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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Returned from Nine Hundred Levels

Text Chapter 301 I guess it's annoying

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    Wang Wen even used the teleportation on the same floor to visit old friends Marchans and Old John.

    Knowing that the Gorefiends are making a comeback, the leader of the opponent even played the slogan of avenging his beloved son, causing the Gorefiend army to rush forward with a wave of mourning, and the Continental Allied Forces retreated steadily.

    Isn't this a coincidence?

    How come every time I come here, it is on the eve of the victory of the Blood Demons?

    Should I say lucky or unlucky?

    Wang Wen reckons that the Blood Demons also want to know the answer to this question.

    So he went to the front again.

    Go to the land that gave him his first hidden reward.

    No surprises.

    The great magician Dabs and his precious daughter Dilu are also here.

    It is always a joy to reunite old acquaintances.

    Even though the battle situation was poor, the coach still opened a bottle of wine to welcome Wang Wen to the front line again, and expressed his sincere thanks for his great help last time.

    Wang Wen likes to drink, and does not refuse all kinds of fine wines.

    I am drinking happily.

    The adjutants reported the defeat of the battle one by one.

    The coach was the first to plead guilty, and left the wine table solemnly to direct the battle.

    Afterwards, Dabus couldn't sit still, and told his daughter Dilu to drink with Wang Wen, and he got up and left his seat.

    A drink.

    The organizers are gone.

    What's the point of leaving a picture of a little girl?

    What's more, I have already looked at the details of the whole body.

    Wang Wen smacked her lips, put down the wine glass boredly, and asked Zhu Xingguo to put away all the good wine and dishes on the table so as not to waste them.

    Take it out and swear lightly.

    ? Energy consumption 24 per thousand.

    The customs clearance portal appears.

    The Continental Allied Forces stared blankly at the crimson crimson pieces on the main battlefield that were broken into powder and soaked into the ground and turned into nutrients.

    Once again, the Blood Demon army suffered heavy losses.

    Frightened by the huge loss, they fled back to the ground for decades, and they may not be able to recover.

    The leader of the Blood Demon Clan, who was reborn by the blood of the royal family, personally experienced a big defeat that Aiko suffered at the time. He couldn't find the person who destroyed the Blood Demon Army twice in succession when he was about to win, so he was punished by God.

    In the end, I was disheartened.

    Without the protection of his subordinates, he watched the Continental Allied Forces approach cautiously, and did not turn around and run away.

    After taking a last look at this continent with lush water and grass, he sighed for the crime of non-war.

    Self-destruct on the spot.

    Follow the flesh and blood of the Gorefiend army to disperse nutrients.

    It can be regarded as staying in the land that he misses so much.

    When the coach and the great magician returned to the wine table, Wang Wen and others were no longer visible.

    There is only Di Lu who is holding a wine glass in a daze, and the table is clean and even the tablecloth has disappeared.

    The great magician asked his daughter what had happened.

    Dilu said: "I only heard him say, 'All the blood demons who disturbed my drinking should die', and then they disappeared."

    The great magician and the coach looked at each other.

    A terrible guess surged in the hearts of the two of them.

    Could it be that the defeat of the Blood Demons this time was the work of those people again?

    Their strength is already so terrifying, don't they even need to go to the battlefield in person?

    3 o'clock in the morning on Sunday.

    The 300th floor of the World Tower.

    Cheng Queyi felt the surging vitality in his body, and felt that his whole body seemed to have evolved.

    She opened her big eyes and lowered her head to touch her body: "So this is what it feels like to be a boss on the third floor? I seem to have become a strong man? It's strange, nothing has changed."

    Raised his head and looked at the people around him: "I'm only on the 300th floor? Do you have to register with the security department when you get out of the tower?"

    Chen Hansheng and Mo Ran, who barely survived after a meal of wine, both turned their heads: "Don't look at me, I don't want to express any opinions on this tower climbing process."

    Zhu Xingguo glanced at Wang Wen who was interacting with the aircraft.

    Smiling and said to Cheng Queyi: "Looking at Master's posture, I guess you don't need to register with the security department anymore when you leave the tower."

    Cheng Queyi nodded thoughtfully.

    The tower floor needs to be registered when it reaches a certain height.

    But when you reach a certain height, you don't need to register.

    This is not a mathematical problem, but a philosophical problem.

    Wang Wen still chose the mental power specialization this time.?Added 0.1 unit to feel the amount of energy.

    Basically no change.

