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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Returned from Nine Hundred Levels

Text Chapter 411 Origin

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    There was a strange and awkward silence for a few seconds.

    The Blood Demons fled in all directions screaming like they had seen a ghost.

    Wang Wen watched Qi Linghu cast spells casually, and recalled the crimson substance that wrapped him like a living thing when they fought against each other.

    It's like waking up from a dream.

    He almost forgot that the seemingly harmless little fox in front of him was a big monster who killed people without blinking an eye!

    Do not mention or pay attention.

    Once mentioned, look carefully at the blood-red mist released by the blood demons. It is really a bit like the crimson substance released by the other party when they fought with the fox.

    It's just that the former is thin and the latter is sticky, the former is slow and heavy, and the latter is as agile as a living thing.

    It seems to be of the same origin but different levels.

    Wang Wen boldly analyzed: "Is it possible that the trick used by those guys below is the one you created?"

    Qi Linghu spread her hands, and the red mist that had just been taken back was floating in the palm of her hand, and now she had condensed it into a blood-red substance.

    She looked at the blood-red substance and said to Wang Wen: "Xianjia, it is true, it is the little fox's blood devouring technique, but they seem to have not cultivated enough, the activity is very weak and the power is very weak."

    Wang Wen didn't speak any more, but nodded thoughtfully.

    He still clearly remembers that the last "drug guide" that was missing when he created the fairy stone out of thin air was the magic power in this level.

    It stands to reason that one is a 500-level level and the other is a 200-level level. There are so many separate worlds between the two that should have no connection.

    As a result, the fairy stone used by the big demon in the 500th level can be driven by the magic power in the 200th level, and the attacking tricks of the blood demons in the 200th level have the same origin as the great monster in the 500th level  .

    There are so many inextricably linked back and forth.

    What exactly does it mean?

    Magic?  Mana?

    Wang Wen originally thought that he could synthesize so many kinds of power into a unified energy through the five breakthroughs.

    Now it seems that not all.

    True energy, spiritual power, magic power, mana power, divine power.

    These various energies that I have been exposed to so far seem to be unconnected, but in fact they are likely to be of the same essence, but they are divided into different levels.

    Wang Wen thought silently in her heart, chasing the fleeing blood demon clansmen all the way.

    He has experience in fighting.

    Just like a child who is beaten and cried will definitely run to find his parents.

    The little soldier will run to the master above when he is beaten and cried.

    In this way, it is easy to find the corresponding target by following the vines.

    as expected.

    Wang Wen easily followed the "crying soldier" to the base camp of this blood demon force.

    It is a heavily guarded stone castle not far away.

    The lights inside are brilliant.

    In the spacious and bright hall, there are many Gorefiends in different clothes but similar in appearance, eating, drinking and chatting lively.

    There were constant voices complimenting the fat red man on the main seat:

    "My lord, the collection is coming to an end and the remaining sporadic groups can't make a difference. This time it's really a success in one fell swoop. Finally, it's our turn to be the masters!"

    "The stubborn and pedantic lineage of the royal family should have been decided by the king a long time ago!"

    "As long as you pry open that chick's mouth to find the treasure hidden by the royal family, the royal family will officially bid farewell to the stage, and from then on this world will belong to the king!"

    The fat red man on the main seat laughed so hard that he couldn't see his eyes.

    Frequently toasted and poured wine on everyone.

    After drinking it, I spilled it on the stone ground after a few mouthfuls.

    Just when a large group of people were laughing and laughing, a "little soldier" ran in crying at the gate of the castle.

    Shouted loudly: "It's not good! The king is not good! The enemy is coming!"

    The people in the hall reprimanded unhappily: "Why are you panicking? Where is the enemy?"

    "Little soldier" turned around in astonishment and pointed to Wang Wen who walked in through the gate Shi Shiran.

    The people in the hall saw Wang Wenzhong's white and tender skin, pointed at the soldier angrily and cursed: "You are a mainland spy!"

