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Main Text Final Chapter 88 Or the Remnant of Returning to Trueness Begins to Appear

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    "There are 18 sword scriptures, several of which involve a sword in the 6-break domain. This level can only be understood, not explained in words. However, I can show you."

    Wang Xuan and Jiang Qingyao were practicing swords in the clouds. At this time, he was extremely serious, with 15 strange colors flowing around his body, and his right hand pointed to the sky, instantly setting up a big curtain.

    In the true meaning of "Mutian" in the Lu-breaking domain, this place is a world of its own, and even the rules of Taoism can be reshaped by him. Otherwise, even if the sword scriptures beyond the normal range appear in the mist, the deepest  The subtle principles of levels are also vague and cannot be displayed.

    Wang Xuan has no weapons now, and he does not plan to sacrifice his own sacred objects in the future. He pointed like a sword, and lightly slashed across the void, immediately accompanied by the flow of the sea of ??time.  The sword is now.

    All kinds of changes, endless royal runes, flowing out at the same time, blooming in 15 colors of strange lights, and finally presented in the "big curtain" in detail.

    He was giving a speech, splitting up the sword scriptures in the 6-broken domain, and showing Jiang Qingyao all the details, which involved the most original secrets.

    This is just one of the sword scriptures, and there are still a stack of scriptures waiting for him to analyze and interpret.

    Sword Fairy's complexion was extremely dignified, and instead of being lively and playful, her spirituality was all concentrated in her comprehension of the way of swordsmanship, and she swung the sword along with Wang Xuan to observe the most original truth.

    "This sword will have the momentum to lead thousands of people to me, even if a group of true saints block the way, it will be destroyed with one sword. The way of opening should be like this." Wang Xuan corrected her a little, let  She raised her slender hand holding the sword slightly, and the sword crossed the sky, showing a more confident aura.

    Then, he continued to explain the law, give lectures, and show all kinds of sword scriptures for the sword fairy.

    Undoubtedly, even though he used a big screen to reshape a new world, such Lu Po Jian Jing still changes in many ways, and it is so complicated that there are one tangible trajectory after another.

    Jiang Qingyao's talent in the way of swords is indeed extremely high, but now, it also feels a bit big as a bucket, and the sword scriptures in Lu Po domain are mysterious and mysterious.

    She was extremely devoted to learning swords, and she had reached this level. She even stared at the Supreme Sword Field without blinking her eyes. In the end, she was so ethereal that she practiced until she was a little dazed.

    "It's so difficult. I feel like my mind has turned into a sword light. There are criss-crossing swords everywhere in my mind, and my head is about to be blown off."

    Wang Xuan reassured her that her realm was still low, and when the texture of the royal way was all over the body and soul, it would be much better to observe this scripture again.

    "Didn't I give you the local products from the other side? Use the secret stone fragments to raise your level quickly."

    "Oh, let me think about it again, how did the sword change just now." Jiang Qingyao had such a cute look.

    Wang Xuan felt that this scripture was interpreted to her too early, she was trapped in that world, and she couldn't extricate herself, so she had to be awakened.

    The big and small sword fairies of the past have long since merged into one, as if they have combined the characteristics of the two, with both the ethereal spirit of a girl and the pure charm of little Jiang Qingyao.

    Generally speaking, she still retains a bit of natural cuteness in the detached world.

    "Wake up." Wang Xuan couldn't hold back, just like pinching Fairy Xiaojian's fleshy little face in the past, it felt good to wake her up, just like in the past.

    "Try the sword!" The sword fairy's white face slightly urged a sword wheel to cover it.

    "Old Zhang, what kind of path do you want to take?" Wang Xuan drank tea with Zhang Jiaoji, and then asked him to look up at the sky.  I want to take a walk in the world of mortals, I want to set up a small religion, and I want to re-tread on the road I gave up in the past."

    "When are you leaving?"

    "I have to become a different person anyway, otherwise I'm afraid that I will die on the road for no reason. For example, what if I meet a monster who is as careless as you, just take a look and slap me, what should I do?"

    "Bring a prohibited item for self-defense. Rao locks the Holy Knife, and this black stick is also good. You can choose it yourself." For the fourth time, Wang Xuan went to the car with his nephew Wang Dao to beat him.  , feel refreshed after coming out, want to lie flat?  Then teach him to lie in a dark prison every day.

