwards, many people touched Li Tang's body, trying to gain some opportunities in this way. Li Tang was helpless, no matter where he squeezed, he would be surrounded by many people and couldn't get away. Countless hands appeared on his body.  , he shouted helplessly: "Line up! Line up! Damn, where are you going to touch it, bastard, who the hell is so shameless! Ah!"

    Li Tang, who was in pain from being touched, yelled violently, and circulated the vitality of his body to form a stellar energy, so that the people could approach him but couldn't touch him. Then his figure flashed, and he flew to the roof under the eyes of everyone.  It quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

    Li Tang did not escape very far. He stood on a high-chrome roof and continued to look at the crowds of people below.  Among them, I was chosen, and I was touched by people. I was dressed in a white robe, and there were already many black and gray paw prints on it, and there were a few palm prints dipped in oil paint, but there were relatively few, especially in that place.  There was even a big red slap mark, which made Li Tang angry and funny at the same time. When he first arrived, he was disturbed by the enthusiasm of Yongping City.

    Thinking about Master Huixian's actions just now, he took out the luminous Buddha relic from his arms, checked it with Qi machine, there was nothing suspicious, and then continued to look in the direction of the crowd.  Shenglian, gradually walking towards the north of the city.
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