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The Last City Chapter Twelve Prisoners Under Siege (12)

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    Chen Qi exclaimed in a low voice in fright.

    "Who are you?"

    "Honey, you don't know me anymore?"

    Chen Qi was turned around by someone, and then the other party ambiguously whispered her heart into her ear. After listening to the other party's words, Chen Qi was relieved.

    Her power took effect.

    It turned out that the other party was her lover in this dungeon. As for the identity, it is not very clear at the moment.

    Chen Qi was embraced by the other party, her eyes flickered slightly, and she followed the other party's words: "I miss you too~"

    I don't know how useful her lover can be in this city.

    Try it out.

    Chen Qi pushed the other party away, and under the bewildered gaze of the other party, she said in a very aggrieved tone: "Today the orcs started attacking the city wall, and I was sent up there, it was so scary, I almost thought I couldn't watch anymore  it's your turn¡­¡­"

    When the man heard this, he immediately showed a very distressed expression.

    He solemnly assured Chen Qi: "Honey, don't worry, I picked you up today just to take you away, and you won't get involved in the defense of the city."

    "Follow me out of here."

    The man looked around and pulled Chen Qi away.


    And at the same time, in the city.

    At night, a black shadow shuttled through the alley, making almost no sound.

    The shadow is very cautious, avoiding those places that are still bright along the road, so as not to attract the attention of others.

    Finally he came to an inconspicuous room outside.

    In the shadows, the black shadow stopped at the door, looking around vigilantly.

    Seeing that there was nothing going on around, the black shadow squatted at the door and fiddled with it for a while.


    When the night was silent, there was a slight sound of the door lock opening, which sounded a bit obvious.

    In this regard, the black shadow turned around again, looked around very carefully, then gently pushed open the door, and entered the room.

    In the darkness, the black shadow cautiously groped forward. He was very familiar with the structure of this room. After entering, he walked through the living room and came to the study without stopping.

    Sombra even skillfully opened a drawer in the dark, took out a candle from it, and lit it.

    Suddenly, candlelight lit up in the study.

    The face of the black shadow was finally revealed at this time, it was a man, a young man with blond hair and blue eyes.

    The windows around the study room were closed, and the door outside was also closed by the young man. Only then did the blond young man let out a breath of stale air.

    "Finally came in smoothly"

    There was a heavy look on the young man's face, he didn't know what he thought of, and he suddenly showed a resentful expression.

    "They released so much evidence, but how could the leader betray humans? This must be a conspiracy by the City Lord's Mansion."

    "There is nothing good about that group of people."

    "Head, you must bless me and let me find useful evidence, you will definitely leave something behind, won't you?"

    After the young man murmured in a low voice, he began to search around in the study with the help of candlelight.

    First of all, those thick documents piled up on the desk.

    The young man searched carefully one by one, but he didn't find what he wanted until he finished the search.


    The young man couldn't help but put the candle on the desk, stood up, looked up and looked around carefully.

    This study room is not too big. When it was first built, the young man actually contributed. He deliberately opened up the side sleeper next to it, and combined it with the original study room to form the current relatively large study room.

    Of course, the young man's understanding of this study is limited to this, and he has not participated in the rest, so he is not very clear.

    Regarding the documents in the study of the leader, the young man really didn't know which ones were useful and which ones had already been processed.

    "I can't help it, I can only read it one by one"

    The most stupid way is actually the most effective way.

    The young man simply walked to the bookcase closest to the door and began to read one by one.

    Before he knew it, most of the candles on the desk had burned out, but the young man had searched through several bookcases in the study, and his expression became more serious.


    "The leader should put all the documents in the study, if??There should be documents for the contact with the orcs.  "

    "It should be in the study, it must have been taken away by those damn soldiers?"

    "Impossible, only people inside our organization know about it, and it is absolutely impossible for others to know about it."

    The question is why he searched all over the study and still couldn't find it.

    The young man looked at the desk again, and he found that the candle was almost burning to the end.

    "" The young man walked over.

    After the candle on the desk burns, the formed liquid flows around the table, and the outermost circle of liquid has solidified.


    The young man hurried to the back of the desk and cleaned up the candle residue that dripped on the desk.

    Those people don't know that the leader's home is here, but he is still cautious.


    The young man was tidying up, and suddenly bumped into a certain part behind the desk, and the loose cabinet made a crisp sound, which attracted the young man's attention.

    He subconsciously raised his leg and kicked again, and the desk made a continuous clanging sound.

    The whole dark brown desk looks like a whole at first glance, so the young man didn't realize that there is a movable cabinet behind the desk at first.

    It's a bit like a dark grid.

    The young man opened the loose cabinet, and there was a pile of documents inside.

    Seeing this, the young man couldn't help but reached out and took out these documents. After reading them, his face became more and more ugly.

    After a while, the young man slammed the documents shut, showing an extremely indignant expression.

    "It turned out to be like this"

    "Sure enough, things are not that simple, those hypocrites!"

    "Assemble! Assemble!"

    "Damn it, if you don't want to be dealt with by military law, get up immediately!"

    The loud and chaotic sounds of soldiers yelling and whipping woke Tang Jiumin instantly from his sleep. He opened his eyes and sat up.

    Almost at the same moment, Roberto also sat up from the opposite side.

    Go, go out and have a look?

    Robert Roth asked with his mouth.

    Tang Jiumin got up immediately and prepared to go out with a weapon in hand, so Roberto followed, and the two walked out of the tent together.

    Just met a soldier holding a long whip head-on, the other foot was stepping to the edge of the tent, and at this time, the other party was staring at the two of them.

    "You guys are honest, hurry up and gather, don't try to be lazy."


    Roberto was a little unhappy and wanted to speak, but Tang Jiumin secretly held him back.

    "Do not impulse."


    "What are you still doing in a daze, get out!"

    Tang Jiumin secretly pulled Robert Luot to leave, but the soldier looked at the backs of the two leaving coldly, and said coldly: "Sure enough, they are all sinners, stealing, cheating, and incompetent bastards."

    "Not fit to be a commoner. ?
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