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Text Chapter 249 Mothership restart

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    In the mountains at the end of the horizon outside Corning City, a huge mothership is parked in an underground base. The cold metallic luster makes people's hearts tremble, and people are all in awe of it.

    "Restart the mothership plan?"

    Some people's voices were trembling. Although the meaning of the existence of this base is to revolve around the mothership, activating it is of great importance. It must be the moment of life and death for the Sun family.

    There are core members of the Sun family who are on duty all year round. After getting the news, there is no hesitation, and the restart plan is implemented as soon as possible.

    Terrifying voices came out, especially in the main control room of the mothership. When the big screen turned on, all kinds of unknown information jumped wildly.

    "After the initial recovery, it started sending messages into deep space again, which made people feel scared!"

    An old man trembled and panicked, not knowing the final direction of the situation.

    Over the past hundred years, it is naturally not the first time that they have restarted the mothership and wanted to analyze various cutting-edge black technologies. There is no more heaven-defying existence than it.

    However, every time they are scared, will this mothership attract something from the unknown end of deep space?  This is the most fearful thing hidden in their hearts.

    Therefore, if it does not involve the life and death of the Sun family, they generally will not restart the mothership easily.

    The mothership's system made an icy voice, asking them, what needs its help?

    Sun Rongkun, one of the core figures of the Sun family, quickly said that the supernatural invaded, the immortals attacked, and the Sun family in Kangning City has reached a moment of life and death.

    "Liexian, is it comparable to an innate god-like creature?" The mothership analyzed and informed Shasha that the conventional energy is sufficient, but the foreign matter energy is lacking, which is not enough to support hunting god-level creatures.

    It explains that foreign matter is the general term for all energy substances related to the extraordinary and gods and demons.

    Sun Rongkun was shocked. He had never mentioned Lie Xian with the mothership in the past. It turns out that it also has various databases about extraordinary gods and demons. It is really scary. What kind of opponents did it face in the past?

    "Is there no way to deal with him?" Sun Rongkun was in a hurry, he was afraid that the Sun family's base camp would be completely destroyed.

    "After scanning, there are two weaker gods and demons in Corning City, both of which have been severely damaged" The mothership system made a sound.

    In its scan, Zhou Chong and Mr. Ghost barely belonged to the weakened species of gods and demons, but they are currently in an extremely weakened state, and the No. 5 robot in the ship can be used to protect the Sun family.

    There are teaching mechas in the mothership, as well as several robot-like bodies. It suggests activating robot No. 5, which consumes less foreign matter, and can barely unlock the second-level ability, and perhaps keep the Sun family.

    Then, the mothership stopped talking and just sent out signals crazily, sending various undecipherable messages to the unknown depths of the universe.

    The Sun family's scalp is numb, but they can't take care of it anymore. Quickly activate the No. 5 robot. Time waits for no one. If it is a step later, the Sun family's headquarters may be wiped out.

    Robot No. 5 was revived, with a cold metal body and smooth lines, full of artistic beauty. It is not particularly tall, but only over two meters.

    Soon, it understood Sun Rongkun's intentions, and the light in the eye sockets flickered violently, and then calmed down, like a somewhat cold human being, stepping out of the mothership.

    "If you have nothing to do, don't disturb me. I'm going to sleep again." The mothership spoke, and after sending the last set of messages, it turned off the screen actively.

    "Should be all right?" A middle-aged man whispered in the mothership.

    Mothership, from the moon outside the old earth.

    Back then, a total of five motherships were excavated and sailed to the new star. For more than a hundred years, it has also sent mysterious messages many times, but it has never received a response from the depths of the universe.

    The mothership is very humane, and once said a word: the chance is slim, and maybe it will never come back

    Sun's house, Zhou Chong grabbed the big silver clock and quickly retreated, wanting to leave the Sun's house temporarily, but in the process his danger was very scary.

    The sword light swept across, and the buildings of the Zhou family fell down, with flat sections, and the lethality was too great.  Except for the relatively calm area where the Zhanshen Banner was located, there were heavy casualties elsewhere.

    In an instant, more than 50 people died in the Sun family, including security personnel, domestic staff, collaterals, and core executives.

    Various energy cannons and other technological weapons were aimed at Zhou Chong, but the effect was not satisfactory. Even if the energy cannon scattered his bloody figure, he was able to reunite in the end.

    It's not that the technological weapons are weak, but that his bone is considered a fairy bone, and it is really abnormal.

    In addition, this is the base camp of the Sun family, and weapons that are too destructive cannot be "unlocked" here, otherwise, a group of high-level officials will follow??I was quite panicked.  I think that some top experts among the immortals are eyeing this place and intervening in the present world, and this place may become their dojo in the future.  "

    Zhou Chong didn't believe it, and said: "Nonsense, even the peerless immortals can't intervene like this out of thin air. Is there someone behind you, with accomplices?"

    At the same time, he returned to Sun's house again. First, he missed the golden bamboo slips and had to get them in his hands. If such a heaven-defying treasure was not taken away, he felt that he would regret Sansei III!

    Second, after he entered Sun's house, the warships in the sky did not dare to launch a devastating attack.  Of course, he also grasped the measure, and did not attack the Sun family this time.

    Mr. Ghost said eagerly: "I can swear that the curse oath held by practitioners has nothing to do with me. It should be arranged by other unknown and terrifying creatures."

    In the sky, robot No. 5 is suspended, scanning Zhou Chong, collecting data, and preparing to hunt gods and demons!

    In the hotel, Wang Xuan was moved. It is just a Sun family, but there are so many weird things, which is alarming and has to be taken seriously.

    From this point of view, is there any creature that is eyeing the secret vault and regards it as its own territory?  But why didn't he come out? He never showed up.

    Wang Xuan watched quietly. When the situation becomes clear, some things must be obtained today. If you miss it, if you are taken away by Lie Xian, you will probably have no chance in the future.
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