    "Seniors, I want to retreat, all of you

    Don't bother me anymore, I want to be enlightened for 500 years!  "Wang Dao shouted hoarsely, since Huaguo said something, now a group of people take turns to beat him every day.

    Wang Xuan ignored him. After he came out of the prison, he saw Fu Dao Niu who was staring at him and immediately understood. He helped him reshape his muscles and bones in the dojo and selected two scriptures from the period of the giant beast dynasty for him.

    He is really busy, running in the Huaguo Mountain, the Demon Court, and the sea of ??stars in this world. For example, as a true saint now, he is willing to be a training partner, ???Yuan Era.  "

    It's outrageous, the old center, that tortoise is much calmer than Wudong Zhensheng, it hasn't happened yet, it's on the road!

    After a busy meal, Wang Xuan finally met the group of people closest to him.

    As for the group of ancient brothers from the Jedi, as well as migrant workers, etc., there is no rush at present.

    Shou asked for two real scriptures from Huntian, but to Wang Xuan, even the supreme scriptures are of little significance. He already has no shortage of classics, unless it involves multiple 6-breaking secret scriptures.

    Shou was deeply touched by this, and even he has been reading the scriptures brought back by Wang Xuan recently.

    "After a while, there will be a high-end meeting at the level of a true saint. Do you want to go?" Shou told Wang Xuan.  , or to guard against death.

    Because, according to Yunling, Huntian and others who are the No. 2 extraordinary source 6-breakers, No. 3 source has merged with the wonders of returning to the true for many years, and there is a high probability that a superpower with a second 6-break will be born.

    "Is there really a master at that level?" Wang Xuan became serious after hearing this.

    The self-locking monsters from the extraordinary source, have such series of powerhouses appeared in this world?

    Shoukou said: "In the past, when the No. 2 source was hunted down, a group of people who were in charge of breaking the back were not dead. Among them, the 6 breakers returned and said that when they were fighting near the No. 3 source, they felt close.  Higher realm beings are recovering."

    Looking at it this way, the No. 2 Transcendent Source has 6 undead survivors who have returned, and are now stronger than ours.

    Wang Xuan found that when the three original heads merged, it was their side that became weaker.

    He misses Ma, Dao, Wu et al. He misses his parents a lot. This Guanren really shouldn't leave. Where is he now?

    After thinking about it, Shou said, "The so-called beings in No. 3 Transcendent Source who have broken through the two great realms may not necessarily be from their native land. According to the news you brought back, I think it may also be the ghosts and ghosts on the way to return to the true world!"  "

    "Hiss, if this is the case, the problem will be much more serious." Wang Xuan frowned deeply.

    He said to himself: "Brother Ji, they shouldn't be leaving. Now the No. 1 supernatural source is actually the weakest. Moreover, the six supernatural sources may be fully integrated into one in the future, and there will be unlimited room for imagination."

    On the same day, Wang Xuan took out the stone slab, the eternal silence was over, and he was going to see the woman inside.

    "I don't know if it would be too risky to return another slate that seals the essence of her flesh and blood to her, and how strong she will be? Well, take it easy."

    Wang Xuan didn't want to compete with her in a stronger state after he was promoted to the realm of true saints. Of course, the most important thing was to let her fuse and wake up more memories. He wanted to know the secret of Guizhen.

    But in the end, he took out the stone lamp first and entered the road of returning to the true world, wanting to see what was going on there first.

    The lamp man was still very warm, and Wang Xuan couldn't bear his enthusiasm.

    He hurried into the secret road and called Gou Sheng, the Spirit Statue, Bai Li and others.

    Chong He Huo appeared first, telling him an important news, the broken road to return to the truth is slowly expanding, and there is a possibility of continuing after a long time!

    "Indeed, now I

    All of them responded to their calls to the front, and they could exchange a few simple words with each other.  " Bai Li said.

    "The Land of Guizhen may reappear!" Gou Sheng was very excited.

    The metal body shook his head with immortal energy, and said: "You are too optimistic, I don't know how many years it will take, maybe even a few centuries."

    ? Can you shout to the front, and relay it to the distance?

    Wang Xuanlai said energetically, "Speak up for me."

    "What message do you want to convey?"

    "Let me think about it, well, let's call it like this, Ma, Wu, Dao, Xiu'er, the king calls you home, the situation here is very good, the lights are bright."

    In fact, he wants to call his parents and elder brother more, but he is afraid that after calling out words like father and mother, he will be taken advantage of by all kinds of ghosts and ghosts on the road to the truth.
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