    Xiao Bing quickly denied it.

    "Otherwise, how could they come here?" Everyone in the hall scolded him while putting on a fighting posture and waiting for the order from the red fat man.

    Xiaobing wanted to cry but said without tears, "No one can stop them who have fought all the way!"

    Everyone flocked to the side window to look out.

    ? Outside the stone castle, the guards are so heavily guarded that the ground isHow much red skin lay.

    It really came in openly and aboveboard.

    Not mixed with water at all.

    The red fat man on the main seat immediately changed his face, and directed his men to stop Wang Wen, and he led his people to hide behind.


    There are only five people!

    can enter the underground base camp so unscrupulously.

    Even the royal army was beaten to pieces, and he had just recruited the remnants, so how dare he confront the mainland head-on.

    Turning your head and running away is the most basic respect for life.


    He runs.

    The subordinates are not stupid, they all run with him.

    How can these rats who dare not even go to the ground to participate in the battle dare to stand up and resist the enemy?  One runs faster than the other.

    The one with thin body and long legs even jumped over the fat red man and ran to the front, making the fat red man scream in anger.

    Wang Wen, who had just entered the castle, saw a group of red-skinned people fleeing in a hurry. They were not as courageous as the guards, so they couldn't help being speechless.

    Too lazy to play hide-and-seek with each other in the winding castle.

    ?Wang Wen opened her hands, and the five elements of the manipulative power spread the energy finely, and spread out a huge plane horizontally and inserted it deeply into the wall of the entire castle.

    The next second.

    The castle was disconnected from the opening where the energy seeped in, and the entire building was lifted up.

    The lucky ones stand below the fracture and stare overhead with their mouths open.

    The unlucky man fell from the raised castle screaming.

    Some people who are fairly familiar with the mainland wailed in horror and despair: "Forbidden curse! This is definitely a forbidden curse! The person who came is Dabus, the top magician of the mainland!!"

    The sound at the scene was noisy, and the wailing sound could not be heard very far, but no one dared to run away no matter whether they heard it or not.  All the blood demons on the ground fell to the ground and begged Wang Wen for mercy.

    It was the first time that Wang Wen made such a big move, and it was a little inconvenient to carry the castle.

    He Zhu next to him walked out with great insight and asked who the leader of the Blood Demon Clan was.

    Many red skins stepped aside one after another.

    A fat red man prostrated on the ground not far away was clearly revealed.

    Seeing that his subordinates sold him so quickly, the red fat man gritted his teeth angrily, but at this moment he didn't care to deal with them, and said to He Embarrassed with sweat profusely: "Master, please forgive me, the previous battles were all about those of the royal family."  Idiots started it without authorization, we side branches have actually never agreed to go to war with the mainland, please believe that our blood demons will never set foot on the mainland again, and those stupid royal families have already been punished as they should!"

    He Embarrassed asked him instead of the boss: "Where are you imprisoning those royal families?"

    "Huh?" The fat man looked up in confusion.

    Relying on the fact that the boss of his family was showing off his might, He Zhuo kicked the fat red man when he went up, and shouted loudly: "Ask you, where are the royal family members locked up!"

    Not long.

    Wang Wen and the others followed the red fat man to the stone prison where the "remnants" of the royal family were held.

    Rows of neat stone cells were neatly built here, the doors were locked with iron-wood gates, and most of them were members of the royal family with high status.

    All of them were tortured and out of shape, and they were basically dying of weakness. It can be seen that the red fat man would not have left them alive if it hadn't been for the information he wanted.

    A separate cell in the deepest part of the stone prison holds the most important target.

    She was the only princess with pure blood left in the royal line of the Blood Demon Clan, and her situation was slightly better than those ordinary members outside.

    It's not that serious of weakness.

    Just missing most of the body.

    Wrapped like a silkworm chrysalis, she lay on the stone bed with a blank stare.
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