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holy sword

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category Proseauthor CuiMengZistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 637290 Wordslatest update 2023-09-04
total hits 27Month hits 0Week hits 0
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holy swordBrief introduction:

Provide free full-text reading service of the latest chapter of "Holy Sword" by the author (Quen Mengzi). This site is updated in a timely manner and has no pop-up advertisements.  The Chuangshi God created the twin brothers of light and darkness. Since then, there have been quarrels and wars in the world, and the peace of the past has been lost... After the war between gods and demons, the entire human race split into the Shengyuan Empire that believed in the King of Light, and the Empire that believed in Darkness.  There are two camps with distinct barriers in the Demon King's Mowu Continent, and the war continues... In order to ensure that the human beings who believe in themselves will not be destroyed by the humans who believe in the Dark Demon King, the Light God King melted it into a holy sword with supreme divine power and granted it  An outstanding human being was appointed, and he was ordered to take on the responsibility of protecting the people of light.  Since then, the holy sword has been handed down from generation to generation in the world,

      Keywords:holy sword CuiMengZi holy swordRead the full text holy swordTXT download

      holy swordlatest chapter:Chapter 141 Rebellion

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