    He had to admit with regret that the rewards of the three hundred floors were almost useless to him now.

    This is the sequelae of excessive strength growth.

    Make some low-level world tower rewards lose their significance.


    This is a full three hundred floors!

    No more than one in ten thousand people in the world can enjoy this reward!

    Some climbers with a limit of 300 floors can already cheat, eat, drink, and shoot.

    Not to mention the bosses who are resident on the 300th floor.

    Every time you get a reward, you can increase it by 0.1, and ten times is equal to a whole unit. It is terrifying to add this kind of base.

    Although it is not as simple and fast as the power of the world's superposition and strengthening of all constitutions.

    But if you keep adding 300 every week, you can strengthen a certain specialization by five units for a year!  It is equivalent to strengthening the whole physique to the first level of world power without spending a penny!

    and so on.

    As long as this person has enough patience and longevity.

    It only takes 32 years to reach the fifth level of the power of the world's physical enhancement!

    64 years is the sixth level.

    Like Wang Wen's current seventh-level enhancement, if he keeps receiving 300 layers of rewards every week, it only takes 128 years to get it for free!


    A conclusion can be drawn from this.

    The slogan of those computer or mobile games in the world outside the tower that "as long as you have perseverance, you can still compete with gold players without spending a penny" is completely credible!

    !  !  !


    Wang Wen just received the 300-level reward a few times, and shamefully spent money to strengthen the whole physique to the seventh level.

    This makes the 300-floor reward extremely inconspicuous.

    If you want to rely on rewards to reach the eighth level, you need to collect them for 256 years, about 12,800 times.

    With this time, he made money from fighting in the square, and the krypton gold went up.

    How embarrassing.

    Around 3:50 a.m. on Sunday.

    The 350th floor of the World Tower.

    The same floor is sent to the special level of the cement sculpture.

    Wang Wen wants to see what else can be used as progress for the level that has been completed before.

    The result surprised him.

    There is simply no progress in this level!

    Again, like the 750th floor, after the main body of the progress disappears, it simply refuses to give the progress!

    Wang Wen frowned there in thought.

    Chen Hansheng felt his face heat up while looking at the familiar environment.

    If I remember correctly, this is the level where he was frightened to get out of the tower instantly.

    Unexpectedly, Wang Wen would bring everyone to this level again.

    Revisit the old place.

    This high-ranking helmsman who holds more than a dozen consortiums, industries and colleges, is somewhat embarrassed at the moment.

    He asked Wang Wen curiously: "Where are those cement statues before?"

    Wang Wen woke up from contemplation.

    Think about it.

    Supported everyone to "fly" to the mountain behind the teaching building.

    The place where the corpse is buried has been carefully repaired. The cemetery was poured with cement and the steps were specially pressed out with stone slabs to facilitate walking.

    Wang Wen pointed to the repaired cemetery and said to Chen Hansheng: "These are the few, they are the victims. The content of the progress last time was to help them avenge, and all those who participated in harming them are progress."

    Chen Hansheng nodded, walked to the tombstone, put his hands together and bowed in front of the tombstone.

    Zhu Xingguo had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and took a handful of long and thick incense sticks from it and handed them to him.

    Chen Hansheng took it in shock: "Why do you even have this thing??"

    Zhu Xingguo lit a match and sent it over, proudly saying: "I still have ingot candles, do you want it?"

    "Enough is enough, that's enough." Chen Hansheng lit the incense with a match, retreated with a look of shame, paid homage to the tombstone, and inserted the incense into the incense burner.

    Mo Ran looked around.

    Walking to Wang Wen's side, he frowned and said, "Is there something wrong? I don't seem to see the progress of this level?"

    Wang Min nodded.

    Explained: "The last time you were away was the time I took Zhou Shengsheng. It seems that the progress of this level will stop after finishing."

    "Then what should we do?" It was the first time Mo Ran heard the saying that the progress was lost.

    "Well, let me ask."

    Wang Wen turned her head and looked at the tombstone with a strange expression.


    It is estimated that apart from the blood demons, these cement sculptures are also quite annoying to me.

    He walked over, stretched out his foot and kicked the tombstone and asked, "Are you still alive, come out and talk?"

    </div>"Well, let me ask."

    Wang Wen turned her head and looked at the tombstone with a strange expression.


    It is estimated that apart from the blood demons, these cement sculptures are also quite annoying to me.

    He walked over, stretched out his foot and kicked the tombstone and asked, "Are you still alive, come out and talk?"

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